Welcome Andy Sprain,
Assistant to the Bishop for Faith Formation!
It is with great joy that we welcome Andy Sprain to the Office of the Bishop! Andy has accepted the invitation of Bishop Gonia to serve as the Assistant to the Bishop for Faith Formation in the Rocky Mountain Synod. “Andy’s leadership in outdoor ministry, his appreciation of our Lutheran lens of faith, his network of connections and deep commitment to our life together as the ELCA and the Rocky Mountain Synod – these are wonderful assets in our efforts to encourage a life "better together" as Christ's church in the world,” reflected Bishop Gonia.
Andy Sprain grew up in Loveland, CO before receiving a religion degree from Pacific Lutheran University, WA. After graduating, he moved back to Colorado and spent two winters skiing in Summit County. Since 2007, Andy has served at Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp, first as a part time program director (combined with a part time youth director position at Trinity Lutheran Church, Fort Collins) and then as a full time staff starting in 2010. At Sky Ranch, Andy worked primarily with the high school adventure and service programs, as well as marketing and outreach efforts. During this time, he served as a lay leader in a variety of synodical roles, including board member at CSU Campus Ministry, a member of the Safe Haven Task Force, part of several middle school and high school youth gathering teams, and the convener of the First Third of Life strategic plan implementation team. Andy is currently pursuing a Master of Theological Studies degree at Iliff School of Theology, Denver, with particular interests in Theological Anthropology and Biblical creation narratives. He lives in Fort Collins with his wife Erin, daughters Sophia (5) and Emma (3), and two dogs. They are excited about their little boy due in November.
Andy’s primary role will to be work with our synod's leadership at every level as we seek to faithfully live and authentically minister from our unique gifts as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He will provide support and guidance for many aspects of Faith Formation including serving as the bishop's liaison for Campus Ministry, Outdoor Ministry, ELCA Colleges and Seminaries, Synod Youth Gatherings, and synod faith formation teams including the Faith Formation Network, First Third of Life, and the Youth Discipleship Team. Finishing his final summer at Sky Ranch, Andy will begin September 1. Welcome Andy!
UNM Campus Ministry Pastor Anne Morawski receives award
ELCA Campus Ministry staff recently gathered for our National Staff Gathering at the University of Maryland. It was a wonderful event to celebrate our ministry among students, faculty and staff at college and university campuses across the country on behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
At the closing banquet,
Pastor Anne Morawski was named the recipient of the "2016 James R. Carr Distinguished Service Award"
. Named in honor of our former campus ministry colleague and executive for Lutheran Campus Ministry, this is an award of high distinction that recognizes outstanding and distinguished service to Lutheran Campus Ministry. Pastor Morawski has had a long and distinguished career as the Lutheran Campus Pastor at the University of New Mexico. Over the years, she has helped shape a campus ministry program that has touched the lives of countless students, faculty, and staff, and she has worked tirelessly to be a sign of God’s good news within the campus community.
Anne Morawski has been a faithful servant of God in campus ministry for much of her professional life. Above all, she is recognized by people on the campus as a person of hope, compassion, and generosity who “lives the Gospel” in all that she does.
We hope you will join us in congratulating Pastor Anne Morawski as the recipient of Lutheran Campus Ministry’s “2016 James R. Carr Distinguished Service Award”.
ELCA Churchwide Assembly begins Monday, August 3
Voting members and visitors from all 65 synods of the ELCA will gather in New Orleans, LA for the 2016 Churchwide Assembly. During the week of the assembly participants will gather for worship, attend workshops, learn about the work of the church through our churchwide organization and leadership, elect a new Vice President, and vote on a variety of resolutions. More information about the churchwide assembly, reports and resolutions can be found HERE
Voting members from the Rocky Mountain Synod were elected at the 2015 Synod Assembly. Please remember them in your prayers this week as they travel attend the assembly.
Follow the 2016 Churchwide assembly on social media: #elcacwa
Progress Report on Lily Endowment grant development
Work is continuing at a very brisk pace to meet the deadline for the Rocky Mountain Synod to apply for a half-million dollar grant from Lilly Endowment. The grant is part of Lilly's National Initiative to Address Challenges Facing Pastors. The Synod would use its $500,000 over a three-year period to help pastors, other rostered leaders, and congregations to not only address existing fiscal challenges but to raise overall capacity for greater economic security for rostered leaders and congregations. The grant encourages a combination of education, resourcing, and direct aid to lift the capacity of the whole synod toward greater fiscal wellness. The Lilly Grant Team extends its thanks to synod rostered and congregation leaders who completed the online surveys in June. Thirty-seven percent of rostered leaders and 38% of congregations responded, with a demographic which reflects the diversity of the synod, and yields a 95% reliability on the survey results. That data has been combined with the conversations of 119 people last April as part if strategic planning to form the basis for elements which are now being woven into the grant proposals. A first draft of the entire proposal is being completed now and revisions will be made during the next two weeks to meet the August 19 deadline.
Farewell 2015-2016 Urban Servant Corps and Border Servant Corps Volunteers!
This past week current USC and BSC volunteers completed their year of service and said farewell to their time together. We are grateful for their witness as Christ's Church and their work for justice in the world. We offer prayers of gratitude and prayers for the "what's next" for these young adult leaders in our church.
