







Come to Me
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.                                                     Matthew 11:28-30
It has been a delight this summer to remember the stories of the saints and to read and reflect on some of the church's early legends. There is a wonderful tale concerning the early years of Jesus' adulthood prior to his ministry in the Galilee.  Scriptures tells us that Jesus' father Joseph was a carpenter, and yet there are few references to Jesus' craft as a skilled worker.  He never speaks of tables and chairs, or cupboards and shelves. Oddly, we hear Jesus speaking more often about fishing and farming, than we do of carpentry- except perhaps, for this familiar and beloved passage in St. Matthew's gospel.  "Come to me, all you labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Scottish theologian William Barclay writes of this legend.  He states there is a cherished tradition that Jesus the carpenter was one of the master yoke-makers in Nazareth. People came from miles around for a yoke, hand carved and crafted by Jesus son of Joseph. When customers arrived with their team of oxen Jesus would spend considerable time measuring the team, their height, the width, the space between them, and the size of their shoulders. Within a week, the team would be brought back and Jesus would carefully place the newly made yoke over the shoulders, watching for rough places, smoothing out the edges and fitting them perfectly to this particular team of oxen.  The Barclay suggests that the sign over the entrance to the workshop may have been a wooden yoke with the imprinted phrase, "My Yokes Fit Well."  Well-fitting is a more accurate way of translating the word easy.
Unfortunately, most people today do not know the difference between a yoke and a harness. We're actually a bit annoyed by the thought of Jesus placing any burden around our necks. So what's the difference? A harness was put on one ox to guide that one, while a yoke was put on a pair or more to keep them together as they plowed and worked together. The yoke was a way of joining together two working oxen so they could pull a sleigh or work in a field together more effectively. This was often the case on farms, where an older well-trained ox would be used to train a new ox.
My friends, the yoke Jesus invites you to take, the yoke that brings rest to weary souls, is one that is made exactly to fit your life and heart. The yoke he invites you to wear fits you well, does not rub you nor cause you to develop sore spirits and is designed for two. The yoke Christ invites you to take is not a harness, but a way of connecting you to him to show you how to get the job done.  "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Peace, Pastor Arden Haug

Staff Listing

Rev. Dr. Arden D. Haug Pastor 

Kenneth Q. Vigne- Organist

Dawn Allan - Choir Director

Diane LaMere Children's Ministry

Linda Nelson  - Office Manager
Dane Peterson - Custodian
Kerri Booher - Wedding Coordinator



   Sunday Worship Service
  9:30 a.m.
   Coffee Hour    10:40 a.m.

Prayer Ministry Group
Friday Mornings
9:15 a.m - 10:00 a.m.
August 5
Our Saviour's Shelter Meal
6:00 p.m.

August 6
Priscilla Circle
9:30 am.
Bev Bergford's Home

August 13
Twin Cities Paint-a-Thon

August 18
Church Council Meeting
7:00 p.m.

 Worship Schedule


 Worship with

Holy Communion

and Sunday School

9:30 a.m. 

10:40 a.m. Coffee Hour


Children are always welcome in worship.  However, if the need arises, the Christy Room is staffed with a Nursery Attendant for your child.  If you need assistance, please ask one of the ushers to help you. 


Lars Olson has informed is that a house at 2400 Jefferson Street NE, Minneapolis, has been assigned to LOTI for painting on Saturday, August 13th.  Please contact Lars at l [email protected] if you can help paint this year or call the church office.  We look forward to having another good team again this year.


Yes, those nasty weeds are raising their heads again in the garden beds. Volunteers are needed to periodically help with weeding.  Please contact Pastor  Haug when you are available to help.  


Priscilla Circle will meet on Saturday, August 6th at 9:30 a.m. at Bev Bergford's home.  Her address is 2218 Mount View Avenue, Minneapolis.  Join us for a time of casual fellowship and camaraderie.  Please call Bev at 612 377-1319 if you need directions to her home.




Reserve a month in 2017 to provide a meal for Our Saviour's Housing.  Our congregation provides the meal the first Friday of every month.  If you are a Thrivent member, you can get a grant from them to help you cover costs.  Any questions or sign up with Cheri Moe (952-431-5226 or [email protected]).  

Thank you to the Melbye's for serving the meal on July 1st.  



Happy Birthday!


Eric Amann

Alexis Jacoby

Suzanne Pepin

Phoenix Millar Bruzek

Jenny Cook

Stella Walters-Beck

Sean Coleman

Denise Wilkens

Ross Bartels

Ben Formell

Mary Abbe Hintz

Maggi Seybold

Henrik Olson



August 7 - Carolyn and Dave Hagford
August 14 - Ross and Wesley Bartels
August 21 - Eric and Kate Mechels
August 28 - Bruce Sabatke and David Ackerman


August 7 - Carol and Henry Arent
August 14 - Michelle McCreery and Mark Duff
August 21 - Marty Carlson and Mary Knoblauch
August 28 - David and Carolyn Hagford


We welcome your input to the newsletter.  Please contact the church office at [email protected] if you would like us to include a birth announcement, ministry team meeting information/schedules or other information you would like to share with the congregation at LOTI.