Working From Home?
Currently employers are faced with serious challenges unique to their sector and situation. Some will be able to retain staff, but others face losses of talented, trained employees. Government supports have been announced, but what can be done to cope with the immediate situation?   Read more here>>
Calling All Auditors
The Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce is seeking a qualified firm that can provide professional audit services for annual financial statement audits for three (3) fiscal years: 2020, 2021 and 2022. Deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm CDT on April 30, 2020.
When the St. James-Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 50 th anniversary Mayor William Norrie proclaimed the week of April 21 – 27, 1980 St. James-Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce week, in recognition of the accomplishments of civic organization. The St. James-Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce was given this Proclamation.

COVID-19 Update: Right now, plans for a community event are still underway for Thursday, June 18, 2020; our official anniversary date. We know that the date may change depending on the situation.
Advertising Opportunity: 90th Anniversary Membership Directory & Business Guide (print)

Last month to book your ad space!
Showcase your business' products and services to the Assiniboia Chamber's 360+ members and to over 4,000 businesses in the Chamber’s district. (Businesses residing west of St. James Street and Route 90, to the north and south perimeters and slightly passed the west perimeter.)

Click on the image to the right for more information.
Healthy Immune System
With everything going on right now in the world, many people are readdressing their personal health and what they can do to improve it. Consider adding Poly C to your daily routine. It is easier on the stomach and can be easily be taken it with Vitamin D . For more information on Poly C and other nutritional products, visit GNG Nutritionals. Click Here>>
Province Announces Moving Manitoba Forward 2020 Budget
Budget 2020 continues moving Manitoba forward and building a brighter future for all Manitobans, Finance Minister Scott Fielding announced today as he presented the provincial budget in the Manitoba legislature.

“In just four years, Manitoba has made tremendous progress on the road to recovery,” said Fielding. “Budget 2020 continues the hard work by focusing on the issues that matter most to Manitobans – by providing better services, protecting our environment, making our communities stronger and safer, making life more affordable, and building a better, brighter and more prosperous future for all Manitobans and their families.”
5 Minutes for Business: A Tale of Two 2050s
Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 5 Minutes for Business
Canada is at a crossroads. Increasingly, debate on our economy, and resource sector in particular, has become polarized around a false trade off: either we pursue effective climate action or we develop our resource sector. Somehow, we have convinced ourselves that we cannot do both. The recent uncertainty on the decision of Frontier Mine drove the point home that our climate policy and resource sector have yet to work together, both in the minds of many Canadians and in public policy. If we continue on this path, we will struggle in the years ahead to not only achieve effective action on climate change, but also to redefine Canada’s economic activity with the resource sector as a thriving economic engine.