Juneau Economic Development Council NEWS  |  July 2016
FIRST Partner Conference Recap

JEDC STEM Program Manager, Rebecca Soza, and key volunteer, Dave Patterson, traveled to Manchester, NH for the  FIRST  Partner Conference. This annual event is a conglomeration of conferences bringing together partners for the full progression of  FIRST  programs from all over the world. Soza and Patterson attended the conferences for three of the four programs that are most popular in Alaska:  FIRST  LEGO league Jr.,  FIRST  LEGO League, and the  FIRST Tech Challenge. In addition to networking and discussing best practices with partners from other states and countries, the conferences gave Alaska's program leadership a chance to address issues facing Alaskan students and teams (like high shipping and travel costs, access to materials, and cultural sensitivity) with the program leadership.  

JEDC STEM Program Manager Rebecca Soza and Key Volunteer Dave Patterson. 
JEDC & Chamber of Commerce Collaborate for Alaska Start-Up Week 
Over 31 events are taking place around the state in recognition of  Alaska Start-Up Week.   The event in Juneau was coordinated by the Juneau Economic Development Council and the Juneau Chamber of Commerce.  A panel of five local entrepreneurs was moderated by JEDC Executive Director Brian Holst.  Panelists included: Sandro Lane [ Alaska Protein Recovery, LLC], Sydney Mitchell [ Shoefly], Patrick Courtnage [ Adventure Flow], Lindsey Burnet [ Bustin' Out Boutique], and Rico Worl [ Trickster]. The Chamber presentation covered start-up trends in Juneau and around the state and then launched into a series of questions for the panel. 

Thank you Juneau Empire and Capital City Weekly for covering the event.  

Reid Harris from  Northern Edge Craftworks  was featured by Capital City Weekly for Alaska Start-Up Week.  

Startup Week is a cornerstone statewide event in the "Year of Innovation," a statewide effort to strengthen and diversify Alaska's economic base through improved access to effective resources and mentors to grow entrepreneur ecosystems; engage export and import substitution businesses to innovate, and engage the next generation through K-12 outreach.  

STEM Summer Camps  

We had a great STEM Summer Camp turnout this year.  Over 250 children between the ages of 9 - 13 participated in the 6 different STEM summer camps that JEDC hosted. 

Summer camper learning how to solder.

Thanks to our amazing counselors and TSAs! 

Thank you to our Summer Camp sponsors for making these opportunities possible for the next generation!
SURVEY: Non-Resident Workforce
The Juneau Economic Development Council (JEDC), with support from the City and Borough of Juneau Assembly and in alignment with the Juneau Economic Plan, explored the attitudes towards Juneau of workers who earn a wage in Juneau but do not make their permanent home here. JEDC created a survey with the goal to determine housing and lifestyle needs and barriers to these employees becoming year-round residents. 

As you willl see in the survey HERE, the most significant barrier to converting the non-resident workers employed in Juneau to residents is the perceived high cost of living in Juneau. Along with the high price of goods and services, the lack of affordable housing is perceived as the next significant barrier. For the youngest demographic, as well as for those making their permanent residence outside of Alaska, the climate/weather in Juneau was a third most influential factor.

JEDC in the News 
July has been a busy month for JEDC! Thank you to our local press outlets for capturing some of what we do.

Earlier this month, JEDC helped the DBA Marketing Committee execute a Pokemon Go urban hike through downtown.  

Thanks for the coverage Juneau Empire! 

JEDC Executive Director Brian Holst  went on the radio  to give an overall update on JEDC activities and specifically gave exciting information on the recent trip to Norway and Denmark during the District Heating field trip.  

JEDC Communications Specialist Dana Herndon went on KTOO Juneau Afternoon  to invite interested parties to the the Renewable Energy cluster working group meeting to talk about special rates for electric vehicles and to get an update on the District Heating trip to Denmark and Norway.  Dana also briefly talked about the Choose Juneau campaign.  

JEDC STEM Program Manager Rebecca Soza went on the airwaves with Juneau Afternoon earlier in the month to talk about the exciting STEM summer camps that JEDC facilitates every summer. 

Choose Juneau Campaign

We have an active Choose Juneau Facebook page and encourage you to check it out.

Draft Juneau Energy Plan

The Juneau Commission on Sustainability  has been working to define goals for Juneau's energy future and to suggest ways the City and Borough of Juneau can help achieve these goals.  The Community Energy Plan is a first step in that process.  
For anyone interested in reading the plan it can be found here.  
Comments on the plan can be sent to
Cluster Working Group meetings

We invite you to attend our August cluster working group meetings.

The Research & Development Cluster Working Group will meet on August 11 at 9AM at the JEDC offices. There will be a presentation of the Ocean Interpretative Center.  

The Renewable Energy Cluster Working Group will meet on August 11 at 3PM at the JEDC offices. The discussion will be of the Electric Vehicle rate plan.   
Investor Spotlight: City & Borough of Juneau

The City and Borough of Juneau provides a full range of diverse services and programs designed to protect public safety and enhance the quality of life. This includes police, fire and emergency medical, libraries, recreation facilities, parks and trails, transit services, street maintenance, water and wastewater collection and distribution,  youth programs, hospital services, port and harbor facilities, airport facilities, community planning, building permits, and community infrastructure development.  The employees of the city and borough of Juneau are proud of the public service they provide to the people who live in and visit our community.

Learn more about supporting the work of JEDC and consider an Investment in Juneau.
Become a 2016 JEDC Investor 

We invite you to invest in Juneau by becoming a JEDC Investor. Show your support of the work we do to forward Juneau and Southeast's economy.

By supporting JEDC you are supporting the long-term economic success of Alaska's capital city, and creating a business climate that in turn supports your business or organization.  

To learn more about our investor program, please visit or send an email to Dana Herndon
Thank you for subscribing to JEDC News!
If you find JEDC News to be of interest and value, please forward the newsletter to your friends and colleagues.  


Executive Director
Juneau Economic Development Council

In This Issue
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Board of Directors
Lauren MacVay, Chair
Chancellor Rick Caulfield, Vice Chair
Mitch Jackson, Treasurer
Susan Murray, Secretary
Mayor Ken Koelsch
Corey Baxter
Alec Mesdag
Sydney Mitchell
Susan Murray
Brandon Cullum
Jason Puckett
Keith Comstock
Loren Jones, CBJ Assembly
Kate Troll, CBJ Assembly

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MRV Architects
Alaska Miners Association
Alaska Mobility Commission
Commonwealth North
Central Council of Tlingit & Haida 
Indian Tribes of Alaska
Juneau Arts & Humanities Council
Juneau Convention & Visitors Bureau
Sitka Chamber of Commerce
Southeast Conference