At a moment when a global health crisis and protests in response to police brutality and systemic racism challenge the world, all of us seek answers. Artists and the works they create cannot solve these problems, though they can do much to nurture dialogue and build community. As Smithsonian secretary Dr. Lonnie Bunch recently observed, museums unite all of us. They help us to make sense of the world and to appreciate our differences and our shared humanity. While the exhibitions at the Walker Art Building will remain closed through the summer, the Museum and its hardworking staff remain busy delivering resources and programs online and planning future exhibitions and initiatives. We hope you and your family remain well, and we look forward to crossing paths again soon.
Anne Collins Goodyear & Frank H. Goodyear
Bowdoin College Museum of Art

online offerings
Enjoy a video conversation with the Laura Fecych Sprague and Justin Wolff, co-curators of the exhibition Rufus Porter's Curious World: Art and Invention in America, 1816-1860.
A Conversation on the Earliest Images of the Bowdoin Campus

Join Maine State Historian Earle G. Shettleworth Jr. H'08 for a presentation about the College in the nineteenth century.

Faculty and Student Collaborations
Highlights of the work of classes this past spring semester that made the most of a difficult situation as the College transitioned to remote-learning by partnering with the Museum on exciting digital projects. 
museum news

Behind-the-Scenes Look at There Is a Woman in Every Color
A behind-the-scenes glimpse of the work involved to develop a forthcoming exhibition. 
Object of the Month   

A discussion of Twin Seven Seven's Shapes in the Sky During Rainy Season by Horace Wang, class of 2020. 

To our members,
With the Museum closed until further notice, there will be a delay in processing new and renewed membership cards. We look forward to being in touch in the future. Thank you for your patience.
The support of our members helps realize future exhibitions, public programs, and educational offerings. Membership serves as a special connection to a community of students and faculty, who are actively engaged in the Museum. If you are not already a member, we hope that you will show your support for the Bowdoin College Museum of Art by  joining today  !  
In the News
The Magazine Antiques featured the Museum's digital offerings in a recent article .  

Museum Hours
The Bowdoin College Museum of art is currently closed to the public until further notice.  Enjoy the online collections and digital resources.  

Bowdoin College Museum of Art  |  9400 College Station |  Brunswick, ME 04011  |  207.725.3275       Directions

Banner image: The Schomburg Library, ca. 1946, (detail), blue ink on paper, by Jacob Lawrence. Gift of halley k harrisburg, class of 1990, and Michael Rosenfeld. Bowdoin College Museum of Art.