July/August 2016 
Check out to register for our Speaker Series and see
what's coming next!  September 20 th meet Zenefits CEO David Sacks, Peter Lee from Covered CA and Janet Trautwien from NAHU! #SVAHUSpeakerSeries #InsureTech
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Board of Directors

John Bobincheck
Susy Spackman
Lanea Riley
Karen Grogg
Yolanda Safari 
Mika Clauson 
Prof. Dev.
Claire Felizardo
Yolanda Safari
Susan Spackman
Brian Sullivan
Tracy Lewis
Member At Large
Michael Lujan
Past President
Michael Traynor
For Board contact information, please visit
Progress and Programs Ahead for this Year at SVAHU
By John Bobincheck, SVAHU President
In our recent strategic planning session your new SVAHU Board met, and caffeine-fueled we set our direction for the 2016-2017 year.  The focus will be on three themes: Sales, Insurance and Technology with at least one theme featured each meeting.  The three letter acronyms 'SIT' wasn't terribly awe inspiring, so in a stroke of genius our new Communications Chair, Lanea Riley and the team settled on calling the program "The SVAHU Speaker Series"  We were off and running!

Next month will host a major event with three very compelling speakers; Janet Troutwein from NAHU Washington DC will give us the update from the national perspective, Peter Lee, from Covered California, will give us the latest news about the Exchange and SHOP programs, and finally, we will hear from David Sacks, CEO of Zenefits.  It's no surprise that a company that aimed so high had a few hiccups and David will talk through what they've learned, getting back on track and what the future will hold.  We'll all remember to keep the Q&A respectful and on point! 

In October we will focus on Sales and Technology with a Social Networking workshop. You are invited to meet Sandy Jones-Kaminsky from BellaDomain. She will walk us through how to use LinkedIn and Twitter to manage and promote an online presence for business. This is no lecture - bring your laptop or tablet so you can apply what you learn in real time!

I'm really excited about the year and honored to have an amazing Board to continue helping SVAHU be a great resource for all of our members.  I'd especially like to thank last year's board who did so much with special attention to a couple of board members who have graciously stepped aside to allow others a turn.  A big thank you to Catrina Reyes for her work as Legislative Chair and Michael Traynor as President.  They both did yeoman's duty for several years and we appreciate their efforts.  Sometimes the hardest work is the volunteer job, and you both did it very well.  Finally I want to give a shout out to those who have stayed on the board through the transition while I scramble to fill Michael's able shoes... Tracey, Susy, Mika, and Brian - your experience and wisdom are valuable and I thank you for helping out for " more year!"

Now, for those who are returning, and our new recruits, the year is just beginning and we have a lot to do!
SVAHU Launches 2016 - 2017 Year with Region Wide Summit
-By Michael Traynor, SVAHU Immediate Past President

photo taken by Philip W. Lee
According to Kaiser Family Foundation there are over 5.5 million Medicare beneficiaries in California.  More than any other state, up by 15% from five years ago and projected to grow even faster over the next five years.  Silicon Valley Association of Health Underwriters recently joined forces with the Sacramento and Golden Gate chapters for a day-long event dedicated to the topic of Medicare. 

Whether agents were already in this market or those just entering the growing segment, NAHU equips you with the tools you need.   This year's event focused on new products, CMS rulings and how the Medicare agent can educate clients on new regulations. The role of the agent and how important the agent is in the initial enrollment and ongoing service to the seniors were also covered.

photo taken by Philip W. Lee

A line up of subject matter experts was presented throughout the day, including a carrier panel and CE credits.  Moderator Don Goldman, NAHU president, shared the successful practices he's picked up during his year as national association leader connecting with brokers across the country.  The Summit, held in Walnut Creek, a strategic location central to brokers from all over Northern California, was attended by 130 brokers and industry members.

In the past year SVAHU events have covered technology, trends in employment, legislative and regulatory issues and Covered California for individuals and groups.  SVAHU will continue to develop programs and events that are intended to meet your expanding interests and issues concerning your clients. If there's a topic you find interesting and think that others will too, please feel free to contact your board with a recommendation.  Please contact the board with ideas, suggestions and wishes at SVAHU is your chapter and here to support your professional objectives. 

Your 2016-2017 SVAHU Board of Directors
Announcing the Silicon Valley Association of Health Underwriters 2016-2017 Board of Directors.  These dedicated benefits professionals are volunteering their time and energy to assure that your chapter continues to deliver value to membership:
President, John Bobincheck
Secretary, Susy Spackman
Legislative Chair, Karen Grogg
Treasurer, Tracey Lewis
PAC Chair, Mika Clausen
Communications Chair, Lanea Riley
Sponsorship Chair, Brian Sullivan
Membership and Retention, 
Yolanda Safari 
Professional Development, 
Claire Felizardo    
Member at Large, Michael Lujan
Immediate Past President, Michael Traynor

Accolades to Catrina Reyes who has served as Legislative Chair since 2014.  And a special thanks to Kathleen Vaillancourt.  She is stepping down from the board after years of service to SVAHU.  Both these professionals have volunteered countless hours of their time, energy and thought to our chapter.  Their contribution to SVAHU is much appreciated by all.  
SVAHU and WEBI Teamed Up for Annual Golf Tournament
The annual Silicon Valley Association of Health Underwriters charity golf tournament was held June 6 at the Cinnabar Hills Golf Club in San Jose.  Over 100 golfers participated in the event that raises money for chapter's community charity fund.  This year SVAHU joined forces with the Women in Employee Benefits Invitational, WEBI.

Since 1991 the annual WEBI golf tournament has been one of the biggest events in the season. For the 25th anniversary tournament WEBI teamed up with SVAHU. 

Proceeds from the combined event will support WEBI's ongoing commitment to the Cancer Prevention Institute of California (CPIC.)  CPIC is a nonprofit organization working solely to prevent cancer. Their research and education programs work in tandem to address the causes of cancer and provide resources to support cancer survivors. 

Addressing the audience of insurance professionals in the banquet following the tournament CPIC's Chief Executive Officer Donna Randall, Ph.D. thanked both SVAHU and WEBI for the ongoing support. WEBI has contributed over $150,000 to the Institute.
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