Greetings Mamas!
I can't believe summer is half over. It kicked off with another awesome Mama's Self-Care retreat at Mayacamas Ranch in Calistoga. 

This weekend is such a treat for me. I love hanging out with my "mamas"! Most of the moms on the retreat were not pregnant but we did have a few preggos so naturally I taught a prenatal yoga class. We had some non-pregnant
women join the class, it was so fun. 

So...I had an idea, I was thinking that it would be fun to do a prenatal yoga reunion class! So if you ever did yoga with me when you were pregnant or postnatal you would be invited to come to this special reunion class. What a blast!
I would totally do it if you guys would come...just a thought:)

I also just completed another Mama Tree Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training. I'm so inspired by all those who participated!

This newsletter has lots of info for the moms with buns in the oven. Please share
with any of your pregnant friends.

Hope the rest of your summer is filled with laughter with family and friends.

Photo Credit: Katherine Emery Photography

In this issue: The San Francisco Birth Center is BORN + Tips to Prepare for a Natural Birth, How to Beat Nausea in Early Pregnancy, a new book featuring yours truly:  The Practitioners Guide to Prenatal Yoga, upcoming Prenatal Yoga workshops/immersions & more. 

p.s. If you plan to travel this summer, or simply can't make it to class I'm launching a sale with ALL of my online offerings via Udemy !

NEW: Prenatal Yoga with Jane Austin (my DVD is now online!) 
Purchase Now & Get $10 Off! 

My Prenatal Yoga DVD is now available online! This one hour yoga practice can be used throughout pregnancy to maintain strength and flexibility. Take it as a whole class or practice one short segment at a time if you only have a few minutes.

+ Prenatal Partners (Birth Prep & Yoga Workshop)
Take this popular workshop from the comfort of your own own, or review what you learned! You will learn techniques for breath awareness, partner poses and massage, which can help strengthen and relax your body, and soothe your mind during the birth process.  

Enjoy your summer mamas, and see you soon!  

Jane Recommends - Mama Resources
The San Francisco Birth Center
is BORN!!!

Three midwives - Julie Birdsong, Sara Van Acker and Nancy Myrick worked together with the community to open the first birth center of its kind in San Francisco as of May 31st! This is wonderful news!!! The first baby has been born at the center, and they have 30 families on the roster so far!

What is unique about the San Francisco Birth Center? The extraordinary midwives at SFBC care for families during pregnancy, birth, and beyond offering a combination of private prenatal care, group prenatal care, labor and birth, water birth, postpartum home visits and newborn care. You can register for their informational sessions to meet the midwives, learn about their services, and find out if the birth center is a good fit for your care.  

Learn More at

+ Here's Some Tips from The San Francisco Birth Center's Julie Birdsong!
5 Ways to Prepare for Natural Childbirth by Julie Birdsong, CNM 
  1. Drink plenty of water and eat small, frequent low carb, low sugar, high protein meals including healthy fats and fiber.
  2. Maintain an aerobic and strengthening exercise routine, such as prenatal yoga.
  3. Fill your toolkit with coping strategies. Take a natural childbirth preparation course that incorporates mindfulness and meditation like a Prenatal Partners workshop.
  4. Spend early labor in the comfort of your own home with the support of an experienced doula.
  5. Choose a birth team that supports your choices. Hire a midwife!
About the Author: Julie Birdsong graduated from the UCSF Midwifery Program and was a registered nurse for 18 years. She has lived in the Mission for over 10 years and is excited to serve as the Communications Director for the NEW San Francisco Birth Center. Julie is thrilled to bring the option of a birth center to San Francisco and to care for women in her own community. 
5 Tips to Beat Nausea in Early Pregnancy by Natalie Trousdale, L.A.c

Nausea during early pregnancy is often dismissed as a minor disorder but it can be a serious problem for many women. While it is often called morning sickness, nausea can strike at any time, day or night, and can have a huge impact on quality of life. 

Here are tips to beat nausea naturally:
  1. Stay hydrated: While drinking fluids doesn't readily appear to relieve nausea, becoming even slightly dehydrated will make nausea more intense. Dry lips, feeling thirsty or decreased urinary output are all signs of dehydration.

    If you are finding it hard to drink a large glass of water at once try drinking small amounts more frequently. 
    If just the thought of water makes you nauseated try drinking broths and soups. Herbal teas are a great alternative - try ginger, peppermint or chamomile. If bubbles are your thing, try mineral water with a squeeze of lemon. Another great option is 1 TBL of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with honey to taste.
  2. Eat: Keeping your blood sugar stable will make a huge difference. Try eating small meals and snacks every 1.5 - 2 hours before an empty, hungry feeling sets in. This can be just a few nuts or some fruit between meals. It's a delicate balance though because overeating can also make your nausea worse. Do your best to avoid heavily processed and sugary foods such as ice cream, cookies and pastries which will quickly elevate your blood sugar. Reach for slower releasing carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, rice, and pasta. If you experience phlegm in your throat or constant saliva build up, try avoiding dairy products, especially cheese and milk. If you are feeling cold and tired focus on warm drinks and soups. If you crave cold foods try freezing grapes. 

