June 21st, 2016 Forum
Members of the DC MOVES table, thank you for participating in our June forum, held at the Township of Amaranth office. As the DC MOVES planning committee continues to build, expand and cement its role in the mission of enhancing agency collaboration, we will continue to share information and update you on activities.
At the last forum, you were asked 5 questions that stemmed from a series of survey questions asked prior to the forum. The intent of that pre-forum survey was to delve deeper into some of the many challenges and goals of many of our organizations in Dufferin County.
During the first half of the June forum, the focus was on an even "deeper dive". The agenda called for a "speed dating" approach that asked each person in the room 5 questions, giving everyone an opportunity to share their thoughts. Kudos to everyone in the room for participating in this exercise. We know it was loud and we know it was different! We hope the exercise was dynamic and engaging, and you had an opportunity to learn/share firsthand some concerns, challenges and goals of many of your colleagues.
From there, we had broken you into 5 groups in efforts to summarize and "trend" comments that were shared individually. As a follow up to the individual table presentations that took place, we can share that we received over 40 individual responses to each question asked and have had them summarized. The DC MOVES planning committee will be working to investigate the comments even further, making sure your messages are heard. Based on the questions asked and a quick review of the table summaries, what we have found, and can share, is the following (please note that a more detailed review of the comments will be completed and shared with you):
As a collective (DC MOVES Table), what approaches could be undertaken to assist or support agencies to remain sustainable or grow?
- Emphasis on community foundations
- Enhanced information sharing plan
- More shared training and professional development
- Greater access to funding or in-kind supports
- Enhanced volunteer coordination process
- Creation of partnerships with economic and labour development organizations
- Expand DC MOVES table to include more local services
What type of organizational structure supports, or specific human resource supports (i.e. training), does your agency require?
- Enhanced training and development of professional network
- Enhanced agency collaboration
- Enhanced engagement and promotion initiatives
As a collective (DC MOVES Table), what approaches could be taken to better address a higher level of needs of our clients?
- Greater emphasis on understanding diversity and mental health
- Utilize DC MOVES table as the repository of agency information
- Utilize DC MOVES table as an action table to focus on emerging issues
- Utilize DC MOVES to advocate
If a formal Collective Impact Initiative was undertaken by the DC MOVES Table, is DC MOVES the right table to lead such an initiative? If so, why?
- Yes - utilize the multi-sector approach and leaders at the table to move on issues
- Assure commitment is maintained and actions are goal oriented and measureable
- Shared uncertainty due to clarity in goals and objectives
As part of a collaborative, how could your agency make a difference?
- Greater program promotion, staff awareness of other programs and emerging trends
- Accountability for data sharing
- Endorse greater integration opportunities
- Partake in planning tables
- Promote social inclusion
- Emphasis on services in rural areas