September 16-17, 2016
This event is specifically designed for sophomores and juniors in high school. RCD is an exciting experience that you don't want to miss! RCD allows you to take a close and personal look at Olivet Nazarene University. Sit in on a college class, spend the night in a resident dorm, dine in Ludwig student center and explore our incredible campus!
Things to do:
Let your youth pastor or youth sponsor know that you are registered and are attending RCD.
(no later than September 12)
Your $35 registration fee covers meals (a dinner, a breakfast and two lunches), sleeping accommodations and all other RCD activities.
You'll be bunking with Olivet students in the residence halls, so be sure to bring a sleeping bag, pillow and toiletries.
If you will be making your own housing arrangements please be sure to note that on your online registration form.
For late registrations or more information, please contact the Office of Admissions at 815-939-5203 or
Kids & Pre-Teen Camp
Mark your calendars. The dates have changed.
July 5-8, 2017 (Wednesday-Saturday)
The Relationship Factor
Understanding and Ministering to Children
With Challenging Behaviors and Life Issues
Presented by: Irene Lewis- Wimbley
Attend one of the two training's offered
Saturday, October 1 - Peoria First Church of the Nazarene
Saturday, October 15 - Sterling First Church of the Nazarene
Morning Session - Introduction to understanding stress and how it effects our ability to build relationships with those who need the message of Hope the most.
Lunch will be provided onsite (with donations accepted.)
Afternoon Session - We will explore practical strategies for classroom management and interventions for more extreme behavior and children with special needs.
Registration deadline
September 21
Church Planting Essentials (Church Planting Basic Training)
Based on years of working in mission areas where the church is expanding rapidly.
Learn how to:
- Organize and refine your vision, purpose, strategies, and timeline early, so that you have a clear plan for the future.
- Use Biblical principles for church planting in everything you do.
- Recognize and avoid common church planting landmines.
Churches Planting Churches (Church Sponsorship 101)
Learn how to:
- Answer fears and objections to church planting
- Determine the involvement of the mother church
- Find resources needed to fund the daughter church
- Overcome common barriers in the new work
- Recruit a church planter and leadership
- Create your own personalized V.I.P. (Vision Involvement Plan)
In addition to these training tracks,there is Certified Trainer
that equips and certifies participants to re-teach the materials in their local context. It is provided at no extra cost. Those wishing to be certified must attend a session before their track begins and another session when their track has finished.
CPE & CPC Training runs from Nov.1 at 8:30am through Nov 3 at 5pm
CT training requires two
sessions: Oct 31 from 1pm-5pm and Nov.4 from 8:30-11:30am
All Sessions help at Pekin First
3514 Broadway St., Pekin, IL 61554
Cost: $35 per person (covers materials and lunches)
Dinners and Hotels are "on your own"
Hotel accommodations
Holiday Inn Express
3615 Kelly Ave.
Pekin, IL 61554
Cost: Standard King $99 per night or 2 Queens $99 per night A block of rooms have been reserved.
Please use code
PSN to receive the blocked price.
Rooms will be blocked and at this rate until 10/10/16
Ministry Team Conference & Retreat
(Pastor & Spouse Retreat has been renamed!)
October 10-12, 2016
Pere Marquette Lodge & Conference Center
We have a great retreat planned to allow you to relax, spend time with friends and be encouraged with the pastors from across our district. Please click the registration and payment links below.
Deadline to register and pay is September 1, 2016
For additional retreat information, please go to
For generations, Nazarenes have supported the World Evangelism Fund. Together, we've accomplished so much in our first 100 years. Join us on a journey into the next 100 years and partner with the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. In our new plan for Funding the Mission, the World Evangelism Fund is the vehicle through which we deliver the message of hope - and your church drives our mission more than ever before.
The report below may not reflect actual end of year numbers. Corrections and updates are still being made.
