In today’s world December can be a confusing and often stressful month. While the Earth appears to be turning inward and calling us to do the same, the outer world seems more hectic than ever, filled with so many end-of-year activities, festivities and obligations. While we may feel drawn to spend time at home, dreaming and pondering and simply resting, the world barrels on full speed ahead with parties and shopping and overflowing to-do lists. December can be exhausting!

In order to preserve some semblance of sanity and peace as the year draws to a close, I have learned to pay attention to my inner guidance and to listen closely to what it’s telling me. One thing I have found extremely helpful is to drastically simplify my gift giving, realizing that many of us don’t need more things and focusing on what has meaning for myself and others. There are so many opportunities to share our abundance and our gifts in a meaningful way at this time of year. Finding ways to share our time, our presence, and our compassion, as well as supporting causes financially, can help us find meaning and hope in what can feel like a chaotic world.

We also can give ourselves the gift of time to relax and even to heal from whatever may have drained us over the past year. Make it a point to leave some blank space on your calendar just for you to do something that brings you joy and peace. Give yourself the gift of time as this year winds down.

Redefining how we want to spend this precious last month of 2018 can be life-altering. We all have gifts to share and I encourage you to reach out and share in ways that are affirming and healing to you and to others. Pause now and then to appreciate this magical time when the light returns to the Earth and we join with others in celebrating the gift of being alive at this time. The world needs each one of us!

Wishing you all a most wonderful, joyous and peaceful Holiday Season!

—Ellen Wetzel