
August 2016

SVCC Spotlights Alumni

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t o read more about SVCC alumni.
Recent Spotlights include:

Gloria Parham

Samuel Gill

Claudia Taylor

Vincent Brown

Christy Taylor

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WIOA Youth Program at SVCC
Successful participants received a certificate of completion to put with their resumes that included their employment skills
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act's Summer Youth Work Experience contracted through Southside Virginia Community College matched participants with employers in their areas for four to eight-week paid work  experiences There were 19 employers that worked with our 41 participants this summer.  Each week, the WIOA Case Managers (Suzanne Lawson, Monica McMillan, D'Elia Gafford, and part-time assistant case manager Julia McInturf) taught the employment soft skills class created by the NCCER called Tools for Success.
Small Town Girl Now Working at the Pentagon
"Just because you are from or live in a small town, this does not mean your chances and options are limited," advises Brishauna J. Hawkins-Wesson. A native of Lawrenceville and graduate of Southside Virginia Community College, this small town girl now works as a Temporary Hire for the U.S. Department of Army Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management at Headquarters, U.S. Pentagon, in Arlington,VA.  
LaPrade and SVCC Take Steps to CAE2Y
In the effort to move the college toward becoming CAE2Y (Center of Academic Excellence 2 Year) certified, SVCC's Associate Professor of Information Technology, Kelley Barnes LaPrade, became certified in CompTIA's Security+ over the summer.  Security+ is an internationally recognized credential which certifies that individuals encompass expertise and experience in the area of Information Security. 
According to Dr. Chad Patton, Dean of Career and Occupational Technology, the CAE2Y designation is a valuable credential for the college that will take time and effort of all of the IT faculty to meet the required goals, as well as displaying the program's  growth over the next three years. As a team at the college, the entire IT faculty (Joan Tuck, Crystal Jones, and Tommy Wright) are each working together with Kelley to ensure SVCC is successful.

The Future is Bright ....
not only for graduates of  SVCC's Power Line Worker Program, but for prospective graduates, too! Showing off their hard hats are Nia, granddaughter of our own President, Dr. Al Roberts (left) and Adam, Jeter and Wesley, who are grandsons of Rhina and David Jones.  Rhina is a valuable part of SVCC's Admissions and Records Office and David serves on the board of Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative.