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Dear Cascade Family, 

"Jesus replied, 'No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.'"  (Luke 9:62 NIV)
Over the past months, Americans have been inundated with senseless bloodshed. Much of the violence has been due to a lack of understanding of the "other."  What difference could I possibly make as a Christian in a world that Christians suggest is not our home?  In the midst of frustration, I ask the question: Why bother with a country that seemingly questions the right of various groups to be Americans at every turn?  
Some time ago, a friend and colleague of mine were talking about how one goes about developing community with the "other" people who are not like us. To emphasize issues of diversity, I told him of a story about a chicken and a pig who were barnyard buddies. It seems that they were walking together and the pig spoke up and said, "I am hungry."  The chicken quickly responded, "Let's have bacon and eggs."  The pig said in exasperation, "Easy for you to say; you only have to make a contribution, I have to make a sacrifice."
 We looked at each other and we knew this conversation was about community and how community has developed for each of us.  He is European American and I am African American. It would cost him one thing and me another. The expression on his face told me all I needed to know. It told me that his awareness of the cost to develop community in America as an African American was about as much as the chicken knew about what it would cost the pig.
In fairness to him,I was not aware of what it would cost me either. I know it is hard to watch the news and try to maintain a civil presence to people in other communities.  I don't sleep as well as I used to as I grieve the senseless loss of life on both sides of the community.   I have to struggle with the awareness that people who are not judged as less-than often don't understand or even consider that their right to exist is never in question.  Again I ask, "Why bother?"
As a follower of Christ, I bother because when I think I want to give up, my spiritual ancestors say, "No!" They did not give up their lives and their dignity just to have the next generation to remove their hands from the plow. Ken Hardy, a noted African American Marriage and Family Therapist, lecturer and author, speaks of his struggle to stay in the fight. He stated that one night when he was so frustrated and tired of trying to find\community in a society that promotes psychological homelessness among people of color, he said to himself, "Why bother?" As he slept, his grandmother came to him in a dream and challenged him. She passionately asked him: "Who are you to get tired?"    
As I sit in my nice office, enjoying the fruits of my ancestors' labor, I can hear the yells and the screams of those African slaves giving their lives so that their children would be free.  As I go in and out of stores that would not serve people of color years ago, I hear the silent cries of those Africans who suffered and died so that I may have that choice.  I even hear the screams and wailing of Africans who were lynched and maimed because they dared to look a white person in the eye.  Oh, the powerful memories remind me of my responsibility and remove all doubts!  I know why I should bother.  I have to continue to tell the story. I must try to make sense of the "chaos" and then, do my part to finish the journey.
When we understand that we are all in this mess together, then we also realize that God's got our backs!  God is going to be there to back us when we stand for what is right.  Let's face it:  all people have been hurt by the "isms" of society: classism, sexism, racism--to name a few.  All people have been abandoned, lied to, cheated, mistreated, maimed and killed by all races of people.  Though disproportionately to some, nevertheless, it has happened to all.  The reality is that in order to develop community, it costs everyone something.  If we take our hands off the plow and not bother, we may get to Eternal Life, but are we fit for service in the Kingdom of God?
Abundant blessings,
Rev. Dr. Nancy L. Long
Licensed Professional Counselor


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