July 2016 Report
08/23 - SDMI Meeting - 6pm Peoria
08/25 - MST/ZF - online meeting - 9:30am-11:30am
09/15 - POPS - Pekin First
09/17 - Teen Quiz - Sterling First
09/20 - DAB - New Hope
09/20 - Nominating Committee - New Hope
09/29 - MST/ZF Meeting - New Hope 9:30am-2:00pm
10/01 - The Relationship Factor - Peoria First
10/10-10/12 - Ministry Team Conference & Retreat
10/15 - Quizfest - Kankakee
10/15 - The Relationship Factor - Sterling First
10/20 - POPS - Peru
10/28-10/29 - ONU Homecoming
10/31-11/4 - DCPI Training - Pekin First
Renee Kindle
Missionary Tours
George Miller August 11 - Canton First (Spoon River Zone) August 12 - Streator (Fox Valley Zone) August 14 - Bloomington First 10:00am August 14 - Moline Community (pm service)
July 24-28
J. Todd Keller
Schedule 2016-2017
09/17 Sterling
11/19 Rockford Samuelson Road
10/15 Quizfest - Kankakee
12/02-12/03 St. Louis Invitational
01/21 Galesburg
02/18 Sterling Invitational
03/25 New Hope
Teen Quizzing is an excellent and fun way for teens to learn the Bible. All you need to start a program in your church is a willing adult to lead, at least one teen, and a Bible (NIV 2011 version)...or you can join with another church if you numbers are small. Materals can be ordered thorugh the Nazarene Publishing House or Acme Quiz (web address below). The cost is very reasonable. For example, a coach's packet from NPH costs less than $30 and includes an online subscription portion for a quizzer is $1.99. The coach's kit includes a "yellow book" with devotionals that you can use with your youth as a great resource for Bible study, even if they aren't going to quiz.
Cost: The cost for NWIL quizzes is $20 per quizzer for the whole year. This fee is due at the first quiz in September and covers all four of our NWIL district quizzes.
Tournaments outside of our district are reasonably priced and relatively close to us. You can contact the tournament directors via the Central Region quiz site for more information.
Denise Vroman, NYI Quiz Director
-Ministry Call-
NMI with the collaboration of NYI and SDMI has been trying to compile a list of children and youth who have expressed a call into ministry. The goal of NMI's Ministry Call is to educate, inform and guide those children and youth called into ministry get as much help in following through with those calls. Being able to pray for them by name and introducing them to opportunities to develop in their particular area of ministry.
If you know of a student who feels called into ministry please let Ronda Hollars know by giving her a call at
As you are going,
Every relationship, every interaction, all inclusive.
And make disciples,
You. Be one. Be a Christ-like disciple. Re-present Jesus.
Baptizing them, immersing them in Jesus,
Pray. Empty yourself. Sacrifice.
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Anne Whalen
District Children's Director
Children's Ministry Workers -
If you're on Facebook, check out the newly created group - NWIL Children's Ministry - and request to join! We will be sharing children's ministry ideas, borrowing curriculum, bouncing ideas off one another and encouraging each other as we all seek to point kids toward Christ.
If you haven't yet filled out the Children's Ministry survey, please
do so today at:
This will assist us in connecting together and determining ways to best support each other in ministry!
Please let me know how I can partner with you as you serve your local church!
Anne Whalen
District Children's Ministry Director
Mark your
June 25-28, 2018
Schedule 2016-2017
11/12/16 - Sterling
02/04/17 - Pekin
04/29/17-Peoria First
If you have any questions regarding Children's Bible Quizzing, please contact
Rosie Furston,
Children's Quizzing Director

Children's Bible Quizzing is gearing up for the 2016-2017 year! Each church is responsible for ordering their own curriculum through NPH and scheduling team practices.
Are exciting things happening in your church? We would love to share it with our district family. Please send a short article and pictures to
NWIL District Office
Previous Year's Journals
Nazarene Manual
Nazarene Safe Kids
other Valuable Resources.
Dr. James R. Spruce
North Pekin Church of the Nazarene
Dr. Spruce has been a licensed minister for 50 years. He served as District Superintendent for 18 of those years.
Dr. Spruce was the District Superintendent of the Illinois District 2003-2014, following seven years of service as the Nebraska District Superintendent. Pastorates have been at Flint (Central), Michigan; Centralia, Washington; Houston, Texas; Champaign and Belleville, Illinois; and Cadillac, Michigan. He was ordained in 1970.
