September 2016
September Birthdays
Diane Sudderth (9/2)
Jon Sander (9/9)
Sharon Henley (9/24)
Vicki Erwin (9/7)
Anna White (9/9)
Susan Howe (9/24)
Gloria Keller (9/7)
Will Allen (9/11)
Jenny Ting Shigekawa (9/25)
Greg Myers (9/7)
Susan Dunn (9/12)
Roger Sit (9/29)
Phil Partin (9/9)
Heather Newhouse (9/16)

Opportunities for Ministry
used furniture
There is a Syrian refugee family coming to our area. They are a family of 5 with a disabled son in a two bedroom apartment. They have an immediate need for two (2) good condition sofas . For more information contact Phil Partin.
The students are back! Meals are an important part of this student ministry. Every Monday is available for sign-up! Please consider if you can prepare a meal or provide funds for a meal. Contact Heather  for details.
Volunteers needed to serve one Sunday/month during Worship (10:50am-12:15pm). Needs are for:
2nd Sunday with Toddlers, 3rd Sunday with Toddlers, 5th Sunday with Toddlers, 5th Sunday with Infants (nursery).
Contact Heather to help.
twin mattress
Urgent Need: 3 twin beds, mattresses and box springs !
The Encounter Sunday School class is partnering with World Relief Durham to assist in the welcoming of 3 refugee men from Afghanistan. On Saturday, September 10th, Encounter will assist in setting up a new apartment for these new neighbors and furniture is needed to make their space a home. If you are interested in helping out or have spare furniture and home goods (in good condition), please contact Patricia Johnson or (443)765-1760 ASAP .
FALL CHURCH WORKDAY - September 17, 8:30am-12pm
The church is in desperate need of sprucing up. The HillSong Church Fall Workday is planned for Saturday, September 17th, 8:30 AM-12PM. Interior and exterior buildings and grounds projects are planned.
Contact Todd Baker for more information.

FUSION ( Youth Group) Communications - STAY IN THE LOOP
Any Parent, Volunteer, or church member that would like to be on the Fusion email and/or text list for updates and upcoming events please send your full name, number and email to Enam . Messages will sent through text blasts and emails throughout the week!

Discipleship Group News
Discipleship Groups enable us to better explore Scripture within a smaller community, which allows for better discussion and life application. These small groups provide a fellowship group that prays together, shares meals together, supports one another, and serves others.
Several of our weekday groups are starting up again after a summer break. Why not try one out?
  •  Men's Dartball - Mon 6pm, Lower Level. Practices for the upcoming season have begun, contact Kerry White.
  •  Empty Nesters - Wed 6:30pm, Conference Room. Resumes Sep 14, contact Diane Sudderth.
  •  Tuesday Morning Ladies - Tue 9:30am, Room 104. Resumes Sep 13. We will be studying "Why Do You Believe That? A Faith Conversation" by Mary Jo Sharp. $15 for study materials. Contact Dina Sit.
  • Cornerstone Singles - Wed 6:30pm, Room 104. Recently began a study on the Holy Spirit, led by Pastor Rob. Will meet for 2nd Sunday lunch following worship on Sep 11, at Nantucket. Contact Susan Dunn.
Creative Journaling Workshop
Saturday, September 10, 10am-11:30am
pen writing letter
Have you been thinking about beginning a journal or do you need encouragement to begin one? Are you looking for a new way to connect with God's Word during your quiet time? Do you need a different way to enrich your personal Bible study time? Come and learn new ways to use a journal along with your daily Bible study/quiet time in a "Creative Journaling" class on Saturday, September 10 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in Room 104 at HillSong.
You don't have to be artistic for this workshop, just open to a new way of expression and a desire to try something new.
We will also look at some examples of journaling directly in your Bible.
Everything will be provided for you, but you can bring a printed copy of a favorite verse of Scripture to practice on. Please contact Susan Dunn for more information.

A Revelation 7 Church - from Pastor Rob
"I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands.  They cried out in a loud voice, saying, 'Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb'"
(Revelation 7:9-10)
        The final vision of the eternal kingdom of God cast in the book of Revelation is one of glorious diversity. This is not a color-blind gathering. It is a color-celebrating assembly. John of Patmos (Rev. 1:9), can plainly see dark-skinned people and fair-skinned people; people with freckles and with tanned skin; people with flowing red hair, with curly dark hair, and sandy blondes. There are tall people, short people, people with deep voices, and people with broad shoulders. The description " all tribes and peoples and languages" is meant to show that every conceivable shape and shade of human is there. This is no uniform crowd, but one with dazzling color and an array of vocal tones and cultural backgrounds.
        This is not uniformity. It is spectacular harmony. This gathering is united in praise of God. This people has come together because all came to life through faith in Jesus Christ.
        The church of the 21 st century (and of the 10 th century and the 1 st ) is called by God to anticipate this future, heavenly eternity. When we as a people are in Christ, we are to live as if this Revelation 7 vision were already coming into reality in our gathering. The way our church lives as community should anticipate what John sees in Revelation 7. Also, our church should point the world to this vision.

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July Numbers
July 2016 Financial Snapshot
For more detail on the amounts in the Financial Snapshot, see the July 2016 Financial Statement. Copies are available at the back of the Worship Center on the Information Table.