E-Arkive The Electronic Newsletter for Ark and Dove

SINGLE SERVICE SUNDAY is July 24th at 10:30 am.
All are invited to take Sabbath through Worship.   

Dear Members and Friends of Ark and Dove,
As we stand in the wake of more gun violence at home and terrorist attacks in Iraq, Turkey and France, it occurred to me that this might be a good time to tell you about the Biennial Meeting of the Presbyterian Church USA.  We call that meeting the General Assembly.

Okay, before I get to my point let me digress and explain that General Assembly has three meanings to Maryland Presbyterians.  One - the General Assembly is the Legislative Body of Maryland.  Two - the General Assembly is the name for the "headquarters"  and  dedicated employees of our PCUSA denomination in Louisville Kentucky.  Three - the General Assembly is the name of our Biennial Meeting of our denomination, which is mission oriented, worship filled, fellowship building, Spirit infused and also legislative.  The decisions of the meeting of the General Assembly guides the work of our employees at our offices called General Assembly in Louisville.

The key expressions in the face of a violent world are "mission oriented, worship filled, fellowship building, Spirit infused  and also legislative."  In that vein, I would like to point out two firsts in our denomination's history.   Our General Assembly elected its first African American Stated Clerk, the Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson (who preached at Ark and Dove in 2012).  J. Herbert is a very hardworking pastor with a dynamic and prophetic presence. He will lead the Office of the General Assembly as our Top Ecclesial Officer. ( http://oga.pcusa.org/site_media/media/uploads/oga/images/ga222/ga222-062516.pdf)

Our General Assembly, for the first time elected Co-Moderators, the Reverend Denise Anderson and the Reverend Jan Edminston, who become Ambassadors to and for our denomination for two years.  One is African American and one is European American and as a team they model for us all listening, hope and collaboration.  They both bring fresh, prophetic and positive expressions of living faith to our church.  ( http://oga.pcusa.org/site_media/media/uploads/oga/images/ga222/ga222-061916x3.pdf AND http://andersonedmiston.com/)

I am encouraged by these choices and elections.  Our denomination, our country and our world need leaders like this.

Peace of Christ, 
Pastor Tim


The Holy One is Good; God's steadfast love endures forever.  God's faithfulness is for all generations. --Psalm 100:5

Morning Prayer 
Holy One, thank you for the gift of this new day.  Please help me to stay mindful of your creation and your teachings as I travel through it.  Empower me to see and live the good news of your grace, for all people, that I may shine your light and create places of hope and wholeness. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Holy One, thank you for the gift of this day .  Thank you for all the ways  that I saw your goodness and learned your teachings beyond speech and words. As I drift off to sleep this night, may the meditations of my heart  draw me closer to you, my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen.


On July 31st, much of the music at the 9:30 service will be done by our youth.  Make sure you mark your calendars for that day to hear beautiful music from our amazingly talented youth.  

This Sunday, I will be doing a JJ Heller song called "Back Home" for the offertory at both the 9:30 and the 11:00 services (Ryan, Paul and Brendan will join me at the 11:00).  I hope you will come and hear this beautiful piece! 

DONATE Online!
Per Capita Special Offering and General Donation. Many opportunities await you!

Mission Ministry

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY BACK TO SCHOOL PROGRAM The mission ministry wants to interrupt the summer break briefly to talk about school supplies.  The Ark & Dove mission ministry is again participating in the Back to School program with the county schools and the Dept. of Social Services.  We are supporting 35 students at Meade Heights Elementary School.   Beginning on July 24, we will have sign-ups to provide the whole package of backpack and school supplies for each of these students.  In addition, we will collect loose school supplies for Meade Middle School.  More details will be provided.  (Contact:  Greg Makar, GLMakar@juno.com, 301-483-8255).

Christian Education

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SUPPLIES LIST! We are depending on you to help our VBS week be a success.  Please check out the supply list in the lobby and sign-up to donate supplies!  All donations should be brought to church by Wednesday, July 27th. Please contact Christina Nelson with any questions (christinajoy87@gmail.com). Thank you!
*    White batting
*    Inflatable beach balls
*    Iridescent roll (paper)
*    Streamers- Shades of Blue, white, green
*    Streamers- Shades of Blue, white, green
*    Blue roll paper
*    Acrylic paint
*    Balloons: blue, green, silver, brown
*    Fish Net- large seine type (not butterfly net style)
*    Cut out / wooden / plastic fish and sea creatures
*    Variety buckets: beach pail, cleaning bucket, spackle/ paint bucket (label with your name if you'd like them to be returned!)
*    Water cooler bottles (large 5 gallon size)

