ACTION ALERT: Protect victims/survivors from gun violence!!!

Meet with your Members of Congress during the summer recess!!!

Abusers murder an average of three-to-four women every day in the US.  Their weapons of choice - guns.  Approximately two-thirds of women killed by intimate partners are murdered with guns. Countless more are  terrorized by abusers wielding firearms as a tool of power and control. 

Federal law prohibits abusers convicted of misdemeanor violence against or subject to protective orders by current or former spouses, cohabitants and/or biological co-parents from owning firearms. However,  dating abusers commit one-half of intimate partner homicides, they are not prohibited by federal law from owning firearms. Even abusers who are prohibited from owning firearms can easily  obtain firearms from private sellers who are not required by federal law to conduct background checks. 

Our allies in Congress have introduced several bills to help protect victims/survivors from gun-enabled violence, among them  S.1520/H.R.3130 , a bipartisan bill to close the dating abuse loophole, and  H.R.1217 , a bipartisan bill to expand background checks.

YOUR LEGISLATORS ARE HOME FOR THE SUMMER RECESS! They are holding town hall meetings, fundraisers, and other events. Public venues are the perfect forum to ask your Members of Congress to publicly declare their support for S.1520/H.R.3130 and H.R.1217 (H.R.1217 is for House members only; ask your Senators to support universal background checks)! 

Attend events, call, email, Tweet and post to your Members of Congress's Facebook pages!

Tell them:
  • Approximately 1,000 women are killed annually by male intimate partners; most of them are killed with firearms[i];
  • The presence of a firearm in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500% more likely to be killed by an intimate partner if a firearm is present.[ii] 
  • A majority of intimate partner homicide victims are killed with firearms.[iii]
  • Half of all women killed by intimate partners are killed by dating partners.[iv]
  • A survey by the National Domestic Violence Hotline found that 67% of respondents whose abusers owned firearms believed their abusers were capable of killing them[v];
  • Approximately 40% of firearm sales and transfers are completed without a background check.[vi]
You can find your House member and his/her contact information at and his/her Twitter handle here. You can find your Senators and their contact information at and their Twitter handles here. Local meetings can be found on their events page. Also contact Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan to demand votes on these bills!

Sample phone/email script: Hello, my name is [your name], and I am calling/writing from [your location and/or organization]. I/we support S.1520/H.R.3130 and universal background checks/H.R.1217, because keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers were save lives!
Add your own story, if you have one.

Sample Tweet (House): @[your Representative] Support H.R.3130 and H.R.1217 to keep guns out of the hands of abusers! #DisarmHate #ProtectAllWomen

Sample Tweet (Senate): @[your Senator] Support S.1520 and universal background checks to keep guns out of the hands of abusers! #DisarmHate #ProtectAllWomen

Sample Facebook Post (House): [Your Representative], most domestic violence homicides are committed by abusers with guns, and guns are regularly used as a tool of terror, power and control. Will you commit to supporting H.R.3130 and H.R.1217 to protect the lives of victims and survivors? Add your own story, if you have one.

Sample Facebook Post (House): [Your Representative], most domestic violence homicides are committed by abusers with guns, and guns are regularly used as a tool of terror, power and control. Will you commit to supporting S.1520 and universal background checks to protect the lives of victims and survivors? Add your own story, if you have one.

[i] Violence Policy Center (2015).  When men murder women: An analysis of 2013 homicide data.  Retrieved from
[ii]John Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research (2003).  Firearms and intimate partner violence.  Retrieved from www.jhsph.ed/gunpolicy/IPV_firearms.pdf.
[iii]Bridges, F. S., Tatum, K. M., & Kunselman, J. C. (2008).  Domestic violence statutes and rates of intimate partner  and family homicide: A research note.  Criminal Justice Policy Review, 19(1), 117-130.
[iv]Cooper, A. & Smith, E. L. (2011).  Homicide trends in the United states, 1980-2008.  Retrieved from http://www.bjs. gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf.
[v] National Domestic Violence Hotline (2014).  Firearms and domestic violence.  Retrieved from
[vi]  Masters, Kate (2016).  Just how many people get guns without a background check?  Fast-tracked research is set to provide the answer.  The Trace.  Retrieved from

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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Lynn Brewer-Muse  at 303-839-1852 extension 111 or email at [email protected] .


The vision of NCADV is to create a culture where domestic violence is not tolerated; and where society empowers victims and survivors, and holds abusers accountable.


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