August 8, 2016 |

See how U.S. Law Shield Independent Program Attorneys advise members in four states on how to handle themselves during a traffic stop - and learn exactly what they advise members to do if there are guns in the car. Click the listings below to get your state's specific legal guidance:

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Think owning a gun is all the protection you need? Innocent gun owners go to jail every day for exercising their right of self-defense. Don't let it happen to you! Find out how to protect yourself after you've pulled the trigger by attending one of our seminars. Click the state listings below to find an event near you:

By a 16-1 vote, the City Council has now ruled that every firearm in Philadelphia stored in homes where a minor child is present must be unloaded and locked inside a container with the ammunition secured in a separate container. Click to see how this law might be challenged:
A cellphone video floating around has surfaced in a report by CBS News that shows a senior Navy official doing something with a handgun that just might sink his career. Click to read the details:

Some Second Amendment advocates don't take kindly to the notion of getting charged any fee at all to pay for a right guaranteed by the Constitution. But a Pennsylvania state agency wants to raise its fees for running background checks on gun purchasers. Click to see the arguments pro and con:

Members get full access to our e-letter archives for the past few years. If you've got a question about legal gun use in your state, browse our past e-letters to get informed and educated.
Be sure to check out our U.S. Law Shield social-media outlets for legal tips, analysis, gun safety and use tips, and the wisdom of other U.S. Law Shield members who live and love the "carry" lifestyle. We're on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, and we host our own Texas and U.S. Law Shield Forums. Come join the crew!