Helpful information
Parents and Guests of Northwestern

The start of the school year is almost here, which means orientation is right around the corner! We want to come alongside you and your student to make the start of your Northwestern experience truly memorable.   As part of orientation, you're invited and encouraged to attend several parent orientation events we've set up for you. Please register and let us know you're coming!

Orientation Registration
Orientation Schedule

We encourage you to look over the orientation schedule and be involved in as many events as possible. Please review the full orientation schedule with your student. Please note some sessions are required. Also note that on Friday, August 19 you are given free time from 3:30-6:30 p.m. Use this time to unpack, run errands, interact with campus services, and enjoy dinner with your family.

Dual Enrollment and PSEO families will have a special session on Friday, August 19 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. in Nazareth Great Room.  Because of this special session Dual Enrollment and PSEO parents are not expected to attend the parent events on Saturday morning. 

*For those of you attending Athletic or Multicultural Orientation, here are the links to those schedules: Athletic Orientation or Multicultural Orientation.

Important Dining Choices
Friday evening, August 19

Choose in advance where your family will be dining on Friday. You have the option to dine at UNW or enjoy a meal off campus. 

Option 1 - Off Campus: Head off campus and enjoy a meal at one of our local restaurants, explore what the Roseville area has to offer, and grab some last minute school supplies while having quality time with your student. At check-in you will find a list of restaurant suggestions, maps, and coupons for local restaurants. 

Option 2 - On-campus BBQ:  If choosing to eat on campus, you will need to register and select a time slot. Registration for this meal will close on Friday, August 12 at 12:00 p.m. Cost is $10 per person in advance (Please note your student's meal is covered by their meal plan). See below for more information. 

Note for Dual Enrollment/PSEO Families: You have a required enrollment session that ends at 5:30 p.m. and the next event starts at 6:30 p.m.  Therefore if you choose option 2, you must choose the 5:30 p.m. time slot to eat. (See the link below)


We look forward to welcoming you on campus! If you have any questions regarding orientation or meal registration, please email
[email protected]  or call us at 651-631-5350. 

Tim Elrod
Director of Church & Parent Relations
Jody Reynolds
Coordinator of Church & Parent Relations

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University of Northwestern - St. Paul