Dear Friends,
Please join us for upcoming worship and events!
New Support Group  "What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers?  
Begins this Saturday, September 3rd 3-5:30 pm "Always define WHAT you want to do with your life and WHAT you have to offer to the world, in terms of your favorite talents/gifts/skills-not in terms of a job-title." Richard n. Bolles.  Need support and guidance in finding a new job, career or sense of vocation? Are you in need of support and conversation about the work you do? What Color Is Your Parachute? is a workshop that offers a deeply spiritual and systematic process of finding right livelihood. Call for more information. Regular schedule to be announced.
"First Sunday Dream Group" this Sunday September 4th 3-5 pm before worship.

Taize , First Sunday, September 4 5 pm, The Gospel of John,Taize is a worship style of chanting, silence and scripture reading. Our altar celebrates the Divine Feminine and this Sunday we will enjoy the beautiful images from the paintings of Meinrad Craighead, with a slide show from her web site. 
Community Mural Project! Come paint your favorite animal! The month of September we will spend time planning our outdoor community mural to paint on the back wall of our house, and everyone is invited to paint an animal for our "House of Prayer for All Creatures."  We will begin our planning in prayers of love for all creatures. 
 What is your Totem Animal, Power or Spirit Animal, or an animal that you have had a vision of in a guided meditation or dream, or an actual animal you have loved, living or dead?  You are  invited to come in the afternoons on Sundays in October as we paint a mural to celebrate creation. Already we have had commitments to paint, an octopus,  snake and lioness. "But ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you.  Who among all these does not know that the hand of God/dess has done this? In her/his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being." Job 10:1-7.Thank you for helping us create a holy shrine a sacred place to bring our prayers of grief and the millions of animals and plants who have been killed in our time of ecologic crisis, as well as love and gratitude for our pets who have died. Everything in creation and ll of nature is ALIVE and needs our care, love and prayers.   It is time we pray in reverence for the earth and all her creatures who are suffering. We also bring our prayers of gratitude and joy for all the ways animals, plants and minerals are our teachers and give us love, sustain, shelter and feed us and hold us in a web like nest of spirit and belonging. Children are particularly welcome No painting experience is necessary. "House of Prayer for All Creatures"  is  Interfaith, Interspecies and Interconnected! This mural will be in back of our Dog Chapel that looks over our snake labyrinth , as we continue to create an outdoor  sanctuary.   Church for Our Common Home hopes this mural more intimate relationship with all creatures as well as  social activism as we commit to "care for our common home."
"Blessing of the Animals" October 9th,  5 pm Job 12:7-10, John 10:1-12 Jesus  our Shepherd, Mary Magdalene our Shepherdess. All four, two legged animals, winged swimming and slithering creatures  are welcome to come to receive  blessings.  We will be studying the Gospel of John, considered by many of us to be more like the  gnostic gospels than the other books in the  New Testament  this fall  for the next three months.  There will be flowers for you to make flower garlands for your dogs and other pets.                                                                         
9/11 "Dr. David Griffin, the 9/11 Truth Movement and I was Blind but Now I See" John 9"1-39 In 2004 Dr. David Griffin wrote his first book about 9/11, The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11. He has become a leader of the "9/11 Truth" worldwide movement and provides evidence that 9/11 was a false flag operation designed to give the Bush administration a pretext to attack all Muslim countries with oil.  Dr. David Griffin is a brilliant theologian and co-founder with Dr. John B. Cobb Jr. of The Center of Process Studies at Claremont School of Theology, This worship ill explore the blindness that Jesus heals in the story at the Pool of Siloam. We will have an anointing to opne our eyes to the truth. Living in this historic time of fear, lies, corruption and the breakdown of our institutions as well as our ecologic systems, we need the support of loving community. Come for conversation about 9/11 as an urgent religious issue of our time
September 18th NO WORSHIP (Bonnie and Walt will be attending a workshop on Hypnosis and Past Life Regression with Dr. Brian Weiss. Please make appointments now for past life regression therapy session in Our Common Home Counseling Center beginning in October.)
Monday Night Book Group
Beginning September 26th from 5:30-7 pm for ten weeks
The Healing Wisdom of Mary Magdalene
Esoteric Secrets of the Fourth Gospel
 by Jack Angelo join us for the months of October and November.
Please join us in person, on Skpye (bonnie.tarwater) or on conference call. We will put on new glasses that will give us a new perspective on the real meaning of the miracle stories in the Gospel of John.  Jack Angelo shares his insights and discoveries which began with a vision he had of Mary Magdalene in the cave of Saint Baume in France. He explores Mary Magdalene as the "beloved disciple" who wrote the Gospel of John. Please read before book group meets on the following dates.
Monday, September 26  - 5:30-7 pm . Introduction and Chapter 1
October 3 Part One Chapter 2, 3
October 10 Chapter 4, 5
October 17 Part Two Chapters 6, 7
October 24 Chapter 8, 9
October 31 Part Three, Chapter 10, 11Halloween ! (Please come in costume if you like!)
November 7 Chapter 12,13
November 14 Chapter 14, 15
November 21 Chapter 16, 17
November 28 Chapter18 and Closing Anointing Ritual
  "Yehsua (Jesus) operated in the same way as the Lakota holy man Fools Crow (ca.1890-1989) who taught that the purpose of healing was to reassure the community that the spiritual level of being was real and the Source was with them. Jesus and Mary Magdalene did not come to perform miracles to overawe people into bowing down and treating them as gods...................We need only open our hearts and minds to the wisdom surrounding us at every moment and in every place, for healing consciousness, the flow of imagination, dreams, inner vision and the intuition are combined with consciousness of the sprit and sacred realms " Jack Angelo
September 25th "The Gospel of John written by Mary Magdalene?" John 3:22; 4:1-42
We will consider this as a historic question, but more importantly, we will put on a new set of glasses to look and reclaim  the teachings of Jesus with new focus on  the divine feminine, mysticism and Mary Magdalene.   We will reflect on the story about"The Woman at the Well"and will begin to study the first of the "The Seven Signs" and miracle stories in the Gospel of John and the  metaphors and symbols they offer for our spiritual growth.
Movie Night Sunday 25th after worship and pot luck we will show, Meinrad Craighead:Praying with Images, a beautiful DVD of an inspired artist. "My personal vision of God the Mother, incarnated in my mother and her mother, gave me, from childhood, the clearest certainty of women as the truer image of the Divine Spirit because she was a force living within me, she was more real, more powerful than the remote Fathergod  I was educated to have faith in. I believed in her because I experienced her."
October 2nd, Taize worship 5 pm The Gospel of John and "First Sunday Dream Group 3-5 pm"
October 9th Blessing of the Animals "Job 12:7-10, 35:11, 38:39-41 All human and non-human animals welcome. In the spirit of Francis and Clare of Assisi we will have a blessing of the animals and consider how animals teach us about unconditional love and God/dess.
October 16th "Making the Two One and Anointing" John 2:1-11 Mary Magdalene and Jesus as a sacred bride and bridegroom offer a message and model of partnership and loving mutuality in all our relationship. We will consider Carl Jung and other teachers who have offered wisdom about the personal and collective  healing and marriage of our divine masculine and divine feminine inner aspects and merging these energy streams within us.  Full Moon - after worship bonfire, star gazing and dancing!
October 23rd "Water Communion: Connecting with Spirit and Water" John 3:1-13 We will explore changing our life from values of denial, materialism and achievement to living values of the spirit. Water wars will be worse than oil wars. How can we be born again into new relationship to the earth, all life forms and our human family? We will learn about the water issues at Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the pipeline being run in the reservation without consent and look to the wisdom of the Native American relationship to the earth as we gather waters for ritual. Please bring water from a sacred or ordinary place and for a water ritual.
October 30th "Day of the Dead Celebration" John 11:1-46 We will honor our loved ones who have died in this uniquely Mexican celebration which has much to teach us here in the United States where we tend to be a death denying culture. Please bring photos of loved ones who have died to place on the altar as well as food they loved (to share). We will have a time to share with stories about our loved ones and explain the food. We will have a Mexican dinner, dancing and celebration following worship. Please bring flowers, candles etc. for the altar and we all will create an extravaganza of splendor at our "Day of the Dead Altar Creation Party" before worship from 3-5 pm!
November  2, Wednesday 7 pm John 8:11"Day of the Dead Ritual for Healing from Abortion" Many woman have had abortions and have not a sacred safe place to share, make amends and healing from this experience. An anointing healing ritual will be provided.  In some places in Mexico there is a special day to honor children who have died. Call with any questions. 
November 20th Thanksgiving feast. We will have a turkey and a vegetarian "turkey roll" pot luck, after worship. 
December 25th we will have a Christmas and Hannuka worship and dinner, Sunday at 5 pm, pot luck at 6 pm. 
Sending love and blessings,

