The Newsletter       
Adult Enrichment: Mindful Writing

The number of "mindful writers" has grown over the last couple of months. Some people come
to listen to others' offerings, but more bring their written thoughts either about the decided-upon
topic(s) for the session or about another subject important to them. Everyone is welcome.

We have a good time, munching on snacks while we share our writing. Recent topics have been
"What Makes Us Happy, Sad, or Concerned"; "Culture" (including traditions and practices of societies, institutions, our families, and ourselves); "Interfaith"; "Connections"; "The After-Life"; and "Trauma."

For July we chose "Memory of a Place, of Youth."

Our pieces are never criticized; we simply enjoy. Nonetheless, we give each other much to think about with our insightful, mindful writing. Bring in poems, journals, prose in any form (invent a form if you like!) Meetings are third Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall.

"Mindful Writing" has been a regular event for approximately two years, and it has become ever more interesting and enriching. Please contact me, Marty Keith (740-369- 1919), with questions about the group.
Calling all walkers! 
  Inspired by walking with our Coming of Age Youth in the C RIS 5k, we are beginning a weekly NUUC Walking Group.  We will meet weekly  beginningTuesday, May 3rd at 9am, to walk the paved loop at Sharon Woods  Metro Park.  We will rendezvous at the Maple Grove Picnic Area, at the  picnic tables. Come as you can and enjoy the park and fellowship with other  NUUC'ers.   Contact Allison Fagan at  614-270-8117  (call or text) or  for more information and to let us (Allison, Melinda  Rosenberg, Rod Myers, and Kristen Grimshaw) know to expect your company.

NUUC Recorder Ensemble

The NUUC Recorder Ensemble has full wind in its sails once again. We would like to invite you to join our
tootling fun! For more information, contact Becca Morse at 
(or 614-805-6680) 
or Nathan Morse at 

We rehearse together on the second and fourth Fridays of each
month at noon at Friendship Village of Columbus. If you're interested, but the rehearsal time doesn't work for you, just go for Baroque and contact us anyway: 

If enough people are interested in an alternate time, I'm sure we can work out a second rehearsal schedule. Just because a hobby blows doesn't mean it's not fun!
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Ohio Meadville  District of the UUA

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Brown Bag Books

Meets at Noon the Third Tuesday of the month.  Get all the details by clicking here.
Conspire for Fun & Meaning!!

All NUUC members & friends are invited to Leaders' Council this Tuesday at 7:00 PM. This is the liveliest meeting of the year, as we lay out a whole year's worth of theme-based programming. Come and help us brainstorm, or to just weigh on what programming you think sounds most interesting and valuable. Come join our conspiracy for fun & meaning!

ANNUAL SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE:   It's back to school!  In Delaware, the first day of school is August 17th.  NUUC members and friends have an opportunity to help others by participating in the annual School Supply Drive to benefit students who are served by the Delaware County Juvenile Probation Program.  The donation of school supplies is one way for the congregation to express its belief in the importance of education to a group of students who are at higher than average risk for failing and dropping out of school. This program serves approximately 150 middle school and high school students, ranging in age from 13 to 19.   A collection box for school supplies will be available at the church through Sunday, August 14th.  The needed items are things like book bags appropriate for middle school and high school boys, paper, pens, pencils and folders.

Your donation of school supplies, or money to purchase supplies, will be greatly appreciated. If you choose to donate money, please write your check to NUUC and put "School Supplies" on the memo line. This can be 
dropped in the offering basket or mailed to: NUUC, P.O. Box 541, Lewis Center, OH 43035. If you have any questions, please contact Diane Mattox at 614-204- 4184 or  Thank you for your 
continued support! Our Loose Change Offering in July and August will go to the Delaware County Juvenile Probation Program School Supply Drive.

INTERFAITH ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL OHIO (IACO) 24 th ANNUAL MAIN EVENT LUNCHEON -  BUILDING INTERFAITH RELATIONS WHILE BUILDING HOMES: Come share a meal with members of other faith traditions on Sunday, August 28 th 1:00-3:00 PM at the Martin de Porres Center, 2330 Airport Drive, Columbus 43219. The Guest Speaker will be Dr. Thomas L. Jones, Ambassador at Large for Habitat for Humanity International. Dr. Jones is leading the HHFI Interfaith Exploration initiative and will share information about plans for interfaith groups to build a Unity House in Columbus in October through March. You can register for the luncheon at event/. See the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall or contact Pam Patsch at for more information.

FAITH IN ACTION - HELPING CENTRAL OHIO HOMELESS: Join IACO representatives from other faith communities to help serve meals at the Van Buren Shelter, 595 Van Buren Drive, Columbus, 43223, from 5:30PM (introduction and tour) to about 7:45 PM on Sunday, August 28th. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Michael Greenman, Moderator of the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio (IACO) Social Justice Task Force, at  For more information, see the SAC bulletin board or ask Pam Patsch

OHIO INTERFAITH POWER AND LIGHT (OhIPL) EARTHKEEPING SUMMIT 2016:  Ecojustice...renewal....and hope... on September 24, 2016, 10:00am-5:00pm (registration opens at 8:30am), at OSU Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus, OH 43210. The Earthkeeping Summit provides a unique opportunity to gather together in reflection and commitment, exploring
the vital connections we have to the environment and how our stories shape our values and actions. keynote speaker, Dr. Melanie Harris, Associate Professor of Religion and Social Ethics, will provide insights to climate justice and will share her environmental justice roots through story and song. A panel presentation will lift up environmental justice issues from around Ohio; A 'Festival of the Arts' will highlight a response to climate change through the arts; and workshops will provide insights and opportunities for sharing. We look forward to a day of inspiration and action!

UUSC FAIR TRADE COFFEE: Shop for delicious Fair Trade coffee, tea, cocoa, and chocolate after the service on August 14, 2016. Your purchase of Fair Trade products means that workers along the supply 
chain are provided a living wage. The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) supports a number of worker-owned, local producers who are in danger of being replaced with multinational corporations that have little respect for workers' rights. Making consumer choices that are aligned with our UU Principles is one way to help create a more just world community.
Come and sing a song with us!

The NUUC adult choir is currently seeking new 
members in all sections. With a weekly Sunday morning rehearsal (no Wednesday night 
rehearsal) and free childcare, this is one of the easiest and most rewarding  commitments you can make in our community. The choir sings most Sundays during the  school year and performs a variety of genres.

The NUUC adult choir will resume regular rehearsals on Sunday, September 11, at  9:00am. Current and prospective members should see Marlene Hartzler for a music  folder prior to the first rehearsal. Rehearsals will be every Sunday morning at 9 AM  through December.