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Superhero Kylekyle


When Kyle first came to Pilgrims Hospice, attending the weekly Expressive Arts group, he was guarded and unsure of his interest in participating. It was often easier for him to talk about superhero movies than his grief following the death of his father less than a year ago.

After several sessions, Kyle and his older brother Christopher decided to join the summer camp. Over the course of that week, it was inspiring to see both of them grow. Kyle in particular watched other participants with keen interest, and enjoyed engaging in activities with his fellow campers.


Often working silently on his own work, Kyle also became fearless in his ability to take charge and volunteer to be the first to discuss his grief.


Kyle's experience far exceeded our expectations. His guardian also noticed Kyle starting to talk more and ask questions about his dad at home.


Each time we offer the Colored Tears Summer Day Camp, we're amazed at the growth and tenacity of the children, teens and adults taking part. Kyle's a real superhero and we look forward to watching him grow as he continues his grief journey.

Join us for the 1 4th Annual
Dr. Helen Hays sunflowerSunflower Luncheon
Friday, September 16
Set in the sumptuous Empire Ballroom at the Fairmont Hotel Macdonald, the Sunflower Luncheon is a popular "friend-raiser" and important fundraiser for Pilgrims Hospice.
G uest Speaker Jane Tulloch will share her insights & experiences as a Compassionate Companion and this year's host is former CTV journalist, Serena Mah.
We are thrilled that Pilgrims' co-founder, Dr. Helen Hays, will be flying from her home on Vancouver Island to join us.
Champagne Reception 11:30am Luncheon Noon-1:30pm.
All proceeds support our compassionate end-of-life care in the community.
For tickets & more information click here or call 780-413-9801
Contact Us contact
For more information about any of our services, for a loved one or for yourself, fill out our Service Request Form here. Or give us a call at 780-413-9801. 


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  Giving Back: A Way of Lifenicole
It takes a special person to be recognized by their workplace as someone who displays a commitment to community service and a dedication to "giving back". Pilgrims volunteer, Nicole Morin, is a special award winner from The Keg Spirit Foundation, and is seen by them as "a wonderful example of someone that works hard to make a difference".
Winning the award enabled Nicole to direct a $1,000 donation, through The Keg Spirit Foundation, to her charity of choice - Pilgrims Hospice.
Allocated to our Grief Services for Children and Teens, this award allows 10 children to go through the Expressive Arts weekly program, or funds 20 hours of counselling. For the children whose lives have been shattered by the death of a loved one, the gift of finding comfort and relief in knowing that others feel the way they do is priceless.
Award Winner, Niclole Morin
Since first volunteering as a peer mentor for younger students in her junior year of high school, giving back "has truly become a way of life" for Nicole. What stands out for her is "the privilege of listening to individuals' life stories, challenges and victories... We open many doors of compassion, education, and empathy when we take the time to listen and communicate with each other."
Congratulations on your award, Nicole, & thanks for making Pilgrims your Charity of Choice! We are also proud to name you our Volunteer of the Month.
"I am forever grateful for my volunteer experiences and the amazing people whose lives I have hoped to change, because I know for certain they have changed mine." - Nicole Morin
A la HEART heart
We never cease to be amazed by the generosity of the Edmonton Community. Last week, State & Main: Windermere brought OJ's HEART Cart to Pilgrims and treated us to a fantastic lunch. Megan Keelaghan, State & Main's Managing Partner, had tears in her eyes when she said: "You all give so much, we just wanted to give something back".
The team brought smiles and genuine care, and touched us all by volunteering on their day off. You are our heroes!
Our Funding
In 2015 we received 12.9% of our funding from the government, through our Partnership with Alberta Health Services. Individual and Corporate Donations, Foundation Grants and our Fundraising efforts are vital to our existence.
Thank you for generously supporting our programs and services with your attendance at our Special Events and your Donations to Pilgrims Hospice.
Your generosity ensures 


Yes, I want to make a difference for families and individuals facing the end of life!

Please accept my
secure donation here.


Thank You!