Please contact us, (858) 248-5123, [email protected] and join us for regular services every Sunday at 5 pm at 13014 Calle de Las Rosas, SD, CA 92129 f ollowed by a soup pot luck, (salad pot luck while our vegetable garden is full of lettuce) bonfire and star gazing and dancing weather permitting. A new kind of home/internet/radio blog church that does not follow the traditions of the Christian church but teaches the teachings of Jesus. A safe place to share of ourselves, our feelings, our dreams, do art work, sing lively non church music, DANCE, enjoy bonfires and soup dinners. A place where everyone is safe and welcome. 
Mission Statement 
Encouraging awe of creation and the cosmos, we explore the visual and performing arts, dreams, wisdom teachings of Christ-Sophia in the Bible and newly found gospels, prayer, social activism, and relationships as we work to care for our common home Mother Earth, in a new kind of local and global community. We are a home church  with people around the world via the Internet,  exploring a new religious story for our time.
Our vision is to spiritually awaken and raise our consciousness about the sacred nature of all life and our interconnectedness in order to come together as a human family and care  for our common home and love God/dess with all our hearts, souls and minds and creation as ourselves. 
Sending love and blessings to our friends of Church for our Common Home,
Weekly Thursday Dream Sharing Group 7-9 pm
in person or on Skype, bonnie.tarwater
Come drink tea and share a dream. 
"Many wonders are manifest in sleep; in sleep the heart becomes a window, One that is awake and dreams beautiful dreams, he is the knower of God. Receive the dust of his eyes." Rumi
Every Mondays join us for Lectio Divina 7-8 pm,

Study of Gospel of John this fall. How does this scripture relate to my life and 
how is God calling me to change?  
Centering Prayer every Wednesday 10-11 am
13014 Calle de Las Rosas, San Diego, CA 92129
call for more information (858) 248-5123
New O ur Common Home Counseling Center 
with individual and group therapy services, both innovative and traditional therapy, they offer  Art Therapy, premarital and marriage counseling, individual dream sessions, Spiritual Direction, pastoral counseling and more. 
Join Dr. Walter Rutherford and 
Bonnie  for Tuesday night group therapy. Other groups that are forming.   
Walt and Bonnie are also certified and teach OWL, Our Whole Lives, a faith based human sexuality course.

Church for our Common Home | Minister Rev. Bonnie Tarwater | [email protected] 
(858) 248-5123