April 15, 2019
Dear Friends,

Howard County joins those throughout the state in mourning the passing of House Speaker Michael Busch. He dedicated his career in public service to the constituents in his district and to the people of Maryland. Even with the health challenges he faced during the past few years, he continued to work to make our state better.
Those closest to him know the tremendous work he did as the longest-serving Speaker of the House to move Maryland forward on the critical issues of our time, including abolishing the death penalty, promoting marriage equality, raising the minimum wage and improving educational opportunities for all our children.
We are deeply grateful for his leadership and service to the entire state of Maryland. His legacy will forever be remembered. Please keep his wife and daughters in your prayers during this challenging time. #IronMike
This Week in HoCo
2019 Year of the Veteran

2019 has been designated the Year of the Veteran. Celebrating our veterans cannot end this December, we should continue honoring them every year to come. After the fair, I feel immense pride to represent a community that is so dedicated to our veterans. Thank you for your service!
Thank you to  Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services  and  Howard Community College  for your ongoing partnership for the well-being of our veterans.
Art Education Collection at HCLS

Last week was National Libraries Week! Did you know you can now borrow framed artwork from the Central Branch of the  Howard County Library System ? The Art Education Collection is integral to supporting HCLS’ mission of promoting art culture and education for all, while creating greater access and exposure to art within our community. This magnificent piece of art, entitled Strong Men, I borrowed for my conference room. For more information on how you can check out a piece, visit  HCLS' website.
Good Friday Closings

REMINDER: Howard County Government offices, 50+ centers and animal shelter are closed this Friday, April 19 in observance of the Good Friday holiday. Despite Friday’s holiday, the county’s holiday slide schedule will NOT be in effect. There will be regular curbside trash, recycling, food scrap and yard trim collection on the 19 th . For a complete list of what’s open and closed on Good Friday, click HERE .
Congratulations to our Human Rights Awards Recipients!

Congratulations to Frank V. Eastham Jr., Dou Alvin Zhang, MD, PhD and Howard County Voices For Change, recipients of Howard County Human Rights Commission’s 2019 Human Rights Award. This year’s recipients have shown what it means to live by our shared values of compassion and inclusion and are being honored for their commitment to providing education, healthcare and opportunity to everyone. I invite you to join the Commission and myself this Wednesday, April 17 for a ceremony celebrating this year’s award recipients and the 50 th anniversary of our Human Rights Commission. For details regarding the ceremony and to learn more about this year’s award winners, click HERE .
Blossoms of Hope

Beginning with the simple idea of beautifying our community with cherry blossoms has grown even more meaningful to Howard County. Blossoms of Hope - the Howard County Cherry Tree Project has used its pink trees to raise awareness for breast cancer prevention and raise money for those coping with cancer in the community.
Former Maryland State Senator Jim Robey and his wife Janet serve as a reminder that the compassion for others is what makes our community the best place to live. It was an honor to join them in celebrating their commitment and dedication to our community yesterday!
20 Minute Cleanup Program

This past Wednesday, Howard County Government employees and myself stepped outside for 20 minutes as part of the county’s 20 Minute Cleanup initiative. Now in its 10 th year, more than 15,700 people have participated in this county Earth Month event. It’s an awesome way for neighbors, friends, families, coworkers and classmates to come together to help beautify and clean up our community. If you haven’t participated yet, I encourage you to do so today. You’ll be amazed at what a difference just 20 minutes can make. To learn more about the 20 Minute Cleanup, click HERE .
Adult Public Guardianship Review Board

If you have an interest in assisting persons aged 18 and over who are unable to protect their own interests or are at risk of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation, I encourage you to apply today for Howard County’s Adult Public Guardianship Review Board. The Board, which provides impartial oversight of the care and services provided to individuals under public guardianship, is seeking county residents to fill two vacancies. The Board is also responsible for making recommendations to the court as to whether the public guardianship should be continued, modified or terminated. To details on how to apply, click HERE . Deadline is Friday, May 10, 2019.
Financial Literacy Month

For Financial Literacy Month, I want to ensure all my friends are aware of the great services available in Howard County to focus on their financial health. Check out this Money Matters Moment with Roy Yenoli, Financial Education Program Coordinator with  MakingChange.
Legislative Matters
In the County

