Donating to ARCH is now easier thanks to Fry's!

For over 40 years, ARCH has appreciated all the support from our families, friends, and donors. We wouldn't be here today continuing to grow if it weren't for your generous help.  That being said, it is that time of the year that ARCH and our supporters can enroll or re-enroll for the Fry's Community Rewards Program.  If you are not familiar with this program, please  Click Here  to learn more. To re-enroll, we included directions and ARCH's information below. 

How to Re-Enroll 
  1. Go to Fry's Community Rewards Program
  2. Select 'Sign-In.' or 'Register'
  3. Enter login details
  4. Select 'Fry's Community Rewards Program'
  5. Scroll down, Click 'ENROLL' under Community Rewards
  6. Under 'Find Your Organization': Enter ARCH's NPO # 31144
  7. Under 'Select Your Organization':  select 'ARCH'
  8. Then select 'Save Changes'
  9. If you have registered correctly, you should now see our information listed under 'Community Rewards' on your Account Summary page

Rewards Program

ARCH continues to grow because of the thoughtful giving from the community . This past January we celebrated the grand opening of the ARCHKids Diamondback Den and hopefully in the next year will announce new and exciting projects. Look for more ARCH E-blasts or Facebook posts to hear about these new additions. We are excited for this new year and will continue to strive to serve you and our wonderful community. 

In  gratitude,
ARCH | (602)230-2226 |