"There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”
- Ephesians 4:4-6
Dear fellow alumni,
Looking at that beautiful aerial photo of our campus reminds me to put things in perspective. It’s a BIG picture! When things seem overwhelming, I need to look up and remember that God is in control, and that He is over all and through all and in all.
Last month, our beloved President Ferry shared that he will be retiring at the end of June. He has faithfully served Concordia for 30 years as our visionary “big picture” leader with an incredibly humble servant heart. Dr. Ferry has reassured us that our focus is on the future and that, “the same Lord who has blessed Concordia and has been our help in ages past is our hope for years to come.”
With that inspiring promise, we confidently step into our future with The One Who is faithful and in control; and together we build each other up as we remain one in The Spirit. We are Concordia – literally, of one heart! ❤
In Christ,
Linda (Schramke) Sproul ‘92
Director of Donor and Alumni Relations
(734) 995-7491
Concordia president to retire; search to begin
Rev. Patrick T. Ferry, PhD, recently announced that he will conclude three decades of distinguished service to Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor this June. The Board of Regents will plan a national search for his successor. Click here to read more.
You know you are a Concordian when ...
Whether you've realized it or not, there are certain things about attending CUAA that make the experience unique. We posted a question on Instagram asking our followers to name ways in which they knew that they are clearly Concordians. The answers started flooding in. To read more, click here.
Valerie Kramer, wife of former CUAA dean passes
Valerie Kramer, longtime CUAA Krieger Society member and wife of Howard Kramer, former dean and beloved professor from 1966-1984, recently passed away. Those who may have known her will remember her tireless spirit of giving through her nursing career. To honor her memory, memorials may be directed to the Howard Kramer Family Honors Scholarship Endowment. To view Valerie's obituary, click here.
Make space for your creative process with Deep Listening
Calling all writers, musicians, photographers, actors, artists, and more! The Kreft Arts Program presents Deep Listening, a residency with Fifth House Ensemble. All members of the CUAA community -- INCLUDING ALUMNI -- are welcome to join in (virtually!) and learn about this process for intentional reflection. Click here to learn more.
For the love
of Earhart Manor
Thanks to all alumni who shared your favorite “Memories of the Manor!” Your comments helped to inspire us to launch an endowment for the historical preservation and upkeep of our beautiful Earhart Manor!
This effort was spearheaded by the Concordia Guild, who has supported and blessed our university since our earliest days back in the 1960s.
Watch the recording of last month’s meeting, featuring special presentations by members of the H.B. Earhart family, Jim & Patty Kennedy,
We have started a feature on our alumni Facebook page called Faith Friday. We want to inspire you and help deepen your faith through this feature. If you do not follow our page, you can do so by clicking here. We would also like to use this space on Fridays for your prayer requests so our alumni community can keep you in their prayers. Please send your requests to the private message box on our Facebook page.
Even after passing, you can impact Concordia University
We want to extend our gratitude to those who have remembered Concordia in their estate plans. You can really make a difference to our students, even after you have passed. We are also grateful for our alumni families who ask for memorials after a loved one's death. THANK YOU to all who gave to the Erwin C. Beyer Scholarship Endowment in honor of former beloved faculty member Marilyn Beyer. All gifts add up to improve the lives and journeys of our students. We are grateful for you. To learn more about making a difference, contact Linda Sproul via email or at (734) 995-7491.
Thoughts from
Campus Pastor Randy Duncan
Each morning during the school year, our campus pastor, Randy Duncan, sends out an email full of inspirational thoughts, concepts to ponder, scripture, and prayer requests. We thought we would share some of his thoughts with you each month for us to contemplate.
Final thought: Most people need love and acceptance a lot more than they need advice.
"A Leader Standing in the Crucible of Life: A Conversation between Milwaukee County Sheriff Earnell Lucas and Concordia University President Patrick Ferry"
October 22