Farewell prayer
God go with us Help us to be an honor to the Church Give us the grace to follow Christ's word To be clear in our task and careful in our speech Give us open hands and joyful hearts Let Christ be on our lips May our lives reflect a love of truth and compassion Let no one come to us and go away sad May we offer hope to the poor and solace to the disheartened Let us so walk before God's people that those who follow us might come to know God's kingdom Let us sow living seeds -- words that are quick with life That faith maybe the harvest in people's hearts In word and in example let your light shine in the dark like a morning star Do not allow the wealth of the world or its enchantment flatter us in to silence as to your truth Do not permit the powerful or judges or our dearest friends to keep us from professing what is right AMEN.
Sunday, August 21 at 1 p.m.
Christ Lutheran Church
Cheyenne, WY
Pastor Rebecca Aardahl
Color of the day: green
Sunday, August 21 at 5 p.m.
Shepherd of the Valley
La Salle, CO
Pastor Wendy Kalan
Color of the day: green
Retirement Celebration
Sunday, August 21 at 9:30 a.m.
Pastor Patricia L. Holman
St Paul Lutheran Church
Albuquerque, NM
RMS Prayer Cycle
All Saints
Brush, CO
Dan Hays
Windsor, CO
James West, Interim
Brush, CO
Wes Dunbar
Eaton, CO
John Maroni
Ault, CO
Renee Lier
Almighty God, you sent your Holy Spirit to be the life and light of your church. Open our hearts to the riches of your grace, that we may be ready to receive you wherever you appear, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
House for All Sinners and Saints Moving to New Location
Due to sustained growth, House for All Sinners and Saints is moving to a new location in Capitol Hill. House for All will celebrate its last Holy Eucharist at St. Thomas Episcopal Chchurch on July 31st. Beginning August 7th, HFASS will worship at 1595 Pearl Street, the current site of Denver Community Church, originally built as Temple Emanuel synagogue. Join HFASS on August 7th for its inaugural Eucharist at the Pearl Street location!
Jubilate! Sacred Singers looking for new members
Jubilate! Sacred Singers offers its members an opportunity to sing beautiful sacred music under professional leadership, enjoy fellowship and serve the community. The organization is self-funded, service-oriented and welcomes singers of all ages and spiritual disciplines to join.
Rehearsals are every Thursday evening from 7:00 - 9:00 PM in Louisville and there are a few public performances a month. We are flexible with our members and understand the many challenges individuals face balancing work, families and other commitments. More information can be found HERE.
8th Annual Selian 5K Walk-Run
St. Peter, Greenwood Village
Sunday, August 21 from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Registration forms are available in the narthex at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Greenwood Village, CO, or on their website. Every participant is asked to make a donation. If you donate between $25 and $49 you will receive a water bottle. $50 to $90 and we'll add a drawstring backpack. $100 or more will get you a water bottle, a drawstring backpack and a Selian Hospital golf shirt.
This year's proceeds will contribute to the development of Selian Hospital's new Nursing School near Arusha, Tanzania. Please join St. Peter Lutheran Church in support for our ministry partners in Tanzania.
Desert Springs Lutheran Church, Truth or Consequences, NM presents $500 check to Senior Center
Deciding on a local outreach recipient was easy when Charlie brought to the council’s attention the Senior Joint Office on Aging meal site suffering from a deficit for their lunch program for our neighboring seniors. A $500 check was presented to SJOA Finance Director Sue Penner by Church Council president Debbie Harding. Present for the donation giving were Father Peter Cacoperdo, Margaret Cacoperdo, Tom Smith, Lorraine Hayes, Pat Moore and Charlie Kuhne . Hopefully, the word will get out and bring this matter to the attention of other local charitable institutions. We were very proud to be a part of this.
Congregational Resource Corner
Check here each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation.
Christian concern for the environment is shaped by the Word of God spoken in creation, the Love of God hanging on a cross, the Breath of God daily renewing the face of the earth.
- ELCA Social Statement: Caring for Creation
For the full social statement, Bible Studies, and other resources visit the RMS Website: Creation Stewardship
Non-rostered positions available
Lord of the Mountains Lutheran Church, Dillon, CO
Lutheran Church of Hope, Broomfield, CO
Facilities Manager
Bethany Lutheran Church, Cherry Hills Village, CO
Financial Administrator Christ Lutheran Church, Highlands Ranch, CO
Children, Youth and Family Ministry Director
All Saints Lutheran Church - Albuquerque, NM
Choir Director (part time)
St. Andrew Lutheran Church , Arvada, CO
Office of the Bishop this week
Bishop Gonia
- Peace Lutheran, Sterling, CO
- All Staff Meeting
- ELCA Churchwide Assembly
Pastor Kent Mueller
- RMS Administration
- Candidacy meetings
- All Staff Meeting
- ELCA Grace Gathering
Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
- Dental Therapy Community Meeting
- Invest in kids Now Coalition
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Transitions meetings & interviews
- All Staff Meeting
- First Lutheran, Longmont, CO
Erin Power, Diaconal Minister
- Companion Synod Committee
- RMS website and communication
- All Staff Meeting
- Vacation
Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO
- ELCA Churchwide Assembly
- State Public Policy Office monthly call
- CSLC Fall Forum planning
- Ballot issue education
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
- Well of Hope, Castle Pines
- St. Matthew, Aurora
- Aurora Area Ministry Strategy
- House for All Saints and Sinners, Denver
- Cristo Rey, Denver
- Iglesia Luterana Jesus de Nazaret, Aurora
Maria Sutton
, Communication Assistant
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks. Please submit your announcement at the time it should appear, ready to copy and paste into the newsletter, with a link to your website for more information.
the Rocky Mountain Synod is a Reconciling in Christ synod