Welcome to the TDPS Newsletter
Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year!
We are kicking off the new year with a
brand new bi-weekly newsletter. This is your opportunity to catch up on what TDPS faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate students are doing. This newsletter reflects the School's mission:
to advance and transform the research and practice of theatre, dance, & performance studies
through a commitment to excellence and innovative education in the performing arts
Tell us about the creative, collaborative, innovative, and entrepreneurial work you're doing!
In this newsletter:
- Upcoming TDPS events
- Feature Stories
- News (Awards & Honors, Performances & Productions, Publications, other activities)
- Opportunities (Jobs & Auditions, Scholarships, Fellowships, & Grants)
- Other Upcoming Events (Off-Campus)
Want to share your news with the TDPS family? Have a story you want featured? Have suggestions to improve the TDPS newsletter and communications?
Email tdpsmarketing@umd.edu and share with us on social media.
Photo credit:
Orange Grove Dance
Check out our Main Season for 2016-2017 at The Clarice!
Directed by Eleanor Holdridge
September 30-October 8
Waking Darkness. Waiting Light.
Colette Krogol and Matt Reeves
October 7-9
Directed by Scot Reese & Alvin Mayes
November 4-11
Render Edit by Sarah Beth Oppenheim
Bridging the Gap by Chris Law
December 9-11
TDPS Alumni Event in NYC
September 9th
TDPS alumni will gather at The Library restaurant at The Public Theater in NYC and attend the performance of TDPS Dance faculty
Adriane Fang and
Christopher K. Morgan at the DANCE NOW Festival at Joe's Pub (
If you would like to attend, kindly RSVP by September 1.
Directed by Amber McGinnis Jackson
February 10-18
Directed by Mitchell Hébert
February 24-March 3
Directed by Yury Urnov
April 28-May 6
Directed by Christopher K. Morgan
May 5-7
TDPS Dance Faculty Sara Pearson and Patrik Widrig in Senegal
This summer, Pearson and Widrig traveled to Senegal to meet with dancer, choreographer, and educator Germaine Acogny and her dance school,
École des Sables (School of the Sands) in Toubab Dialaw outside the capital city of Dakar.
Read More
TDPS at BTN/ATHE Conferences in Chicago
Have a story you want featured?
Esther Kim Lee and James Harding
Awards & Honors
- History/Theory faculty were elected to prestigious positions for the American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR): Professor Esther Kim Lee was elected to the position of Vice President for Publications and Professor James Harding was elected to the Executive Committee.
- Production Manager and Instructor Cary Gillett's book The Production Manager's Toolkit was recently published and featured in the USITT newsletter, Sightlines.
- Professor Laurie Frederik is the primary editor of the upcoming volume, Showing Off, Showing Up: Studies of Hype, Heightened Performance, and Cultural Power. She wrote the Introduction and a chapter on Latin dance entitled, "Painting the Body Brown and Other Lessons on How to Dance Latin." The book will be available in Spring 2017.
Barclay's Tight Curls Today in New York City
Performances & Productions
New Visions/New Visions participants at TDPS
Summer activities
- New Visions/New Voices was at the Kennedy Center: After two-weeks of play development at UMD TDPS, the International Playwrights' Intensive moved to the Kennedy Center for its final week. The playwrights continued writing and rehearsing their plays with UMD alums and professional DC-based actors.
- Jennifer Barclay was a fellow at the MacDowell Colony in June and July, where she began the development of two new plays.
Have you recently received an exciting opportunity, award, or accolade?
Jobs, Programs, & Auditions
Scholarships, Fellowships,
& Grants
- Chris Martin Travel Fund for Graduate Students: $500 travel research grant to a graduate student focusing on dance research to present at a scholarly conference. Please submit an abstract for the presentation/paper, the name of the conference, and a CV/resume to smille13@umd.edu by September 2.
- Jim Henson Fund for Puppetry: Four awards in the amount of $1,500 will be offered to undergraduate or graduate students for the creation of a puppet project or performance. Please e-mail smille13@umd.edu for details. Applications are due September 2.
Have a job or audition opportunity to share?
A group of TDPS students and alumni are producing an improv performance at
the University Hills Duck Pond Park called Richard III: A Choose Your Own Adventure.
"England's King has died. Who will ascend the throne? What does it take to be the King? You decide in this family friendly improv loosely based on Shakespeare's Richard III!"
More information on remaining performances is available on their
Facebook event.
Are you participating in an off-campus event or performance?
Do you have news to share with the TDPS community?
Kate Spanos, Coordinator of Marketing & Communications
Jonelle Walker, Graduate Assistant