August 11. 2016 
In This Issue
Staying In Touch

South Church 
27 Pleasant Street 
Concord, NH 03301 
Our Phone number is (603) 224-2521

Our website contains information about our ongoing programs and ministries, as well as a calendar of events.
Our Facebook page has regular posts about the life and work of South Church, as well as inspirational thoughts and concerns of the church.

Looking for some South Church merchandise?  Visit our church store. 

  The office will be open from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
July 1st-August 31st

Changes to the calendar: 

Jed Rardin will be on vacation from
8/8 to 8/21

Carlos will be out of the office from 8/11 to 8/13

** Pastoral Coverage**
8/11 - Billy Brown
 Gray Fitzgerald

Peg Wenzel will be on vacation 16th-18th

The Church office will be closed from noon on the 18th through the 19th   
Preaching Schedule
August 21 st -  Carlos

August 28th - Jed

Mark your calendars

  Stay tuned for
more details

Volunteers Needed

If you have a soul-feeding practice that you would like to share with other South Church women, or if you can help us pull the retreat together, please email

There are still Sundays available to host Fellowship Hour.  Please sign -up in Fellowship Hall or email Peg Wenzel

    In Memory of Frank Irvine
Frank was an active member of South Church for years, participating fully in the life of its community, music, worship, fellowship, social witness and spiritual formation.  It was his wish (and Fra n's) that gifts in his memory be made to South Church to support the ministries that Frank supported an d cared so much about.   If you would like to make a gift in Frank's memory, simply send a check to the church office with the words "Frank Irvine Memorial" in the memo line.
Frank's faith also extended to the wider NH Conference of the UCC, and so South Church and the Conference together are creating a new fund in Frank's honor to perpetuate his voice for peace and justice:
The Frank L. Irvine Fund for Justice and Nonviolence
In celebration and recognition of Frank Irvine's lifelong devotion to justice and nonviolence, South Congregational Church, UCC, and the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ announce the creation of the Frank L. Irvine Fund for Justice and Nonviolence.  The purpose of this restricted fund shall be to assist the Conference in sponsoring periodic inspirational Conference-wide gatherings featuring recognized advocates for justice and non-violence in our world, and for those who live on the economic margins of society.
Gifts to this fund may be made out to "NHUCC" and earmarked for the Frank L. Irvine Fund for Justice and Nonviolence and be mailed to:
140 Sheep Davis Road,
Pembroke, New Hampshire 03275-3711

Farewell to Vicky Cole
It is with sadness that I need to announce to the South Church community that Vicky Cole, our Music Director, and her family have decided that they will be moving back to their former home in Pittsburgh, PA at the end of August.  As she shares in this letter to the congregation , the decision was a painful one, but one that will be best for her family overall in the long run. 
In her short time with us, Vicky has regaled us with energy, enthusiasm, faith, and deep musical wisdom.  She has shared her Alexander technique training with the choir and with individuals who have sought her out.  She very quickly made herself a part of the staff team in a time of significant transition, and was a good sport logging untold miles to and from Franconia.  Please join us if you are able on Sunday, August 28th following 9:30 worship as we say farewell to Vicky with a send-off party.

On a happier note, Hannah Murray has once again kindly agreed to step in on an interim basis beginning at the end of summer, and for her renewed generosity I am deeply grateful.

Vicky, please know how deeply grateful we are to God to have had you with us even for this short time, and that our prayers will go with you, Michael and Sasha as you return to your roots in Pennsylvania.
In faith,    Jed

South Church 2016 "All Church Retreat" 
September 16th -  September 18th  

The Family retreat is being held at the  Horton Center on top of Pine Mountain.  It is a chance for families of all shapes and sizes to come together and share meals, hike and gather in fellowship while communing with beautiful natural views and scenery. Young and old are welcome; the campsite can accommodate a variety of mobility needs. The costs for this year's retreat are $75.00 per adult, $50.00 per child aged 3-17 plus the cost of food. 
To sign up click here.  For more information visit Horton Center, South Church or contact Ingrid White 

South Church Auction is coming back!
This Fall we will host a fun-filled evening with a silent auction, entertainment and food. Start thinking now about items in your home that you could donate to this important fundraiser for our church. A home cooked meal? A week at your summer cottage? Charming collectibles or small crafts? Smaller items are especially welcome. Details to follow. Contact Betsy Clardy or Becky Field for more information. 

A young Congolese man, Pitie, came to Concord all alone as a refugee in 2015. Soon after, he became seriously ill with liver failure. Because he has no family here, a small community group, including several South Church members have been caring for him daily through this medical crisis. Miraculously, he received a liver transplant last month and is doing very well. Due to the fact that he has a year of recovery and care; we set up a crowd-funding campaign to help with his many expenses.  Please follow this link  - and share!