It's Not Too Late to Support #GivingTuesday
To ensure that everyone who wishes to give a gift for #GivingTuesday can participate, we're working late to answer your questions and make sure every gift is accounted for. Don't hesitate to call us late into the evening at (419) 798-5396.
“Been a ‘Lakesider’ for 20+ years.. looking forward to starting a family soon and enjoying the courts for years to come!”

"I have fond memories of playing on the basketball court as a child."

"On behalf of our three teen-aged children: Colin, Cameron, and Evelyn. We support the enhancements of the courts.” 

“We printed the plans, noted the donation at the top, and will add it in our children’s Christmas stocking. They are going to LOVE the renovations!”

“We are happy to join in and support the courts. Can’t wait for summer.”
Ways to Give
Your support will make an impact on the lives of Lakesiders for years to come, and we thank you for making a difference.

  • Call (419) 798-5396 to give a gift over the phone.
  • Make an online donation any time today! (Form may run slow, please call)
  • Make a check payable to the ‘Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation,’ Attn: #GivingTuesday, 236 Walnut Ave., Lakeside, Ohio 43440 with ‘Court Project’ in the memo line.
  • Double the impact of your gift through your employer’s matching gift program.
  • Give a gift online in honor or memory of a family member, friend or co-worker. Include an address, and Lakeside will send them a notification of your special gift.