The Latest Forum Threads, Articles, Videos and Programs

After reading my friend Kacey Bellamy's "Letter to My Younger Self", I thought I'd drop you a few words of advice with a list of my own.

Dear Mike,
1-  Don't worry about your athletic career (or lack of one). You won't be very good at anything but, it won't matter in the long run. You'll learn a lot about hard work and that part will pay off.
Read "A Letter to My Younger Self" here 

I also want to say Congrats to longtime member and VERY frequent contributor Brad Kaczmarski and his wife Jenna on the birth of their baby boy!

As always, the forum is producing better conversations than ever.

High Hamstring Syndrome/Tendinopathy-
This is a great thread.  Lots of info here, so much that Terry Pratt said "Three years of PT didn't yield two percent of the knowledge and experience gleaned from this thread." Contributions from Casey Venters, Andy Boles, James Cavin, Chris Leib, Terry and myself.

Training information for boosters, parents etc- I love those types of questions. Very informative dialog coming from here. Thanks to Mitchell Lamm for asking and Barry Masterman for keeping it going.

Devan McConnell 6 Phase Program-
Ray McCarthy sent Devan a Facebook message awhile back and asked him to clarify some of the abbreviations, go over a bit more detail, and the thought process on his 6 phase Hockey Program. He asked if Devan could answer on the forum to benefit all. Thanks Ray!  Lots more questions came from it.

What is your Twitter handle?- In an effort to connect more with each other, Anthony started a thread for everyone to put their Twitter handle on.  He has added a list of members to start tagging people when we tweet forum threads, as well as liking and re-tweeting member tweets that are relevant.  Let's support each other, post your twitter handle

Join the discussions!

Here is some of the latest content on StrengthCoach:

Why do you do what you do?- Rob Izsa-
This question is meant to spark some thought and discussion among coaches as to why they choose the exercises or programs you have your athletes perform

The Concept of Lowest System Load- Charlie Weingroff-
Lowest System Load is a concept  to reconsider exercise choices while maintaining high levels of proper training load and stimulation.

The Ten Commandments to Optimize Your Fitness Business-
Don Saladino sums up his presentation from the Perform Better Summit

Frontal Plane and Cross Lateral Movement- Kevin Carr gives us a quick article on why these moves are so important for our brain.

Strength Coach Podcast
Episode 188- Don Saladino from Drive 495 joins Anthony for a great discussion on The Evolution of a Facility, Opening a Second One and a Unique Internship.

Thanks to all of our members for making the World's BEST Source for Strength & Conditioning info!

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Michael Boyle