    It may come at a surprise that many vegetables and healthy foods that you would like to be eating during pregnancy can sometimes become very unappealing during the first trimester. While it seems counter intuitive and many women feel guilty that they are not able to tolerate these healthy foods, the reality is that in early pregnancy your baby has its own nutritional sources. Be easy on yourself. Your appetite for more healthy food will usually improve as you move towards the second trimester when your baby requires more nutrition from you.
  3. Get rid of those smells: Having a heightened sense of smell in early pregnancy may significantly contribute towards nausea. Try placing vanilla or peppermint essential oil in a diffuser in your bedroom or in the kitchen. Put slices of lemon, ginger or cinnamon sticks in a slow cooker and leave it on low with the lid off to fill your kitchen with this scent. For some women specific detergent scents trigger nausea- you may need to change your brand. Toothpaste can also be a smell that women find difficult - you can try children's toothpaste instead or buy some if you don't have any on hand.
  4. DIY AcupressurePressure point: PC 6.
    This point is three finger widths above the transverse crease of the inner 
    wrist. It lies directly between the two tendons felt there. Place firm pressure on the point for several minutes. If useful, continue to apply pressure every two hours, or during the nausea, for approximately five minutes. It is possible to buy wristbands (called "sea bands") at drugstores to apply pressure to this point.
  5. Acupuncture: Sometimes you need something a little stronger than acupressure. In traditional Chinese medicine, nausea and vomiting can arise from a variety of causes. Acupuncture treatment is aimed at strengthening the energetic function of the digestive system and correcting any underlying disharmonies.

Natalie Trousdale, L.Ac. has a private acupuncture practice in Hayes Valley, She specializes in women's health, infertility, and pregnancy support. Learn more at

+ For More Resources Visit:
Mamas Resource Network
(Mothering with a Net)

This community includes: yoga and pilates instructors, psychologists, pelvic floor physical therapists, psychiatrists, midwives, massage therapists, integrated family medicine doctors, homeopaths, hypnotherapists, chiropractors, lactation specialists, acupuncturists, pediatricians, and childbirth educators.
Get the services, resources, and education you need to meet pregnancy and motherhood with clarity, community and support.

Learn More at .

4 Questions About Prenatal Yoga
w/Jane Austin in Yoga Tree blog

Mama Tree offers a comprehensive training in the art and science of teaching yoga for mamas at all stages of pregnancy, birth and beyond. We had a chance to ask the founder, Jane Austin, some questions about prenatal yoga. Here's what she had to say:

Q: When is it ideal to start taking prenatal yoga classes?
JA: I encourage pregnant mamas to start taking prenatal yoga classes at any point in their pregnancy. Typically in the first trimester your energy levels can be really down, so I encourage women to come to class when they feel they have enough energy.

Q: Can't I just go to my regular yoga classes?
JA: Yes, if you have an existing practice and a teacher that you trust to help you modify poses that are not appropriate for you as needed. At some point you will have to modify more instructions than you take, and at this point it is a good time to shift to a prenatal yoga class.

3 Self Care Tips for Mamas
w/Jane Austin in Yoga Tree blog

"Everyone one seems to be talking about "self-care." That is easier said than done when you are a mama.

What many of us come to realize as we traverse the sometimes rocky path of motherhood, self-care often takes a back seat to the other concerns and responsibilities. Who has the time for self-care? I know it seems like a luxury, but it's not- self-care is essential. I have found that I have to prioritize it or it simply won't happen. As a mom, I found yoga to be an important part of my self-care. Honestly, it helps me to be a better mom. I find that when I care for myself, I am better equipped to care for others.
Here are three ways that we can start to incorporate self care into our lives so it sticks, and nourishes us on a daily basis.
#1 Feed yourself.
No one wants to feel lethargic and cranky. We all know the effects of a nourishing meal on our bodies and minds. But it can be so hard as mamas to feel that we have the time to get the nutrients we need."
Mama's Meet Up: Thurs, July 21
Mark your calendars for the third Thursday 
7:30 - 10:30pm at  Pause Wine Bar
(1666 Market @ Gough in SF)

$24 gets you a glass of vino in one hand, and appetizers in the other!  

