Onondaga Pathways to Careers (OPC) at Onondaga Community College (OCC)
…for Young People with Disabilities
Info Sessions Help OPC Connect with Families, Schools and Service Providers
The Onondaga Pathways to Careers staff hosted a series of informational sessions at Onondaga Community College during the week of July 15-20. Over the course of the week, several area service-providers, students and families, and school personnel visited OCC to learn about the Onondaga Pathways to Careers project and the services provided by the program. Some of the highlights of the program included forming new partnerships with Huntington Family Centers in Syracuse, and Southern Tier Independence Center in Binghamton, NY.
OPC Summer Academies Give First-Year Students a Preview into their Chosen Majors
New OPC students had the chance to participate last month in a Summer Academy hosted by staff of the OPC program, in collaboration with faculty in each of the eligible majors.
One highlight of the academy was a team building activity called “Tower,” facilitated by Jay Harrison, OPC Employment Coordinator. For this activity, students had to work together, using only the supplies provided to them, to build a free-standing tower that would support a water bottle. This activity involves creativity, communication and teamwork. The materials given to the students were glue sticks, tape and stock paper.
While students participated in the team building activity, Meaghan Bodemer, OPC Educational Coordinator, worked with parents and support persons to help them understand the differences between high school and college for students with disabilities. They discussed the parental role, laws, testing differences and self advocacy skills. She also gave them an idea of how disability services work at the post-secondary level.
Summertime at the Learning Center
We’ve had a great summer in The Learning Center at Onondaga Community College. We’ve met new students and offered tutoring support to returning students in a variety of classes.
Here at the Learning Center we believe all students can benefit from our help. We encourage students at any point in their college career to work with a tutor or to study independently in our relaxed, central location in Gordon Student Center. We offer tutor-led study groups, workshops and seminars, as well as traditional tutoring sessions.
Students can save time by signing up on our on-line appointment scheduler, WCOnline. Visit our website at
to get started. Register for our services using your OCC email address (
) and then search for an appointment or enroll in a workshop. It’s never too early to register. Free tutoring will begin early in the semester so plan ahead and have the best semester ever.
Monday, August 22, 2016: CLASSES BEGIN at OCC!
Preparation of this item was funded by the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, Grant No. OD-26453-14-75-4-36. This document does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.