I recently vetoed CB-11. The bill raised valid concerns about protecting scenic roads. However, we did not have adequate time to analyze the amendments filed on March 28th and the amendments to the amendments, provided at the final vote on April 1. I know we all support transparency and public participation. Therefore, while I support protecting our scenic roads, I cannot support a bill that is unclear and subject to significant interpretation. Read my full letter HERE.
It's improper that we're unfairly taxing our most vulnerable residents. As a Councilman, I worked diligently with then-Councilwoman Jen Terrasa to repeal the Mobile Home Tax. As County Executive, and with support of the County Council, I continued this fight. Today, we signed the bill to repeal this tax and bring relief to so many of our brothers and sisters who reside in our mobile home parks. Thank you to all the County Council members who supported this bill and community activists who advocated for it. We are and will continue looking out for all our residents.
In the State

A week ago, we celebrated the end of the 2019 General Assembly Session and we obtained $3.2 million in state capital funds for Ellicott City towards our ‘Safe and Sound’ Plan. Additionally, HB 428 passed securing a minimum of $8 million spread out over three years to fund the Comprehensive Flood Mitigation Fund that will divert state funds to local areas affected by floods.

Thank you Del. Courtney Watson, Sen. Katie Fry Hester, and the entire Howard County state delegation for their hard work on behalf of Ellicott City and our whole community. This legislation will bring significant state dollars to help flood-damaged areas of Howard County and enhance our ability to manage flooding.

The grant funding could be used for infrastructure repairs, debris removal, and emergency protection work associated with a flood. We can have the best plans to help Ellicott City, but the extra funding from the state helps fast track projects to divert floodwaters from Main Street.
Education News
Go Gators!

I’m always excited to highlight greatness in Howard County schools and this team has a lot to be proud of. Please join me in congratulating  Reservoir High School  boys Varsity Basketball Team for making it to the State Championships! They brought their school its second-ever regional title and advanced to the first state championship in program history.

It’s always an honor for the opportunity to meet and celebrate with them. #GoGators
Departmental News
Department of Community Resources and Services
A new approach to an old-time favorite. Set to debut this fall, the county’s Office on Aging and Independence’s is pleased to introduce "Master Aging: Engage, Educate and Inspire," the county’s new 50+EXPO. This conference-style event will feature seminars, exhibitors and entertainment for the 50+ community, as well as a new location: Howard Community College. To learn more about this event, visit .
Parents, do you have a high school senior set to head off to college this fall? Beware of these two scams circulating around as high school graduations approach and another school year comes to an end. For details on the “student tax” and scholarship scams and what to look out for to prevent yourself from falling victim, check out the Office of Consumer Protection’s “Scam Alerts!” website .
With spring finally in the air and the weather finally turning warm for you to tackle those home improvements you’ve been putting off all winter, the county’s Office of Consumer Protection is warning homeowners to beware of contractors who come to your home unsolicited. Most “traveling” home improvement contractors do not have valid home improvement licenses . Consumers to should wary of any offer that sounds too good to be true and assume that any offer made on a “now or never” basis is fraudulent. For tips on hiring home improvement and home repair/clean-up contractors, and more, check out Consumer Protection’s “Consumer Tips and Helpful Hints” website today.
Department of Housing and Community Development
In case you missed it, the county’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is currently accepting applications for its Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program. The MIHU Program is an inclusionary zoning program that requires developers of new communities to sell approximately 10 to 15 percent of the dwelling units to households of moderate income. MIHUs are sold at affordable prices set by DHCD. As part of this open enrollment period, DHCD will host three MIHU workshops ( April 17 for MIHU renter information and April 18 and April 25 for MIHU homeownership information) to explain the program’s eligibility requirements and the application process. The workshops are free and open to the public; however, registration is required. For more information on the MIHU program or either workshop, contact DHCD’s Housing Opportunities Programs Division at 410-313-6318 and select option two or click HERE .
Department of Planning and Zoning
A five-member board of Howard County residents, DPZ’s Planning Board makes recommendations to the Zoning Board or County Council on matters related to planning and zoning, and renders a final decision on selected development proposals. Before recommendations or decisions are made, the Board holds a public meeting or hearing to provide interested persons the opportunity to provide comment.
This coming Thursday, April 18, DPZ’s Planning Board will be holding a meeting in the George Howard Building’s Banneker Room starting at 7:00 p.m. to hear the following item:

ZRA –187 Paul Goldenberg – For the Planning Board to approve an amendment to Section 131.0.N.1 to require Age-restricted Adult Housing Conditional Uses with densities that exceed the base zoning district to have frontage on and direct access to a collector or arterial road.
To learn more about Howard County’s Planning Board and upcoming meeting dates, click HERE .
Department of Public Works (DPW)
Travel advisory from our friends over at the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA). Starting today, Monday, April 15, CSX Transportation will be temporarily closing MD 97 in both directions at the railroad crossing north of I-70 at the Carroll/Howard County line. Variable message signs, temporary signs and barrels will be in place to guide motorists through a clearly marked detour using Old Frederick Road, Woodbine Road and MD 26. The closure will allow CSX Transportation to improve the rail crossing and ride quality for more than 10,000 motorists that use this section of MD 97 each day. Weather permitting, this project is expected to be completed and roadway reopened by Friday morning, April 20.
While SHA and its transportation partners work hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones, drivers are reminded to stay alert and look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Please slow down and don’t follow too closely when traveling through a work zone. Remember, work zone safety is in your hands.
For questions, contact SHA’s District 7 Office at 301-624-8100 or toll free at 1-800-635-5119.
DPW Construction Report

While there are no new Capital Projects this week, the below maintenance project is set to begin this week. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the April 5, 2019 newsletter .


Amberwoods Ways – A Howard County maintenance project to replace a failed storm drain pipe at 12807 Amberwoods Way is underway. Work will take place along the shoulder of Amberwoods Way and two-way traffic will be maintained throughout the project. Weather permitting, this project is expected to be completed by Monday, April 22.
Past Project Updates – Completion Date Change

Waiting Spring Pond Dam Repair (Capital Project D-1160) – Joint project with the Columbia Association to replace the dam infrastructure and embankment at a pond at the end of Prophecy Place in the Village of Long Reach in Columbia. Originally expected to be completed by early November, weather permitting, this project is now expected to be completed by late April 2019
Ellicott City

Blue River Court Pond Repair (Capital Project D-1159) – Project to repair a storm water management pond with the replacement of the corrugated metal principal spillway system with a concrete spillway barrel and riser. Originally expected to be completed by late October, weather permitting, this project is now expected to be completed by early May.

To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit . Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s website and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects.
Also, be sure to follow the county’s Facebook and Twitter pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s street sweeping schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Department of Public Works - Bureau of Environmental Services

An IMPORTANT message regarding recycling: Many of you have seen news stories and articles about the current challenges we are facing due to changes within the recyclables market. A recent CBS news story featured recycling sorting operators throwing out plastic-bagged material along with other non-recyclable items. As the recycling markets continue to tighten, recycling processors like Waste Management in Elkridge, are under pressure to produce a cleaner contamination-free product for the marketplace.
Moving forward, the Bureau is asking residents to take a minute to evaluate which items you are putting in your recycling cart/bin and how you are preparing them for collection. The desire to recycle as much as possible is strong in Howard County and unfortunately, it leads to “wishcycling.” Please keep in mind that items like straws, food contaminated paper and cardboard, candy wrappers and plastic bags, to name a few, may be recyclable elsewhere but are not acceptable in our curbside collection. Contaminated or improper materials cause problems at recycling processors and downgrades the end product.
Items that are not recyclable should be thrown out in your trash or visit our “Know Before You Throw” website for tips on how to reuse, such as turning a used plastic clamshell fruit container into a seedling planter, and other disposal options for items that cannot be recycled in the County's curbside collection program.
We ask for your support to keep Howard County’s recycling clean and marketable. Also, please do not use plastic bags to bag your recyclables, INSTEAD, place those cans, bottles, paper and cardboard loose in your cart or bin. Keep it loose, lose the bag! To learn more, click HERE and/or for questions, call the Bureau at 410-313-6444.
Despite Howard County Government offices being closed this Friday, April 19 for the Good Friday holiday , the county’s holiday slide schedule will NOT be in effect; there will be regular curbside trash, recycling, yard trim and food scrap collection on Friday. Good Friday is NOT one of the six holidays that affects curbside collection. Those six holidays are: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. To learn more about the county’s holiday slide schedule and for a printable flier to hang up at home as a reminder, click HERE .
You can also “stay in the know” with curbside collection holiday changes, shredding events and trash and recycling news by signing up to receive monthly email and alerts from the Bureau of Environmental Services. To sign up, click HERE .
Department of Recreation & Parks

There are some changes taking place at Belmont Manor & Historic Park. Currently underway is a construction project to widen Belmont Woods Road in Elkridge, which leads to the manor hour and park. The project includes the widening of both shoulders by three feet and drainage work. Once complete, motorists will be able to more easily access this county historic gem. While the roadway will not be closed during construction hours, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., delays can be expected. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by Friday, April 19. For questions or concerns about this project, contact Bob Linz, Superintendent of Construction with the Department of Recreation & Parks at 410-313-4700 or email .
Office of Transportation

