Year three of our county-wide
Attendance Awareness Campaign 
kicks off!
Theme for August: 
Get off to a good start,
"Attend today, achieve for a lifetime!

Key Message: 
A ttendance is an important life skill that will help students graduate from college and keep a job.
Communication Tools/Strategies:
By the 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school. Check out the research that one school district did on the subject.

Improving attendance and reducing chronic absence is not rocket science, but it does take commitment, collaboration, and tailored approaches to the particular challenges and strengths of each school community.  

Start the school year off right... check out the "What Works" section of the Attendance Works website to learn strategies and to see examples of evidence based practices to improve attendance from schools and districts around the country.  http://www.attendanceworks.org/what-works/   

Help your teachers and parents
"Get Off to a Good Start" this school year!

Our Attendance Awareness theme for August is "Get Off to a Good Start - Attend Today, Achieve for a Lifetime!"  You can help educators and parents make sure they are getting off to a good start when it comes to student attendance in school, and here are some ideas:
  1. If your school is not signed up to receive information regarding the CCCOE Attendance Awareness Campaign, be sure to sign up today! Click here for more information.
  2. Visit (or re-visit) your school district's personalized Toolkit, on the CCCOE website.
  3. Connect to the Attendance Work's website and take a look at Leading Attendance: A Toolkit for Principals. It is a full toolkit for principals to help promote and cultivate a school wide culture of attendance.
  4. Review attendance data - Identify individuals and groups of students who missed 10% school the prior year or may have had attendance issues in the past.
  5. Begin your outreach to families before the school year begins.
  6. Be sure to include comments in your Back to School script to teachers and parents about the importance of attending school every day and the consequences of missing school (and have teachers reinforce the same concepts with parents at Back to School Night).
  7. Reinforce the importance of personal communication with parents in your school or classroom. Personalizing text messages to parents about student progress or when their student misses school, is a great way to engage parents and shows that you care about their child.
  8. Use the month of August to launch a year-long focus on attendance and absenteeism.
Let's all get off to a good start cultivating a school-wide culture of attendance!
You can also follow the status of the county-wide campaign and share the strategies that you are using at your site and on social media
Plan Ahead... Use the Attendance Monthly Themes and Key Messages in your School Newsletter
We have collaborated with experts and have come up with Monthly Themes and Key Messages that you can use in your e-mails to parents, school newsletters, on billboards, or any other way you like to communicate with your parents and students that Every Day Counts: Attend Today, Achieve for a Lifetime!
All themes and supporting materials can be found on the CCCOE Website here:
Upcoming Webinars:
Tuesday, August 16, 2016:
Collective Action: Taking a Cross-Sector Approach,
11-12:30 pm
Chronic absence - missing 10% of the school year for any reason - has negative consequences for students. Yet with the combined efforts of parents, schools, communities and agencies, it is a solvable problem. What does it look like when partners from various sectors such as education, health, housing, justice and business pool their resources to help families get their children to school every day?
Join us for the third webinar in the 2016 Attendance Awareness Month series as we showcase cross-sector partnerships from San Francisco, Omaha and Austin.
Thursday, September 8, 2016:  
Ensuring an Equal Opportunity to Learn: Leveraging Chronic Absence Data for Strategic Action, 11-12:30 pm.
In June 2016, the U.S. Office for Civil Rights released its first national count of students who were chronically absent. The data showed a staggering 6.5 million students were chronically absent, which means that they missed so much school that their ability to read well and gain fundamental skills and knowledge for college and career was hampered. In the 500 most heavily impacted districts, over 30% of students were chronically absent.

Join experts Hedy Chang, Executive Director of Attendance Works and Dr. Robert Balfanz, Director of the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University as they release a major national study analyzing the data and more importantly, showing how leaders at the local, state and national levels can take strategic action to monitor and address chronic absence in order to ensure an equal opportunity to learn and succeed.

Save the following date for the remainder of the webinar series:  
Tuesday, November 1.
Superintendents Call To Action!

Superintendents can lead the district and the community in monitoring chronic absence and intervening with students headed off track. Superintendents can sign up for the  Call to Action on Attendance sponsored by Attendance Works and the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading. They can:
  • Own the Issue:  Make clear that improved student attendance is one of your top priorities.
  • Mobilize the Community:  Reach out to make improved student attendance a broadly owned and widely shared civic priority
  • Drive with Data:  Use data to raise public awareness, establish targets and goals, track progress and assure accountability.

2016 Attendance Awareness Calendars
Price Reduction... 
Great for Back to School Night! Only $7 

This beautiful calendar displays the winning submissions from the "Every School Day Counts" Poster and Essay contest. The contest consisted of a poster contest for students in Grades K-5 and an essay writing contest for middle school students. There were over 256 posters and 60 essays submitted and we are proud to display the creative work of our students throughout this calendar. If you are interested in purchasing one, please visit our website for an order form here.

All proceeds from the sales of this calendar will be used to support ongoing Attendance Campaign activities.

Contra Costa County Office of Education | 925-942-3343
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