He retired as District Superintendent of the Illinois District in 2014. Shortly after retirement, he accepted an appointment for one year to North Pekin as their lead pastor. He graciously continued to minister in North Pekin for over two years. We are humbled and honored to have had a leader such as Dr. Spruce on our team.
Dr. Spruce has served as a member of the General Curriculum Committee and General NYI Council, Board of Pensions and Benefits and General Board. He was a member of the USA Course of Study Advisory Council and NPH Book Committee. The author of four books, numerous articles and adult Sunday School lessons, His publications include: Lord of the Valley; A Pastor's Worship Resource, Come Let Us Worship; Baptism-An Important Step in Your Life with Christ.
He is a graduate of Bethany Nazarene College (now Southern Nazarene University). He holds an Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from McCormick Theological Seminary.
Born in Blytheville, Arkansas in 1942 and reared in Nazarene parsonages, Jim married Karen Aller of Nampa, Idaho in 1963. Karen received a degree in music education at SNU. The Spruces have two daughters, Cynthia and Sharolyn, and a son, Steve. They have have six grandchildren. Dr. Spruce and Kim moved to Idaho and are looking forward to enjoying retirement and family.
Reverends Lloyd & Kim Brock
Celebrate 10 years at Pekin First
Rev. Brock is the longest serving senior pastor in Pekin First history. Their commitment
far exceeds just the local church but also the local communities. They partner with local businesses from the Pekin Chamber of Commerce, Pekin Hospital, Marigold Festival, City Council, and several local businesses and funeral homes. Their desire to build a community is just as evident as their desire to build The Church.
Both are ordained in the Church of the Nazarene. Rev. Lloyd Brock has served as a full time Pastor in various churches for 31 years and Rev. Kim Brock as a Worship Pastor for 17 years. Together they have three children: Faith (Josh) Barnhouse, Hope Brock, and Will Brock.
They not only serve as the Senior Pastor and Worship Pastor at Pekin First Nazarene, they are also committed at the district. Rev. Lloyd Brock serves in the following areas: POPS (Pastors on Purpose) Coordinator, Zone Facilitator, District Advisory Board, Board of Ministry. Rev. Kim Brock serves in the following areas: District Advisory Board, Celebrate Life Director, Teen Camp Directors Team. Everything they do is done with a willing heart and a desire to grow God's Kingdom.
During the 10 year celebration service he said "We can not be satisfied where we are at, we must continue to do great things." Pekin First will celebrate 90 years in 2017 and will continue to do great things to glorify our Lord!
IN 10 YEARS Pekin First has accomplished
Planted Bridgeway C.O.N. Hired 14 additional staff members Had 213 people attend an Encounter Had 275 people baptized Increased worship attendance from 375 to 775 people Had 2,096 salvations Increased building space from 31,800 to 67,000 sq. ft. Given $555,000 to World Missions Increased Giving from $565,000 to $1.2 Million Had a total of $1.7 Million in Denominational Giving
Thursday, October 6
Olivet Nazarene University
Musical Guest: The Collingsworth Family
Prime Time Day is a great opportunity for ANY senior adult to spend the day on Olivet's campus. There will be a full day of entertainment from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for only $24 (lunch included.)
For any grandparent of an Olivet student there will also be a special dinner at 6:30 p.m. in McHie Arena with Dr. John Bowling. ($12/grandparent and $7.50/Olivet student with ID number.)
For tickets call 815-939-5258
Indianapolis, Indiana
June 21-30, 2017
Homecoming and Family Weekend
October 28-30, 2016
NWIL District Advisory Board
Rev. Scott Sherwood Brett Spengler
Rev. Bill Clark Carole Eatock
Rev. Jim Book Keith Peachey
Rev. Lloyd Brock Kevin Singletary
Rev. Kevin Donoho
ONU Board of Trustees
Rev. Scott Sherwood Rev. William Clark
Rev. Lloyd Brock Cheryl Sherwood
Ken Roat
Zone Facilitators
Lincoln Highway
Quad Cities

District Superintendent
Rev. Scott Sherwood
District Secretary
District Administrator
Rev. James Book
District Treasurer
District DCPI Coordinator
Rev. Ray Barker
NWIL Office Manager
Pamela Smith
Course of Study
Rev. Scott Whalen
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