Photo of Irish Fair at sunset by E. Flagstad
Dear CIM Supporters,
Please join us for the Irish Fair of MN on beautiful Harriet Island, August 12-14th! We are still looking for volunteers for the CIM booth at Irish Fair, particularly in the evenings. Please sign up for a couple of slots and thank you!
On Sunday, August 28th, we hope ALL of you will join us from 2-5pm for our Annual Open House at the Celtic Junction. Come play a tune, meet our instructors, attend a demonstration (all ages), see our space, and register for fall lessons & classes.
Registration for the fall term is open! Take a look at our fall class offerings here. The registration deadline for returning students to reserve their lesson time is August 19th. After that date, lesson times will be open to new students. The financial aid deadline is August 15th and the deadline to receive the 5% family discount is August 29th.
Finally, I am very proud to tell you that CIM has two students traveling to Ennis, Ireland to compete in the Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann the weekend of August 19th-21st. Please join me in sending best wishes to Adrienne O'Shea and Carmen Pasquerella as they travel to Ireland and compete at the Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann!
Adrienne will compete in Irish flute, tin whistle, Irish song, English song, and piano accompaniment
Carmen will compete in Irish flute
and tin whistle
Thanks for being a part of the CIM family! See you at the Irish Fair...
--Norah Rendell, CIM Executive Director

Please join us for the
Irish Fair of Minnesota
August 12-14 on Harriet Island!
An Luan Ensemble at Irish Fair 2014
Each year in August we celebrate all things Irish at the Irish Fair of Minnesota. We hope you will join us for a weekend full of family-friendly music, dance, crafts, sports, and fun with friends.
We are asking for your help in staffing our information booth to spread the word about the Center for Irish Music's wonderful classes and programs! Please peruse the schedule
here and sign up for a time slot or two. This is a wonderful way to meet fellow CIM students and families AND to share your enthusiasm for CIM with fair passers-by. Thank you in advance for the generous gift of your time.
Plan on joining us all three days of the fair to hear great music from our ensembles and instructors - and to cheer them on!
Friday 4-5pm
River Stage
Advanced Youth Ensemble
Friday 6-6:30pm
Tea Room
Young Adult Ensemble |
Friday 6-7pm
Children's Stage
Advanced Youth Ensemble - instrument demonstrations and petting zoo
Saturday 10:30-11:30am
Main Stage
Advanced Youth Ensemble
Saturday 12-1pm
Children's Stage
Advanced Youth Ensemble - instrument demonstrations and petting zoo
Sunday 10-10:45am (immediately after Mass)
Next to Main Stage
Open Sky Ensemble
Sunday 11:30am-12:30pm
Pub Tent
An Luan
Sunday 2-2:30pm
Tea Room
Young Adult Ensemble
Sunday 3-3:30pm
Tea Room
You can view the complete
**Register NOW for Fall Term at CIM**
CIM offers instrumental and singing classes for children, teens, and adults taught by world-class teachers -
and in a
group setting. Fall term begins Tuesday, September 6th and is 17 weeks long.
Teen song class taught by Daithi Sproule

We depend on the expertise and talents of our community to enrich all of the events that we plan each year. We are in
great need of several lead volunteers for Eigse CIM, A Gaela Event. Eigse, our fun night of dinner, an instructors' concert, and silent auction, takes months of planning to execute and run smoothly. If you have time and talents to share, please consider joining the Eigse planning team.
We are specifically looking for:
two volunteers to plan and lead kitchen coordination and one or two volunteers to plan and lead our silent auction. If you are interested, please contact Emily Flagstad.
Saturday, August 6
Catch CIM instructors Cory Froehlich, Todd Menton, Cormac O'Se, and Daithi Sproule and several CIM student musicians/dancers perform in Kickin' it Irish as part of the Minnesota Fringe Festival. 7pm at the Ritz Theater in NE Minneapolis.
Sunday, August 7
Catch CIM instructors and CIM student musicians/dancers perform in Kickin' it Irish as part of the Minnesota Fringe Festival. 2:30pm at the Ritz Theater in NE Minneapolis.
Tuesday, August 9
Malarkey will air at a special time at 10am on KFAI with an interview with our own Todd Menton!
Thursday, August 11
Catch CIM instructors and CIM student musicians/dancers perform in
Kickin' it Irish as part of the Minnesota Fringe Festival. 5:30pm at the Ritz Theater in NE Minneapolis.
Head out to
Augsburg Park in Richfield for a concert from Todd Menton at 7PM with extra-special guest Susan Esbjornson.
Friday, August 12
Catch CIM instructors and CIM student musicians/dancers perform in
Kickin' it Irish
as part of the Minnesota Fringe Festival. 8:30pm at the Ritz Theater in NE Minneapolis.
Friday, August 12 - Sunday, August 14
Please join us for all three days of the
Irish Fair of Minnesota on Harriet Island, across from downtown St. Paul. This FREE fair is a fun and family-friendly weekend of Irish music, dance, art, crafts, sports, food, and culture. We hope to see you there!
Sunday, August 14
Monday, August 15
Monday, August 22 - Friday, August 26
Friday, August 26
Head down to Wabasha to hear/see
Norah Rendell & the Lost Forty perform at the 'Meet Me Under the Bridge' Concert Series! Music begins at 7pm
in Heritage Park on Main Street West in Wabasha, MN.
Sunday, August 28
We hope you will join us for our
annual open house from 2-5pm. We will have instrument & class demos, an informal session, and crafts for kids! Please come and meet our staff, tour our studio spaces, and register for fall classes. We can't wait to meet you!
Monday, August 29 AND Tuesday, August 30
Tuesday, September 6 - Sunday, September 11
Join us for our first week of classes for fall term!
Amazon Smile - Set up your Amazon Smile account to benefit the Center for Irish Music, then use this link every time you shop. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to CIM.
Shutterfly - Shop for photos, cards, invitations, and more and CIM receives 13% of your purchase price.
Thank you in advance for remembering CIM as you shop online!
Find CIM on Social Media
Connect with us!
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the
arts and cultural
heritage fund.
836 Prior Avenue North
● St. Paul, MN 55014 ● 651-815-0083