It is imperative that every neighborhood has access to reliable and efficient public transportation. To achieve this goal, major service route improvements are coming to Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland (RTA) starting Sunday, May 5. Improvements include: scheduling adjustments to shorten wait times between buses and eliminate two-hour frequencies; all buses will now operate on 30-minute or one-hour intervals; addition of new or expanded service on Sunday routes; adding three new routes to allow for more efficient rides with shorter travel times; and streamlined routes and schedules to make them easier to understand. These changes will make riding RTA more convenient, more reliable and more efficient. To learn more, click HERE .
Upcoming Events and Meetings
April 15 - Howard County Police Department Career Information Session

Interested in a career in law enforcement or Cadet service? Join Howard County Police Department (HCPD) on Monday, April 15 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the County’s James N. Robey Public Safety Training Center in Marriottsville of its next informational session. The session will provide participants with details about the outstanding benefits and opportunities of HCPD service, as well as exercises to help you improve your chances of passing HCPD’s physical abilities test. For questions and/or for more information, call 410-313-HCPD.
April 16 - North Laurel Stream Restoration Project Public Meeting

The Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, April 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the North Laurel Community Center, to present plans for a nearby stream restoration project. DPW’s Bureau of Environmental Services plans to complete a stream restoration project on an unnamed stream, a tributary to the Patuxent River, located in the wooded open space area on the western side of the North Laurel Community Center and Park. Restoration is scheduled to begin in summer/fall 2019. For more information about this meeting, click HERE .
April 17 - MIHU RENTERS Information Workshop

Individuals interested in participating in the MIHU renters program are invited to register to attend this FREE information session on April 17 th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in Room 211 at 9820 Patuxent Woods Drive in Columbia. Attendees will become knowledgeable of program requirements and participating communities. In addition, attendees will learn the importance of credit and how it impacts the renting process.
April 17 - MIHU HOMEOWNERSHIP Information Workshop
Individuals interested in purchasing an MIHU home are encouraged to register for this FREE information session on April 18 th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Room 211 at 9820 Patuxent Woods Drive in Columbia. Attendees will become knowledgeable of program requirements and the application and selection processes. We will address the importance of credit and how it impacts the home buying process.
April 19 - Good Friday Holiday Closings

Howard County Government offices, 50+ centers and the animal shelter will be closed in observance of the Good Friday holiday on Friday, April 19. However, the courts and the Alpha Ridge Landfill will be open and regular trash, recycling, food scrap and yard trim services will be in effect. The County’s holiday slide schedule will NOT be in effect on the 19. For a full list of what’s open and closed this Good Friday, click HERE . As always, our 9-1-1 Center, Police and Fire departments remain staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For emergencies, call 9-1-1; for
non-emergencies, call 410-313-2200.
April 22 - Presentation of County Budget

Howard County Executive Calvin Ball will present his Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Budget to the Howard County Council for review and approval. The meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. on April 22 nd in the Banneker Room of the George Howard Building, 3430 Court House Drive in Ellicott City. The Council will hold a legislative public hearing following the presentation. To learn more, click HERE .
April 25 - MIHU HOMEOWNERSHIP Information Workshop

Individuals interested in purchasing an MIHU home are encouraged to register for this FREE information session on April 18 th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Room 211 at 9820 Patuxent Woods Drive in Columbia. Attendees will become knowledgeable of program requirements and the application and selection processes. We will address the importance of credit and how it impacts the home buying process.
April 27 - Caregiver Support Program Spring Caregiver Conference

Geared towards family caregivers, Howard County’s Office of Aging and Independence’s Caregiver Support program presents its spring caregiver conference to address "Changes in Communication as We Age." Set to take place April 27 th from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Ellicott City 50+ Center, the conference will include breakout session focused on: Vision and Hearing Changes; Behaviors; Mindfulness; Technology Assistance; and Mediation and Conflict Resolution. Admission is FREE (with completed registration) and includes continental breakfast and lunch. To register, click HERE . Free onsite respite care is also available during the conference. To register your loved one for respite, contact Nancy Riley at 410-313-7691 (voice/relay) no later than April 19 th .
April 28 - Money Matters Fair

Stop by the Howard County Money Matters Fair on April 28, 2019, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM at the Columbia Mall (1 st floor outside Lord & Taylor). Local businesses, government agencies, and nonprofits will be on hand to provide consumer counseling, financial planning, and other financial education services free of charge. A wealth of information will be available, along with interactive financial education geared toward people at every stage in life, from children through retirees. Registration not required.
Tweets of the Week