St. Peter's Youth
5th Grade-12th Grade
SPY Kick Off at Camp All Saints

On Sunday, Sept. 11, we're going to Camp All Saints. 

Meet in the parish hall at 10:00 am. From there we'll load up and head to All Saints.

After chapel and lunch, we'll begin the ropes courses. 8th Grade & up will start with high ropes and 5th-7th grade will start with low ropes. Then we'll switch. 

Pick up is at the St. Peter's parking lot at 5:00 pm.

Hard copies are available in the youth room.

Cost is $30. Need-based scholarships are available.

Friends are welcome.

Wear closed toe shoes & a bring refillable water bottle and sun screen.

Registration closes when we have 30 signed up or Sept. 4, which ever comes first. To confirm your spot, turn in your check and paperwork to MK.  Checks are payable to St. Peter's. Write "All Saints" in the memo line. 

Drivers needed. Email MK if you can drive. Include the number of passengers (not including the driver) that your car holds.

Rally Day
August 28
5:00 pm-7:15 pm

8th Grade & Up--
We need you at 4:30 pm. Please :)

8th Grade & up will be doing 2 things to help at Rally Day: 1. Supervising games for the kiddos and 2. Manning a table in the youth room. Look for MK or Grace Swanson to find out where to go.

Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to roam around and enjoy Rally Day too.

SPY 2016-2017

SPY Sundays 
9:10-10:10 Confirmation (8th Grade & Up) 
Beginning September 11

10:10-10:50 SPY Digging Deeper      
Beginning September 4 
5th-7th Grade in Room 4 with Mrs. Tammy (Snively)
8th Grade & Up in the Youth Room with MK & Mr. Jeff

Youth Choir 10:10 in the Terrill House

SPY Wednesdays, Beginning September 7
Bring $5 for dinner.

5th-7th Grade in Room 4 with Mrs. Tammy (Chase)
8th Grade & Up in the Youth Room with MK.

5th Grade choristers may join us for dinner and then leave for choir practice at 6:15.

Each month we will also have one off campus fun event and one off campus service opportunity. Need based scholarships are always available for our events that have a fee and for Wed. evening dinner.

Save the Date--We're serving at Our Savior Community Garden on Monday, October 10.

Some of you will remember it from Summer in the City.