*    empty plastic water bottles
*    colored ribbon- 3 spools each (red, yellow, orange)
*    colored ribbon- 3 spools each (green, blue, purple)
*    craft tape- 3 rolls each (red, yellow, orange)
*    craft tape- 3 rolls each (green, blue, purple)
*    2 large packs of tissue paper (bright, multi-colored)
*    75 colored paper lunch bags
*    2 rolls (50-55 yd) foil tape-(hardware store/Amazon; looks like shiny foil duct tape)
*    4 spools- black elastic string
*    4 Bags of Beans
*    Newspapers
*    colorful slick wrapping paper, small designs  
*    Magazines with colorful pictures
*    2 bags of candy - soft, individually wrapped
*    2 bags of candy- individually wrapped
*    water table  (if anyone has a little tykes table, that would be great!  We'd like to borrow it for the week)

*    2 large boxes Goldfish crackers
*    2 large boxes Goldfish crackers
*    3 bags of Swedish fish
*    10 large boxes of blue Jell-o
*    2 large boxes/bags Animal crackers
*    2 large boxes/bags Animal crackers
*    3 large seedless watermelons
*    100 small paper plates
*    2 boxes freeze pops
*    2 boxes freeze pops

*    glass beads
*    10 bottles of bubbles
*    8 packs- water balloons
*    1 pack canning jar rings
*    10 cloth triangles - for head scarves
*    2 lengths of rope - for a belt

Racial Reconciliation

RACIAL RECONCILIATION Feel overwhelmed or helpless about racialized violence and where we are headed? Consider going to these events, which are held at the Unitarian Universalist Church,  Annapolis, MD.
COMING TO THE TABLE meets next on Monday, July 18 from 7pm to 9pm and is an opportunity to attend a discussion toward understanding racism. Open to all community members and all churches.
A planning meeting to discuss forming an Anne Arundel County chapter of SHOWING UP FOR RACIAL JUSTICE (SURJ) will be held on Saturday, July 30, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. See www.showingupforracialjustice.org/about. If you wish to attend, let Mary Dadone know at drm2d@aol.com or 301-706-0731.
I know many of you are busy enough with balancing work and family. Consider this an important investment in the world your children will live in. In peace, Linnie Girdner, lkgirdner@comcast.net.

Deacons Corner

EVENING GRIEF GROUP The next meeting of the Healing through Grief small group will be on Tuesday, July 26 from 7 - 8:15 pm in the Ark and Dove Room. Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one, no matter how recent or long ago, is invited to attend. No sign up needed, though it is appreciated. Drinks will be provided. The group is facilitated by Pastor Tim and Linnie Girdner. For more information contact Linnie Girdner at 410-999-7892 or Lkgirdner@comcast.net.



St. Joseph'S Catholic Church is hosting its annual Community Blood Drive on Monday, July 25th, 2:00pm - 7:30pm. To schedule your lifesaving donation please visit redcrossblood.org and enter Sponsor Code: odentonstjosephcatholic or call 1-800-RED CROSS. Questions? Karen Zajdek, kznurse@verizon.net. Please prevent a summer shortage. Please give blood.
Prayer Concerns

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Judy Cooper's nephew, Brett Eardley; Briah Ryan's father, Rod Ryan; Sue Hanburger's great-niece; Janet Dabbs; Connie Kinnick's daughter, Michelle; Brett; Laurie Barrow; Lester Dabbs; Dot Bruno; Nora Chidlow; Florence Myers; Ann Hirschy; Laura Talbert; Chip Burnett; Mary Benson; Norma Forgrave; Minnie Bradley; Dot Forloines; Henry Duncan; Jason DeVono; Pat Stanton's brother-in-law, Ken Hare; Marlene DeHaven; Shelly Franklin's father, Arlo; Bill Champagne's mother, Patricia; Ryan Stavely's grandfather; Pat Stanton's niece, Karen; Jane Biondolillo's sister, Betsy; Amy Tardiff's brother-in-law, Brian and father, Shawn Burke; Ashley Ricciuti; Preston Ritchie; Paul and Mimi Marchand; Emma Harrison; Deja; Christine Connally's mother; Josh Zumbrook; Christy Yeager's father; Leon Jordan; Ed Barrett's aunt, Pat Blake; Steve Debus' cousin, Linda Donhauser; Julie Devers' aunt; Ray Mosella; and Martin Hayes, a friend of the Gaurins and Brecheens.

PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING for Connie Kinnick's daughter, Jaime, who begins a new job at the end of the month.

THE LOVE AND PRAYERS OF THE CONGREGATION go out to Julie Dever and her family on the death of her aunt, Ruth Boyles.   
If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Sue Hanburger at avongypsygal@gmail.com, and she will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.   
8424 Piney Orchard Parkway  
Odenton, MD  21113
Phone: (410) 674-6400 
Fax: (410) 674-6481 
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