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60 Minute Substance Abuse Awareness Introductory Webinar Recording & eLearning Course Now Available

Couldn't make our webinar yesterday? Watch the recording and let Neil Rodriguez walk you through setting up your a gency in our  eLearning  platform and show you th e details of the new online Substance Abuse Awareness training The two-module course provides interactive training for safety-sensitive employees on the effects and consequences of prohibited drug and alcohol use on personal health, safety, and the work environment, fulfilling FTA's 60 minute minimum training requirement. 
FTA and US DOT Updates

Read the FTA's recent letter regarding the Public Transportation Safety Plan Final Rule or register for the  a final webinar on September 1, 3-4pm ET to discuss the rule and ank questions related to implementation.

FTA will hold a Safety Research and Demonstration (SRD) Grant Webinar on September 7 from 2-3pm ET. Check it out or visit the SRD Site.

FTA's Office of Transit Safety and Oversight TSO Spotlight newsletter for August is available.

Reminder: TRaMS will close on September 23 for Fiscal Year 2016. 

The FTA issued its Transit Asset Management (TAM) Final Rule, effective October 1, and is hosting a series of webinars, including one on Small Systems. Also take a look at the Press Release.

FTA is seeking input via a National Online Dialogue on their 5-Year Strategic Plan for Research, open until September 8. Submit your research ideas and make sure rural and tribal transit is represented!
Resources and News


NTI will be holding a 2 day course on Managing Community Mobility on October 6-7. Interested? Visit the course page for all of the information.

CTAA and the Association of Travel Instruction will present Travel Training, Unplugged & Inspired Part Three: Practical Experience and Experiential Learning on Wednesday, September 14 from 2-3:30 ET. This is the third webinar in a six-part series on travel training.

The National Center for Aging and Disability (NADTC) announced an  Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grant Program   for the development of program innovations that increase transportation options for older adults and people with disabilities and maximize utilization of Section 5310 and other federal funding investments. Applications  are due August 26.  

CTAA has put together a great infographic on rural transit safety statistics - check it out!

TRB recorded a series of presentations this summer that provide guidance for state agencies and tribal leaders in effective crash reporting, based on research from  NCHRP Report 788 : Guide for Effective Tribal Crash Reporting. These videos explore why and how the guidebook was developed, and how state agencies and tribal leaders can use it effectively. The Improving Crash Reporting in Tribal Transit videos  are available on-demand at no cost.


How do you handle driver hiring?  Check out METRO Magazine's great  article :  "How is the industry handling driver shortages?"

The Texas Transit Mobility Program at Texas A&M has published a great website with Texas Transit District Profiles, a valuable resource for researchers.

The Traffic Safety Marketing page has been redone and has some excellent Distracted Driving posters for employees and other audiences.

The National Park Service turned 100 on August 25! Read about Alternative Transportation in the parks and Funding Opportunities for partnering to provide transit within and connecting to the parks.
September 1st, 2016
Public Transportation Safety Program Final Rule Webinar
September 1

Easter Seals Project Action Consulting
Travel Training Data
Collection Standards
September 7

Working Summit on Transportation in Rural America
September 7-9
Denver, CO

Tri-State Transit
Annual Conference
September 7-9
Woodstock, VT

Roadeo and Fall Conference 
September 10-14
Spearfish, SD

Roadeo, Conference & Vendor Expo 
September 17-21
Wenatchee, WA

Fall Transit Conference & Expo
September 20-23
Snowmass Village, CO

Transit Association of Maryland
September 26-29
Ocean City, MD

Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference
October 2-5
Asheville, NC

Implementing Rural Transit Technology
Training Session 
October 25-26
Fargo, ND 

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . If you'd like to submit an event, please email

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Read our new Best Practices Spotlight article on the topic of installing onboard cameras for the safety and security benefits, financial benefits, training opportunities, and more.

Also check out our previous articles on Fuel Efficient Driving, Travel Training, Safety, and Employee Wellness Programs!
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main:  5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:  50 F Street NW, Suite 7020, Washington, DC 20001