Hosted by Chris Tavelli (Owner of Pause & Yield Wine Bars),
Jane Austin, Stephanie Forster, & Katie Cariffe

"Wine no Whining" 
Labrinyth Walk: Thurs, July 21
Mark your calendars for the third Thursday 
Starting at 11:45am at  Grace Cathedral
(1100 California Street @ Taylor in SF)

Join Jane Austin and the midwives of the Bay Area Homebirth Collective. We'll gather at 11:45 am and begin walking at noon as the bells start to ring. This is a time for quiet reflection, and a chance to put aside all the thoughts and chatter that busy our minds and distract us from connecting to our authentic selves.

Walking the labyrinth is an ideal way to actively meditate during pregnancy, and another step in preparing for birth.

Everyone is welcome to this FREE event.
What I'm Reading: Yoga Mama
by Linda Sparrowe  
(with contributions by Jane Austin)

I'm so honored to be included in Linda Sparrow's new book and guide to Prenatal Yoga. Linda includes some great practices and tips for your whole pregnancy, labor + birth and postpartum.

"Prenatal expert Jane Austin puts it this way "Yoga keeps us honest. When we acknowledge how and what we are feeling, we honor our experience. From this place of honoring, we can let go of expectations or judgment."...

"prenatal yoga prepares women to give birth, no matter what trimester they're in. The yoga postures are definitely designed to strengthen the body...but equally important, they help create suppleness in a woman's body so she can open when the time comes to birth her baby. The prenatal pranayama practices also support the work of labor because they show women how to use the breath as a means of opening...

Birthing a baby requires great effort but also the ability to completely let go." 

Read More & Get Your Copy of This Book Today!
Yoga Classes & Immersions With Jane 
Congrats Mama Tree Level 2 Grads (July 2016)!
Mama Tree Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training
(Level 1 & 2)

Immerse yourself in the study of yoga for the childbearing year. Mama Tree offers comprehensive training in the art and science of teaching yoga for mamas at all stages of pregnancy, birth and beyond. The program includes yoga practice, lecture, class observations, practice teaching, guest speakers, and independent study.

Mama Tree offers two 45-hour sessions that should be taken consecutively (Level One must be completed in order to take Level Two). Upon completion of both levels, students will be eligible to apply 90 hours toward a Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT) designation with the Yoga Alliance.

MAMA PERKS: Get $100 off Jane's Mama Tree Level 2 training in San Francisco! Use code #JaneStudioFriend" + email [email protected] to get the special rate! 

Start Your Journey: This 45-hour comprehensive Level 1 training will include how to teach yoga to women in all stages of pregnancy and throughout the early stages of postpartum. The training will explore yoga as a tool in preparation for not only childbirth, but for motherhood!

Dive Deeper & Further Explore the Art of Teaching Yoga to Mamas:(Featuring Guest Teachers Liz Miracle on pelvic floor function, Chrisandra Fox Walker on ayurveda for mamas, Kari Marble on infant massage, Kate Holcomb on the yoga sutras, plus an in-debth look at  yoga for labor, postnatal yoga and birth recovery + more) + Refine your teaching skills.   

Take the Prenatal Partners Workshop Online!

I'm thrilled to offer my Prenatal Partners Workshop online through Take it again or first the first time! Y oga for pregnancy and childbirth.

Upcoming Prenatal Partners Workshops at Yoga Tree:  7/30/16, 8/20/16, 9/10/16, 9/24/16 + more!   Full Schedule.
My Prenatal Yoga DVD Now Available Online!

This one-hour yoga practice can be used throughout pregnancy to maintain strength and flexibility, and prepare both mind and body for childbirth.
In Studio:
Mon, Wed & Fri
10:30am - Noon 
+ Saturday
9:30 - 10:55am
at Yoga Tree Valencia
(Temporary Pop Up Location: 1470 Valencia bet 25th & 26th) 

Mon, Wed & Fri
12:05 - 1:30pm 
at Yoga Tree Valencia
(Temporary Pop Up Location:
1470 Valencia bet 25th & 26th

Prenatal Online: Strengthening & Opening Course

Practice in shortened segments or take the full 74 minute yoga class.

  • Modifications of yoga postures to accommodate special needs.
  • Breathing practices to calm body and mind.
  • Learn how to reduce or eliminate discomforts.
  • Postures and practices that prepare the body for labor and childbirth.
  • Relaxation, guided visualization + more! 
Learn More & Purchase
$10 (50% off)

Prenatal Online: Balancing & Energizing Course 
Practice in shortened segments or take the full 72 minute yoga class.

  • Breathing practices + balancing postures to help with focus, aid in concentration and calm your nervous system. 
  • This course has standing, balancing and back bending postures, along with a challenging arm strengthening sequence.
  • Energize your whole body and reduce stress!
  Learn More & Purchase
$10 (50%)