This Week:
Chamber Opportunity  | Board of Directors

We are currently seeking applications from those who are interested in joining our board of directors.

Applications will be accepted until August 31st.
To apply please read the following
prior to completing the Board of Directors | Expressions of Interest application and returning it to the chamber office.
Marketing Opportunity  | Exclusive Ad Space
We are getting ready to launch our annual Fall Events Calendar!

This calendar highlights all of the events that we currently have scheduled from September 1st to December 31st. Sent out to just under 1200 subscribers, containing links to each event for more details and available at all chamber events in the Fall, this calendar is a highly reference document that receives a lot of attention!

There is ONE exclusive ad space available in the calendar. Scoop it up today for only $300 + tax.  Learn more here.
Chamber News  | We're Hiring!

Looking to join a fun and dynamic team?  We are searching for a person who loves people, enjoys good conversation and loves to sell in a friendly manner. 

Take a look at the attached role and apply today
Member Feature  | Caffe Motivo 1.5 minute watch
Alive After Five featuring Caffe Motivo
Alive After Five featuring Caffe Motivo

We highlight Caffe Motivo for their participation in Alive After Five.
Take a look at what you can expect when you visit this amazing Kamloops cafe.
Apprenticeships  | Kamloops Ford Lincoln Talks Apprenticeships 1.30 minute watch

Kamloops Ford Lincoln Talks Apprenticeships
Kamloops Ford Lincoln Talks Apprenticeships

Brought to you by our partner, Industry Training Authority.
Radicals & Visionaries  | The Secret to Becoming Exactly Who You Want to Be Min. Read
We're human beings, not human doings, right?
This phrase can help you focus on the present, not just the next thing on your to do list. But there is also a negative side to this statement. That is, it can cloud our thinking into believing we are somehow more than the sum of our actions, the sum of what we do. But we're not. What we do is really all that matters in life. It makes up who we are.
When we're caught up into thinking about who we want to become, our ego takes over, and we stop working. We begin to place more importance on things that don't matter -- our position in life, and how other people view us -- rather than on what we accomplish. And that's a real shame.
You are what you do. When you're not doing it, you're not that thing! Read more. 
Business Growth  | 7 Seemingly Innocent Habits Holding You Back From Success  6 minute read

Goals are great, and you should definitely have them. But goals can easily be sidetracked when something bigger comes into the picture: habits.

Now, of course there are plenty of good habits that you should have, but what about the bad ones? We all know some habits are obviously bad, like smoking or excessive drinking. But sometimes the distinction between "good" and "bad" habits is often blurry and situational.
Although seemingly innocent, these seven habits can actually hurt your chances of achieving your goals this year.

Note: This article is written with entrepreneurs in mind, however these seven habits could be holding anyone back. Read the article here.