Let's Play Bridge!
Tuesday, November 6
Mini lesson at 6:00 pm
Game at 6:30 pm
Last Week's Winners...
Cassie Jackson & Jim Bull
Charmelle Staples & Daniel Heath
Judy Small & Glenn Mitchell
Charles Williams & Gwynne Dilday
Lucile Boyle & Susan Duncan
Judy Sternberg & Linda Mitchell

Birthday Party Saturday is this weekend! (Nov. 10). Bring a favorite food to share, grab a partner and come early to get a good seat and a snack before the 12:30 pm game.

How does one win in team events, especially gold points? Look for flyers at the club, ask questions. There are some good hints/ideas to kick around. There is a regional tournament in Charleston in December. Think about it.

52 FACTS of BRIDGE LIFE (good advice to give your partner) - so says Eddie Kantar
21) When leading a suit partner has bid and you have supported, if you have three or four small cards, lead your highest.

22) If you lead ace from AKx(x) against suit contracts, you should know: (1) The lead of the ace is a trick one convention. (2) After trick one, the king is led. (3) From AK doubleton, everything is reversed.

Come out this Tuesday, November 6 for a
'Bit(e) of Bridge' at 6pm and a fun game at 6:30pm.

Bring a friend!