National RTAP Webinar: State DOTs Connecting Users and Rides for Specialized Transportation
Join National RTAP and the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) for a webinar on the Transportation Research Board's
NCHRP Report 832. This report, and an accompanying toolkit, provides state DOTs, transit agencies, and social service organizations with resources and practices to connect specialized transportation users with the rides they need to access daily services.
Will Rodman, Principal at Nelson\Nygaard, and Dan Berez, Associate at Nelson\Nygaard, will provide highlights on the practices and tools in this report. Judy Shanley, Co-Director of NCMM, will provide an introduction to mobility management for small operators.
Register now and join us Wednesday, August 17 at 2:30-3:30pm ET.
National RTAP Website Builder Overview Webinar
Join us Thursday, August 11 at 2:00-3:30pm ET for a webinar about National RTAP's Website Builder application and hosting service.
Since the new version launched in 2014, the system has been updated and new features have been added.
This webinar will provide an overview of Website Builder, highlights of the system changes and additional modules, and solutions to common user issues.
National RTAP Peer Call: Preparing for Your SMR Recording and Notes Available
If you couldn't join us for our latest call, go to our Peer Call Page and listen to your colleagues and National RTAP Board Member Michele Nystrom discuss how to prepare for a State Management Review.
FTA and US DOT Updates
A Tribal Transit Self-Governance Meeting on August 16-17 is open to the public. Read the notice in the Federal Register for full details.
FTA announced an Online Dialogue for its 5-Year Research Strategic Plan. This is a chance to give input on upcoming research. There will be an informational webinar on August 11 at 3:30pm.
FTA is seeking nominations for individuals to serve two-year terms on the Transit Advisory Committee for Safety (TRACS). Nominations are due August 31. Learn more in the
Federal Register
FTA is hosting a
National Online Dialogue
on preventing and mitigating transit worker assaults until August 31 (extended). A webinar recording is now available to help individuals navigate the conversation and to provide an overview of some of the topics.
Resources and News
The National Center for Aging and Disability (NADTC) announced an
Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grant Program,
for the development of program innovations that increase transportation options for older adults and people with disabilities and maximize utilization of Section 5310 and other federal funding investments. Applications
are due August 26.
Nominations for the Robert Tate is Smiling Award to be presented at the Rural and Intercity Bus Conference are due by September 1st. Nominate someone who does excellent work in transportation.
TRB is sponsoring the International Conference on Demand Responsive Transportation on September 26-28, 2016 in Breckenridge, Colorado. Interested? Read More.
An upcoming
TRB Webinar: Guide to 21st Century Planning for State DOTs, to be held September 7 at 2-3:30pm, will address how planning functions in a state DOT can more effectively support future strategic decision making.
TRB will hold a
webinar on September 20 from 2-4pm ET summarizing themes from the recent 11th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management.
A recent
GAO Report
on technology in urban and rural systems found that although agencies benefited from implemented technology, they faced significant barriers to implementation.
The internet publication of US DOT's National Transportation Statistics was updated, with a variety of
statistics available online.
TAM Final Rule
August 4
TAM Final Rule
- Small Systems Focus
August 9
Easter Seals Project Action Consulting
Private Transportation and the ADA
August 10
Small Urban Network (SUN) Conference
Denver, CO
August 10-12
National RTAP
Website Builder Overview
August 11
TAM Final Rule
Performance Measures Guidebooks
August 11
Midwest Transit and
State Public Transportation Partnerships Conference
August 14-16
Kansas City, MO
NTD Asset Inventory
August 16
National RTAP
State DOTs Connecting Users and Rides for Specialized Transportation
August 17
Expo & Conference
August 16-18
Virginia Beach, VA
Easter Seals Project Action Consulting
Travel Training Data
Collection Standards
September 7
Working Summit on Transportation in Rural America
September 7-9
Denver, CO
Tri-State Transit
Annual Conference
September 7-9
Woodstock, VT
Roadeo and Fall Conference
September 10-14
Spearfish, SD
Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference
October 2-5
Asheville, NC
For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our
. If you'd like to submit an event, please email info@nationalrtap.org.
All event times listed as Eastern Time
Read our new
Best Practices Spotlight article on the topic of installing onboard cameras for the safety and security benefits, financial benefits, training opportunities, and more.
Also check out our previous articles on Fuel Efficient Driving, Travel Training, Safety, and Employee Wellness Programs!
Contact us:
5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:
50 F Street NW, Suite 7020, Washington, DC 20001