Dear Friends,

We live in a world that seems increasingly violent.
When we read the news or turn on the TV, we see disturbing images of wars, acts of terrorism, attacks and conflicts. And we wonder how we as a church, as Christians, as individuals can help to alleviate these situations.

Ernesto and Marina have spent the last month living in La Lima, their hometown in Honduras. They sent back frightening reports of how the level of violence and corruption in La Lima is escalating.

Following a week in which six local men were murdered by gangs for refusing to give in to threats of extortion, one pastor pleaded with his congregation: "The tragedy continues! The crying, the pain! Church why are you sleeping? Awake!"
On July 31st, the mayor of the city called together the local community of faith for a prayer march. They invited Ernesto to share and to pray for the families of La Lima. Being a native of La Lima, Ernesto felt privileged to call on God for this city.

After participating in this powerful time of prayer the songwriter Jaime Murrell closed with the song: "God of this city". The glory of God shone mightily.

In 2 Timothy 4:1-2 Paul says:
Before God and Jesus Christ, I give you a command. Christ Jesus is the one who will judge all people-those who are living and those who have died. He is coming again to rule in his kingdom. So I give you this command: Tell everyone God's message. Be ready at all times to do whatever is needed. Tell people what they need to do, tell them when they are doing wrong, and encourage them. Do this with great patience and careful teaching.

So, in the midst of violence and conflict, we will remain faithful to the Word of God, preaching and patiently instructing "our people."

This is our calling and this is what we strive to do through our radio and TV programs.

There has never been a more important time to share the hope, forgiveness and freedom found only in Jesus Christ.

May the Lord help us all to be light and salt in this world.

Please pray for Ernesto's upcoming trip to Peru and Bolivia in October:

The planned activities include a pastor couple's retreat, visits to radio stations, a time of mentoring radio producers and also the recording of new interviews for our TV program "180 GRADOS".
We are so thankful that we will be able to continue producing new episodes. 

Thank you all for your support and your generosity.


We are excited to announce that Marina Pinto has finished the first series of radio programs. 

Some of the topics are:

- Austism
- Adultery
- Menopause
- Depression in Teenagers
- Infertility
- Leukemia
- The missionary woman
- The pain of loosing a child

Would you help us share the gospel through media?
Thank You.