A Reconciling in Christ synod
Statement by American Indian/Alaska Native Lutheran Association of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s Stand against the Dakota Access Pipeline
We hold in prayer the Tribal Oyate that is raising prayers and voices to protect sacred lands, water, traditions, and culture of our great Nation. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and American Indian/Alaska Native Lutheran ministries throughout the United States and Canada worked diligently to bring the Adoption of the Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery Memorial Resolution at the ELCA National Churchwide Assembly on August 9, 2016, which made a commitment to healing and reconciliation with Native Nations across the country. We are asking all people, congregations and other denominations to stand up together with us and with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and many other Native Nations, to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. 1.We support the peaceful, traditional, and prayerful actions of all of our Native Nations who have come together “…to halt the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline” to preserve the Mni Wakan...Read full statement
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Repudiation on the Doctrine of Discovery
Voting members at the Churchwide Assembly this month passed the
Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery Memorial that
made a commitment to healing and reconciliation with Native Nations across the country.
Doctrine of Discovery Resources
Advocacy Team Training - October 8
Saturday, October 8th, 2016 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (breakfast/registration open at 8:30 am) Lutheran Center - Office of the Bishop 7375 Samuel Drive, Denver, CO
Advocacy and justice-minded individuals from RMS congregations and beyond will gather for a day of equipping for action, learning how to integrate meaningful conversations about politics, policy, and advocacy into the life of a ministry, as well as how to effectively start and maintain an advocacy or social justice team in their congregations. Hosted by the Lutheran Advocacy Ministries (LAM) of Colorado, New Mexico, and the ELCA LAM office in Washington, D.C. Everyone is welcome! Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Registration fee is $5 per person, payable in cash or check at the door. For more information, contact Peter Severson.
Register today!
Called Forth Together in Christ: Future Directions of the ELCA
The ELCA is a young church at only 28 years old. This is a good time to take a look at where we are as God’s people and try to understand what God has in store for us. And we think it is an exciting time to be looking forward together as we approach the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.
We want to create a vision for the future ELCA – as a church with solid foundations sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and making a difference in the world locally and globally. And as a church that we can be proud to pass on to our children.
We want to discover how we can continue to faithfully serve God’s mission in the years ahead, and with a shared understanding among church leaders about which ministries are most important.
We want to assess whether the structures that have been set up for this church are right for the future, and as part of this consider how we can use our resources in the best possible way. There are many challenges.
Read the full paper
Watch the video
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Announces Relocation
For decades, and particularly over the past ten years, there have been formal and informal conversations about whether or not the current PLTS location best serves the preparation of leaders in this time of changes within the church and the world. Out of this mission imperative, and with the support of the PLTS Advisory Board, the University has been seeking alternative locations. The Board of Regents has now made a decision to relocate PLTS to downtown Berkeley starting in the Fall of 2017.
Read full announcement
Prayers for our Companion Synod
The Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy (FLM), the Malagasy Lutheran Church, will hold their National Assembly September 6-14. During this assembly they will elect their church leadership: National President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President and Vice General Secretary.
Holy one, You raise up leaders to serve the church around the world. Send your spirit of wisdom to all who gather for the FLM National Assembly as they elect new leadership. Bring peace to all who are anxious during this time of transition. Give strength to all who are called to lead your church in Madagascar. Amen.
RMS Prayer Cycle
September 2016
Metro South Conference
Abiding Hope, Littleton, CO
Chad Johnson
Doug Hill
Laura Bostrom
ALMC/Cristo Rey, Denver, CO
Atonement, Lakewood, CO
Keith Prekker (Interim)
Bethany, Cherry Hills Village, CO
Gary Sanquist
Russ Britton
Brigette Weier
Direct us, O Lord God, in all our doings with your continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in you, we may glorify your holy name; and finally, by your mercy, bring us to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
The Faith-Based Case for Raising the Minimum Wage, Wednesday, September 28
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado invites you to a discussion about minimum wage and communities of faith, at St. Andrew United Methodist Church, Highlands Ranch. Author and professor Tex Sample will speak about his new book, "A Christian Justice for the Common Good," and proponents of Colorado's Amendment 70 will be on hand to talk about the case for raising the state minimum wage to $12.00 an hour by 2020. The event is free and no RSVP is necessary. Hosted by the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado.
