 August 4, 2016  
This Sunday at Christ Church
If the weather does turn bad, the 9:30AM service will occur at the Church on the Hill 784 Sheridan Rd.  Just look for our sandwich boards in front of the church and at the entrance to the park.
Food Pantry
Thanks to everyone who contributed last month. We donated quite a fe w juice boxes and containers. The cash donations were especially appreciated as it all owed us to purchase fresh fruit to deliver the next day. This Sunday on August 7 we will collect salt, pepper, spices and herbs. Please bring your donations to the 8:00AM service in the church or to the 9:30AM park service.

Is the Elevator Running?  You Better Catch It!!!
Sorry for the corny joke.  Our elevator inspector showed up bright and early Monday morning and has given our elevator the green light to be used again.  Thanks again for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Parish News
The National Church Asks You to Support Increased
Humanitarian Assistance for South Sudan
The recent outbreak of violent clashes in South Sudan has left tens of thousands of people displaced and hundreds killed or injured. This new crisis, which began on July 8 in Juba, comes as South Sudan is still grappling with one of the worst humanitarian  situations due to the armed conflict.

New clashes have displaced nearly 40,000 people, and many of them have taken shelter at churches and U.N. compounds. Prior to the current fighting, the U.N. reported that South Sudan is experiencing unprecedented levels of food insecurity, and that 1 in 5 people are displaced. To make matters worse, only 40% of the funds required to meet this humanitarian emergency has been met.

Please urge President Obama to increase humanitarian assistance to South Sudan and to work with other donor countries to meet the needed emergency funding requests.

Reading With Rod - Fall 2016
An Exploration of Classics Old and New  
Each month on the first Tuesday, The Rev. Rod Quainton will present the salient points of some classics old and new to be followed by discussion. Attendees do not have to have read the books but might want to attend to decide whether they want to read them. Of course reading in advance is encouraged but not mandatory. All the books are relatively short.
Session 1: Tuesday Evening, Sept. 6, 7-8:30PM in the Lea Room, Church on the Hill
God Has a Dream: A Vision of Hope For Our Time by Desmond Tutu  
One of my favorite books, still relevant 12 years later. Desmond Tutu makes it clear we are God's partner and we matter. He writes "there is no such thing as a totally hopeless case. Our God  is an expert in dealing with chaos, with brokenness, with all the worst that we can imagine." A book of encouragement and hope!
Submit a Current Photo  
Individually or of the Family
We would like to update the database with a current photo. If you have a digital picture that you would like for us to use, please email it to [email protected].

Sponsoring the Altar Flowers is a  
Beautiful Way to Honor Loved Ones
What happens to the flowers after the Sunday services?
The flowers are divided into small arrangements and delivered to members of our parish who are in a time of need, celebrating a birth, and those who cannot attend worship regularly. In other words, the gift of sponsoring Altar Flowers touches individuals, members of our parish, and the community.

Save the Dates
  • August 8: Carol Schell Memorial Service 11AM
  • August 8, 9, 10: Office closed for PNF Vacation Bible School
  • August 28: Summer Baptism - 9:30AM Maple Park Service
  • August 22:  Lawrence "Larry" Howe Memorial Service 11AM
  • September 10: Feed My Starving Children
  • September 11: Welcome Back Sunday
  • September 11: Taizé
  • September 23: Tent Party
  • September 24 & 25: Flyover
  • October 6: 92nd Annual Fall Rummage Sale
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is funda mental to our faith and a ministry of Christ Church. If you are facing illness, a life transition or challenging circumstances, please contact one of our clergy. We are available when you need us for a hospital, home, or office visit. Christ Church has many lay volunteers who are readily available to provide meals and rides as needed. Please reach out to the clergy through the office at (847) 446-2850, or on their cell phones:
Youth & Children's News
Saving Your Grand Receipts Helps
Support Youth Group
The Grand Food Center (Winnetka & Glencoe) has agreed to sponsor our mission trip and you can help!  Save all your receipts and place them in the labeled collection cans in the Prevost Cloister, McClain Room, Youth Ministry credenza, and church office.  The Grand will give us 3% of all money spent at their store (before taxes).  This will be an ongoing endeavor so that we can build a base for scholarships and offset travel costs.  We appreciate your support!
Opportunities to Serve
School Supply Drive for
Grace House through 8/14
Grace House's annual back to school picnic is on Saturday, August 20,1:00 - 3:00PM. The picnic gives the residents an opportunity to present their children and grandchildren with a back pack filled with school supplies. After incarceration many of the women are re-establishing relationships with their families and working to gain custody of their children. There is a drop box at the Church on the Hill and at the Maple Street Park Service where you can make donations.  Or, call Carmen Wilcox for a pick up!  847-471-3501. Too busy? Cash is also greatly appreciated. We will shop for you.

Wish List Includes:
  • crayons
  • highlighters
  • 3 or 5 - subject spiral notebooks
  • 3 ring binders
  • 2 pocket folders to hold homework assignments
  • markers
  • wide ruled notebook paper
  • no. 2 pencils
  • pens
  • small pencil sharpener
  • crayon/pencil keeper
  • glue (8 oz bottles)
  • glue sticks
  • safety scissors
A Just Harvest - Tuesday, August 9
We Need Cooks, Servers & Shoppers
We can always use your help! Please look at the dates and sign up to help here . If you have any questions please contact   Suzie Peregrine or Jenny Smith.
Thank You
If you have items to include in our Weekly News or on the website, please submit them to Rena Kowalski by  Tuesday at noon. Thank you!

Christ Church Episcopal
Worship: Church on the Hill
784 Sheridan Road, Winnetka
Service Times:
Sunday Worship
8:00AM Holy Eucharist
9:30AM Summer Worship at Maple Street Park
Morning Services

Offices & Mailing Address:
470 Maple Street
Winnetka, Illinois 60093

Tel:  (847) 446-2850
Fax: (847) 446-8640

© 2014 Christ Church Winnetka. All Rights Reserved