Francis Margaret Vivanco
Francis Margaret Vivanco 
The Vivanco's
Ministry in Ecuador
2nd Quarter 2016

Dear Friends,
Happy summer to you! So much has happened in life and ministry over the last 4 months and we are excited to tell you about it. Your continued support and encouragement of us is what makes all this possible. Thank you!
Blessings and many thanks, 
Cameron, Roberto, Graham, Liam and Francis Margaret
Baby Girl V:
Obviously the biggest news is the birth of our daughter on April 28, Francis Margaret. She came into the world whole, healthy and happy; thank you again for your prayers.  Graham and Liam have adjusted quite well, and have taken seriously their roles as big brothers. They adore Francis and tend to cover her with kisses, which is wonderful unless they have snotty noses, which has happened a lot. (Francis is spelled with an 'i' not an 'e.' The word frances in Spanish means 'French' which is not what we are going for:).
The day before delivery
The day before delivery

The day after delivery
The day after delivery

Second Education Equals Hope Vision Team 2016:
In mid-April we hosted a second Education = Hope vision team, this time mostly comprised of members from St. James' church in Greenville.  We visited seven ministry sites in four days and wrestled with the reality of disparity of opportunities in this world.  Thank you Pauline and Ron Kelley for spearheading the team.
Heading out on home visits
Heading out on home visits

Home Visits with the St. James_ Vision team
Home visits with the St. James' vision team

QuitoQuest Short Term Teams:
We are currently in the middle of summer short-term teams. It has been wonderful to welcome Christ Church Episcopal School for the 13th year! As well as a returning combination team from Holy Cross-Simpsonville, Grace-Anderson, St. John's-Columbia and St. James'-Greenville.  We love getting to connect our worlds and these different parts of God's Kingdom.  A combo team from the Advent-Sparntaburg and St. John's Methodist just left as well!  All in all we will host 12 teams this summer.

Christ Church Episcopal School 2016
Christ Church Episcopal School 2016

Holy Cross QuitoQuest Team with Rev. Susan Hardaway and Savannah Putman

I am still directing the summer program, but am so thankful for the team of people below me that has made my job manageable this summer. A special thanks to Amanda Voth as my Assistant Director; without her I don't know how any of this would be possible!
In May we welcomed 10 summer interns, and we also said goodbye to yet another long term staffer, Rachel Simko. Rachel spearheaded relationship with 5 of our ministry sites by using her amazing art skills to teach art and various craft projects, empowering women and children and providing them skills for micro-enterprise.
Our Summer interns

We have also welcomed another new full-time staffer, Mari Bajana.  She has been a wonderful addition and is serving in both QuitoQuest and Education=Hope. (She plays the role of the Casa Adalia video in the next section.) And a former QQ intern, Emily Ezell, was in Quito all summer, so it was great to get to reconnect with her!

Former QQ intern Emily Ezell in Quito again

Roberto's Music and Video Ministry:
One of our QQ interns, Ben Clifton who came to us through SAMS, has served with Roberto at Mesias Studio as a music ministry intern.  One of Roberto and Ben's biggest projects was filming a video for E=H's partner ministry, Fashion and Compassion during a visit that we hosted for F&C and film maker Tamara Park. It is the story of one of the girls that has come out of sexual slavery through the help of an E=H site, Casa Adalia. Here is the video:

RUN FREE Fashion & Compassion Video
RUN FREE Fashion & Compassion Video

The other big project was creating a drum cage for the sanctuary at English Fellowship Church.  Who knew that Roberto has carpentry skills?!
Ben and Roberto and the new drum cage

Roberto also filmed a video with on of the E=H supporters, Rev. Susan Hardaway meeting the student that she supports at Buen Pastor.

And of course there is the normal life of leadership responsibilities for Roberto at EFC, and working on a new CD with Gedeon.
We just wrapped up the academic school year here and complete with our annual E=H coordinator's meeting the third weekend in July.  There we rolled out our new model for the program which will enable the ministry sites to include more students in their program with the same budget. Very exciting!! Here is the team of people at Youth World that make E=H happen: Top row is Mari and Amanda, and bottom row is me, Grace, Rev. Juan Carlos and Evelyn.

Our E_H Team in Ecuador
Our E=H Team in Ecuador 

Here is a short video of the meeting:

We are excited for what two E=H graduates are doing things this summer. Juan Miguel, a former street kid who came through Youth World's Casa Gabriel program and graduated with the help of E=H, is in the US doing his own fund raising as he heads into his second year of college. What a story of redemption!
Marvin, also an E=H graduate, has been able to shadow two teams this summer to practice his English! He too is going to University!
Long time E=H supporter Brad Keller came through town; a huge thank you to him and First Lutheran Fargo for their wonderful support of E=H and so many ministries here in Quito.

Brad Keller and E=H graduate Marvin Guaynay

Vivanco Family:
I am asked frequently what life with three is like. The best answer I know to give is that it is challenging and wonderful, and a bit like treading water in the same direction, but with great scenery!  There are no dull moments, and always more to do than can get done. Overall, it is a privilege to get to be a parent.
Graham turned four in April, and graduated from his Pre-School in July. He will start Pre-K school on Sept. 1 at Alliance Academy. 
Graham_s 4th Birthday
Graham's 4th Birthday

Last day of Pre-School
Last day of Pre-School

Liam turned two in May and is talking up a storm.  His favorite sentences reflect his favorite person as they generally all start with "Daddy!..." He is still a huge fan of oatmeal drink, playing his ukulele guitar, and chasing the cats. 
Liam_s second birthday
Liam' second birthday
Liam loves his _guitar_
Liam loves his 'guitar'

We were thankful to welcome some special visitors to mark Francis' arrival. Sandi, former Youth World-er, came to be with me the first week and help figure out this new world with three. And then my college roommate, Elizabeth came when the Fashion and Compassion team was here as Roberto was gone long hours in the filming. Thank you to both of them and to all of you who have sent gifts and greetings! It is wonderful and important to have friends mark the milestones of life.
Sandi Miller and Francis
Sandi Miller and Francis

Friends visiting in the hospital
Friends visiting in the hospital

Elizabeth and Francis

What's Coming and Praise and Prayer Requests....

-We are so thankful for Francis' safe arrival. She came via emergency C-section as she was wrapped up in her umbilical cord and sitting breech. I have mostly recovered and am so thankful that all is well that ends well.
-Roberto and Gedeon will head to the amazon jungle area to do some music ministry among the Cofan indigenous people group. We are thankful that our dear friend Edla is coming to help hold down the fort.
-Please pray for the end of the QuitoQuest summer, that we would all finish well and that teams, ministry sites and interns alike would reflect this image of Christ more and more as a result of time together here.

-We are meeting with each E=H site in the next month to further explain the new protocols. Please pray with us that we would be able to support more students this coming academic year as they are more students in desperate and difficult places than there are the resources to support them. 
-In the fall, I will be looking at readjusting my leadership roles. Please pray with me for peace in letting go of what I need to, and wisdom in holding on to the ministry and work that is mine to do!


Cameron and Roberto serve as missionaries with SAMS and Youth World (a ministry of International Teams), based in Quito, Ecuador. They focus on resourcing and connecting God's Church through  music, short term missions, education  and leadership development. 
You can join their financial support team online by going to:

or by sending a check, made out to SAMS with  their name on the memo line, to:
PO Box 399
Ambridge, PA 15003