One Year to Live Women's Retreat
October 14-16, 2016
Women of all ages yearn for real friendships and a closer relationship with Christ. Join us for our first Women’s OYTL Retreat set for October 14-16, 2016 at Glacier View Ranch in Ward, Colorado near Estes Park, and discover that and more! We will follow a series of protocols that will help us to deepen our love for ourselves, our sisters and God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. For more information contact Judi Brandow and more at OYTL.
Joyful Celebration Benefiting Parker Task Force on September 11 Joy Lutheran Church 7051 E. Parker Hills Court, Parker, CO
Join us outside for a FREE concert by the Metropolitan Jazz Orchestra, games and fun on Sunday, September 11. Our outdoor celebration kicks off at 9:30 am with a worship service followed by the concert at 11:00 am. Local food trucks - S&K Banh Mi and Steve's Green Chili will be selling food and there will be FREE frozen custard from Culvers. Joyful Celebration benefits the Parker Task Force so please bring your non-perishable food item donations.
For more information
Leadership Retreat for Youth
November 3 - 6, 2016
Asheville, North Carolina
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is holding a Youth Leadership Retreat in Asheville, North Carolina. Two youth from each synod are invited to attend.
All costs, except for incidentals, will be covered by the Synod.
If you are interested, please submit this
application by September 16th. Thank you!
Western States Youth Gathering 2017
June 28 - July 2, 2017
For all high school youth in ELCA Regions 1 – 4.
WSYG occurs every three years. There will be large group gatherings with great speakers and musicians, learning and small group experiences, a beach day, immersion experience in Los Angeles, worship that will take you in new directions, and much more!
It will be held on the campus of California Lutheran University in Southern California.
Registration opens on October 3 and is $425/person. The price will go up to $460 on January 3, 2017.
Questions? Contact Linda LeBlanc, Assistant Director for Church Relations.
Grand Piano For Sale
Is your congregation seeking a grand piano? A Baldwin Howard baby grand in excellent condition is available. It is approximately 50 years old. It is for sale for $3000. Call 720-275-6517. Piano is in Metro Denver area.
hurch Tables for Sale
St. Philip Lutheran Church in Littleton has twelve 60” round tables (seats 8) and twenty-four 30”x 90” rectangular tables for sale - $20 each, ‘as is.' The buyer will need to pick them up. First-come, first-served. No returns. Please contact business administrator, Linda Goodnough at 303.979.4491 or lgoodnough@stphilip-co.org.
Congregational Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Reformation Resource: Declaration on the Way
The Assembly accepted the "Declaration on the Way," a unique ecumenical document that marks a path toward greater unity between Catholics and Lutherans. At the heart of the document are 32 "Statements of Agreement" that state where Lutherans and Catholics do not have church-dividing differences on topics about church, ministry and the Eucharist. The document also presents the differences that remain.
Download the full document
Stewardship Video: Where does my offering go?
From the 2016 Churchwide Assembly, this video shows how our mission support dollars support God's work in the world through congregations, synods, churchwide organization, and our global partners.
Justice Resource: Our Strategy to Accompany Migrant Minors
AMMPARO is the ELCA's strategy to Accompany Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities. It is based on commitments to uphold and guarantee the basic human rights and safety of migrant children and their families; to address the root causes of migration from countries in Central America's Northern Triangle and Mexico, and the treatment of migrants in transit; to work toward just and humane policies affecting migrants in and outside the U.S.; to engage as a church with all of our companions, affiliates and partners to respond to the migration situation and its causes; and to advocate for migrant children and their families.
Information, Resources, and videos to share with your congregation
Non-rostered positions available
Part Time Office Manager
St Mark Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO
Early Learning Center Director
Christ the King Lutheran Church, Durango, CO
Bookkeeper (part-time
St. Luke Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, NM
Children, Youth and Family Ministry Director
All Saints Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, NM
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
Pastor Kent Mueller
- RMS Administration
- Candidacy meetings
- Lord of the Mountains, Dillon
Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
- Invest in Kids Now
- Church Women United
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
- New Latino Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community (SAWC) in West Denver
- Jesus de Nazaret SAWC, Aurora
- Aurora Area Ministry Strategy
- South Metro Conference meeting
- Well of Hope
- Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Denver
- Planning/Administrative work for SAWCs
Erin Power, Diaconal Minister
- RMS website and communication
- Theological Conference site visit, Cheyenne, WY
Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO
- LAM-CO Policy Committee meeting
- Planning for October 8th advocacy training.
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Transitions meetings
- Interim Event
Maria Sutton
, Communication Assistant
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks and should be submitted via the eConnection Submision link above.