August 2019 | Getting Organized and Staying Organized
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In This Issue
  • Organizing Dorm Rooms: Must-Have Tips From an Insider
  • Closet Space-Maximizing Ideas: For Dorms and Home
  • Organizing Products I Love!
As we near the half way mark of summer, I am getting ready to send my last child to college. I wanted to share some of my favorite dorm tips that you probably won’t find in a book. These tips not only come from years of experience as an organizer, but also from my personal experience as a mom of three (two college graduates and one college bound). 

If you or anyone you know needs help with organizing, I offer a free project consultation. Feel free to call me with any questions you have at 925-698-3756. 

Let's Get Organized!
Organizing Dorm Rooms:
Tips You Won't Find in a Book

1-Pack less clothing than you think you will need.  Your student will be acquiring college logo t-shirts, sweatshirts and knick-knacks, so make sure you have planned room for them. If your student needs more than they originally brought, you can always send it later (BTW, this never happened!)

2-Loft or lift the bed to create more space.  Depending on the bed design and dorm rules, you can raise the bed high enough to put a desk underneath, or to make room for a refrigerator or rolling storage bins. (Find out what your options are before move-in day. You may need to bring your own tools and risers.)

3-Only bring decor and mementos that can be hung on a wall.  The dorm rooms usually only have 1 desk per student and you do not want clutter it. Clutter can be very distracting to the student who is trying to focus on school work. Also, they will need room on their desks for all of their books and supplies.
4-Purchase a small trash can that HAS A LID.  Your student will save themselves a fruit fly infestation from the food they will throw in there. Most likely your student will not realize until at least 4 months of living there that no one will be coming to empty it for them. Wait...WHAT?!
5-Pack a small hand broom and dust pan along with a roll of paper towels, and a bottle of all-purpose cleaner. Again, your student may be confused when they realize that no one will be cleaning their room for them.

Tip for Students: Start Using a Calendar Week 1! Choose a calendar that works for you (electronic or paper) and set aside time at the end of the first week of school to calendar the deadlines and test dates noted on your class syllabuses. Calendaring is one of the most important tools for success in college.
Closet Space-Maximizing Ideas:
For Dorms and Home

Rod Doubler: If you have a child that hangs their clothes, use a rod doubler/extender to double their hanging space. It installs in minutes and hangs from the upper rod.

Stacking Drawers - Add a drawer unit or stacking storage drawers on the floor of the closet for extra storage (socks, underwear, shorts, t-shirts).

Hanging Shoe Organizers - Many will hold a dozen or so shoes. You can hang a shoe organizer from the closet rod or over the door.

Hanging Accessory Organizers - You can purchase accessory organizers in many shapes and sizes that hang from the rod or over the door. These are handy for small items as well as scarves, sunglasses, keys and hats.
Closet Organizing Products
That I Can't Live Without

Here are two perfect space-saving solutions for dorm rooms or home.

4-Tier Swing-Arm Pant Hanger  

This holds 4 (or more pairs if you double up) to make the most of what space you have. You can hang multiple pants in the same space normally occupied by just one. Each of the swiveling arms allows easy access to your clothes. $8.99 from The Container Store.

6-Tier Shirt Tree

Get even more mileage from limited closet space with this hanger! It holds six garments in the space normally occupied by one. $7.99 from The Container Store
Organizing is hard with a plan. It's almost impossible without one.
Jennifer Raftis, CPO ®
Owner, Jennifer Raftis is a Certified Professional Organizer ® and member of the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals. She has earned certifications in both Residential Organizing as well as Workplace Productivity.

Jennifer is also an Independent Representative for The Container Store.
Feeling overwhelmed? Don't know where to start?

Efficiency Matters partners with each of our clients to address their unique needs and help them get organized and stay organized!

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