It's time for you to take a look at this unique IUL product

Zurich Value Index UL
A flexible premium adjustable life insurance policy with index-linked interest options. Offering your clients protection, flexibility and growth potential. 

Given the challenging and uncharted economic times we live in, many affluent consumers are increasingly seeking a new, more compelling life insurance value proposition. 
Key Advantages 
  • Highly competitive, lifetime rolling target premiums
  • Maximum premium flexibility
  • Cost effective death benefit guarantees
  • Strong cash value potential
  • Policy imposes on the policy value vs. the surrender value for administration costs and COI's. 
Zurich Value Index UL - A uniquely Appealing Choice 

Talk  to your clients today about Zurich Value Index UL. It provides solid death benefit protection combined  with unparalleled potential for policy value growth. We will help you put the presentation together so your clients can benefit from this unique product. 
Call us today at (800) 846-3997. 
Visit our website now. 

Contact Joe Hylton via email: [email protected]