Imagine trying to fall asleep at the end of a long day, but the sound of your rumbling stomach keeps you awake as it yearns to be fed. Sadly, many Northwest Ohioians do not have to imagine this, as this is their reality.

The summer months are busy months for our member agencies,
as children are home for the summer and are no longer receiving daily school breakfasts and lunches.  Within our 8 county service area, one in four children overall are hungry, year-round. Food insecurity not only affects a child's short-term health, but can have many long-term health effects as well.

Child hunger  
is a health problem
  • Hungry children are sick more often, and more likely to be hospitalized. 
  • Hungry children suffer growth impairment that precludes them reaching their full physical potential.
  • Hungry children incur developmental impairments that limit their physical, intellectual, and emotional development.
Child hunger 
  is an educational problem
  • Hungry children ages 0-3 years cannot learn as much, as fast, or as well because chronic under nutrition and toxic stress harm their cognitive development during this critical period of rapid brain growth. This actually changes the fundamental neurological architecture of the brain and central nervous system.
  • Hungry children do poorly in school and have lower academic achievement because they are not well prepared for school and cannot concentrate.
  • Hungry children have more social and behavioral problems because they feel unwell, have less energy for complex social interactions, and cannot adapt as effectively to environmental stresses.
Child hunger 
is a workforce and job readiness problem
  • Workers who experienced hunger as children are not as well prepared physically, mentally, emotionally or socially to perform effectively in the contemporary workforce.
  • Workers who experienced hunger as children create a workforce pool that is less competitive, with lower levels of educational and technical skills, and seriously constrained human capital.

As the need for food in the community continues to grow, the time to give is now. For every dollar you donate, the Food Bank can turn that money into four meals. 

Make a difference in the lives of many today; 
feed our children, and feed our future today.  
Stay Connected
1234 Main Street, Awesomeville, MA ยท 555.555.5555