Nutrition Action Alert 
August 5, 2016
In This Issue

AB 2054 Faces Opposition: Please Support Summer EBT for CA Children!

Until now, AB 2054 (Thurmond) -- Summer EBT for Children, has garnered unanimous support from inside and outside the Legislature. Thank you to everyone who has moved this bill forward! Now AB 2054 faces its toughest hurdle -- and opposition is mounting. Please help us get the bill off of suspense and through the Senate Appropriations Committee. Tell California leaders to fight summer hunger: our kids need year-round access to nutritious food.

What You Can Do Right Now

1) Letter of Support - If you haven't submitted a letter of support please do so today! Download a customizable letter of support and instructions about sending your letter. doc

2) Emails and Phone Calls - Make a quick and easy phone call to Senator Lara, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee -- or send him a short email. A sample script is below. 

Calls can be made to Senator Lara's Capitol office at 916.651.4033. Emails should be sent to Senator Lara's staff: [email protected] and [email protected]

"Hello. My name is ____________ and I live in ______________, CA. I am calling/writing to ask for Senator Lara's support of AB 2054, the Summer EBT for Children bill. AB 2054 is currently on suspense in Senate Appropriations. The Senator's "aye" vote will help fight child hunger and bring federal dollars back to California communities. Thank you."

3) Tweet -  express your support for AB 2054 through social media. Sample tweets are below.
  • World's 6th largest economy & the nation's worst child poverty rate? #AB2054 will fight child hunger in CA. @senricardolara @CAFoodPolicy
  • Support #AB2054 - it's time to fight hunger & poverty for CA kids! @senricardolara @TonyThurmond @CAFoodPolicy
  • Bring federal funds back to CA: support #AB2054 to prevent childhood hunger @senricardolara @TonyThurmond @CAFoodPolicy
  • All kids deserve healthy food to learn, grow & achieve. Support #AB2054: Summer EBT for CA! @senricardolara @TonyThurmond @CAFoodPolicy
4) Learn more -  v isit CFPA's AB 2054 page, and r ead about summer hunger in your community by accessing  county-level data and reading CFPA's latest report on the summer nutrition gap in California.  link
Questions? Please contact Tia Shimada at 510.433.1122 ext 109
AB 2099 (Stone): Setting the Stage for Future Success

AB 2099 (Stone) - Safe Drinking Water Relief will not be moving further through the legislative process this year. While the Governor and the Legislature have reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring that Californians have access to safe water through the ongoing drought, a coordinated effort is needed in order to ensure that the state is able to respond to low-income Californians' needs in a responsive and effective manner.

CFPA is already hard at work planning a renewed policy push to ensure that contaminated or inadequate drinking water does not exacerbate hunger and food insecurity for Californians in need. Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental right that no one should go without. Safe drinking water is the foundation of food security, and a critically vital resource for the health and wellbeing of families across California. CFPA remains confident that statewide policy can and should leverage the state's electronic benefit transfer (EBT) technology to deliver a supplemental benefit to low-income households without safe drinking water in California - and we're not alone!

More than 25 local and statewide water, anti-hunger, health, and education organizations have stood behind AB 2099. We'll carry this momentum forward as we work to ensure that California families have access to safe water. Thank you for your support of AB 2099 and expect to hear more from us soon!

Learn more by visiting CFPA's AB 2099 page.

Questions? Contact Hector Gutierrez at 213.482.8200 ext 202
CFPA Submits Comments to USDA on CACFP Implementation

CFPA has submitted a letter to USDA urging implementation of the new Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) nutrition standards to align with stakeholder recommendations.

Recommendations shared with USDA were the product of a stakeholder engagement process, funded by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, that took place in April and May of 2016. CFPA convened a group of California child care experts in collaboration with the California Department of Education and the Child Care Food Program Roundtable to develop strategies for an effective and coordinated implementation plan. CFPA is committed to ensuring CACFP implementation sustains or even increases participation in the CACFP. Over the coming year we will continue to engage with our child care partners to ensure the recommendations that resulted from this process are achieved.

Read the implementation recommendations. PDF

Read the letter submitted to USDA. PDF

Learn more at CFPA's CACFP meal pattern page .

Questions? Contact Melissa Cannon at 510.433.1122 ext 102
Main Office | 436 14th Street, Suite 1220 | Oakland, CA 94612 | 510.433.1122
Los Angeles | 205 S. Broadway, Suite 402 | Los Angeles, CA 90012 | 213.482.8200