Marianna Brown Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University

February 2020
Dietrich College News
Save the Date: Dietrich College's 50th Anniversary
Join faculty, staff, students and alumni during Carnival Weekend, April 16-18, 2020 for the Dietrich College's 50th anniversary celebration. Look for a registration link in our March newsletter for events, receptions and presentations.
On Humanity: Taking History Off of the Shelf with Edda Fields-Black
Edda Fields-Black   discusses her contemporary symphonic work “ Casop: A Requiem for Rice ,” which tells the story of enslaved laborers on rice plantations in Lowcountry South Carolina and Georgia. She also previews her upcoming book about an often-untold story about Harriet Tubman. The first woman to lead men into battle in a major U.S. military operation, Tubman recruited spies, scouts and pilots who guided 150 African American Union soldiers rescue more than 750 blacks enslaved on rice plantations in the Combahee River Raid during the Civil War.

Western PA Students Tackle Issues of Difference and Diversity
High school and college students participated in CMU's  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Writing Awards  to explore their personal experiences with difference and discrimination through writing. Award-winning entries touched on topics spanning race, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, sexism, sexual harassment, immigration status and neuro and physical disabilities.

Alumni Spo tlight:  Her Pen Is Mighty
Jewell Parker Rhodes (DC 1975, 1976, 1979) recalls a single book that changed her life. A book that she obtained from the Hunt Library, which opened a horizon that she didn’t even know was possible. At CMU, she seized the storytelling mantle from her grandmother and became a scholar in American studies, ethnic studies and creative writing along the way. 

Major Decisions
Upcoming Alumni Events
April 16 to 18, 2020
Carnegie Mellon University

February 6, 2020 at 1:00pm Eastern
Presenter: Lekisha Middleton (HNZ 2006)
Online event, Registration is required

March 7, 2020, 6:30 to 10:30 p.m.
Registration: $55.00
Dietrich College in the News
Class Notes
Find out what's new with Dietrich College students and alumni, including  Jessica Strelitz  (DC 1998),  Peter Rezk Sean Quinn  and Aaron Krutchen   in   Class Notes .

Network with other alumni in the Dietrich College Alumni LinkedIn Group .
Personal Mentions
Read about news and accomplishments from the college's faculty and staff, including  Kasey Creswell Joel Tarr  and  Marcel Just  in  this issue's Personal Mentions .  

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