Photo by Sylvia Margo

Quick News for  
Wednesday, August 29, 2018  

Thank you to Father Rick Dennis
The worship service on Sunday, August 26th was a joyful one with a happy reunion of St. John's parishioners and Father Rick and Connie Dennis.  
The service was also enhanced by the music of our choir and the organ music played by guest organist, Janet Fensterer. Thanks to Father Rick and Janet for making our worship possible in the absence of Father Craig and Jennifer.  
We will be happy to welcome Father Craig and Jennifer back this coming Sunday at our 9:15am service!  St. John's is very blessed to have such wonderful spiritual and musical leadership.
A Day Away on Willsboro Bay  
This past Saturday, Bobbi and Dick Perez hosted a gathering at their home for fifteen immigrants from Nepal who are now living in the Burlington area. The guests had an opportunity to swim and boat as well as to share a meal and time together with the committee from the Adirondack Friends of Refugees who planned the day. It was a heartwarming experience for all who took part.
Community Concerns
Fund Raiser for Matt Looby -- St. John's has been asked to contribute baked goods to be sold at the Whallonsburgh Grange this coming Sunday, September. 2. Baked goods should be taken to the grange by 2pm. Checks may also be sent to Whallonsburg Grange; 1610 NYS Route 22, Essex, NY 12936 with Matt Looby fund on the memo line.   
Everyone is encouraged to attend and take part in the event on Sunday afternoon. The purpose of the fund raiser is to help the family with medical expenses and other costs incurred traveling back and forth to Boston for treatments for a rare and serious heart condition. Matt is the son-in-law of Jim and Shirley LaForest.
Sally Johnson Card Shower -- Sally Johnson is a great friend and involved citizen who contributed greatly over the years to make Essex the village that it is today. She is currently very ill and in the hospital wing at Wake Robin and though she is not up to having visitors, your cards and notes would be so appreciated. Please write to her at Ms. Sally Johnson, Hospital Wing, Wake Robin, Shelburne, VT 05492
Friday Night Supper Club - 6 pm August 31st
This Friday night
the Supper Club will feature  
the cuisine of France!  
These young chefs will be creating a French dessert for the Friday night supper club this week.
Lauren and Louise will be making the dessert so it is going to be magnifique! Please come and bring a beverage or salad to share and bring a friend!
Prayer Retreat Planning Session
 Please join us on Monday, September 17th 10am-12:30 as we plan a community ecumenical Prayer Retreat for November.
Refreshments and lunch are provided.
Planning programs are available in Persell Hall or ask Father Craig, Lyn Barrett or Rose Kaszuba for more information.  
August 20-30 -- Father Craig and Linda Hacker on Vacation
We all wish Father Craig and Linda a restful and peaceful vacation during this last part of August.  During this time, please contact Dick Perez at 518-983-0008 or Carole Harsh at 518-962-8642 with any questions, concerns or pastoral emergencies.  

Photo by Sophie Deel 
Friends of McGill's Mideast ICAN Fellows  
A new class is arriving this month in Montreal, from Jordan, Syria, Israel and Palestine.  
We are in our FINAL preparations for an October tour of Israel, Palestinian and Bedouin villages, Jordan, and a Syrian refugee camp. There is room for a few more attendees! I went on a nearly similar 10-day tour last year. It was exceptional, and heart-warming to see first hand the real progress being made in shared living, at the grassroots, by graduates of the McGill Masters in Social Work program for Mideast students. 
This "friend raiser" tour will begin and end with dinners hosted for the group by the Canadian Ambassadors to Israel and then Jordan.
Please call me for details and to join us! 

John Bingham 
247 Christian Rd. 
Essex, NY 12936 
518 573-7405 (cell) 
518 963-8966 (home)

News From the Vermont Diocese
September 22, Saturday Golf Tournament
There is still time to register for the Alleluia Open Golf Tournament scheduled for the Basin Harbor Club on September 22. See poster for details.  

October 26 and 27, Friday and Saturday Vermont Convention
The Vermont Convention will take place at the Burlington Hilton Hotel on October 26 and 27. To register, please go to the website of the Vermont diocese: or speak with Father Craig or Carole Harsh. We would like to have a good representation from St. John's. For more information see the poster below.
Please see other posters in Persell Hall concerning the following events at the Vermont Diocese:
Storyteller Donald Davis
St. Paul's Cathedral Arts Programs
Wisdom Practice Circles

Prayers of the People  
We pray for those within our community known only to you who are challenged by a serious illness. And for Matt Looby; Dave Martin; Rob Close; Ed; Jill; Vivian; Judith Moore; Dottie Hall Swinehart; Helene Gray; and others known to us....
We commend to your mercy all who have died, still hoping that our country can honor and emulate the principled legacy of Senator John McCain, and for others we now name.

Holy Day - Augustine, Bishop of Hippo - August 28  
St. Augustine , perhaps the greatest theologian in the history of Western Christianity, was born in 354 at Tasgate in North Africa. Under the influence of his mother, Monica, he became a Christian in 386. He later became the bishop of Hippo. Shortly before the turn of the century he wrote his spiritual autobiography, The Confessions of St. Augustine ,a classic of Western spirituality. Augustine is famous for refuting the Manichaean dualistic philosophy. He affirmed that all creation is essentially good, having been created by God. In 410 Augustine wrote his greatest work, The City of God . He died on August 28, 420 as the Vandals were besieging his own earthly city of Hippo. 
Let us pray: Lord God, the light of the minds that know you, the life of the souls that love you, and the strength of the hearts that serve you: Help us, following the example of your servant, Augustine of Hippo, so to know you that we may truly love you, and so to love you that we may fully serve you, whom to serve is perfect freedom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Psalm: 87
Lessons:  Hebrews 12: 22-24, 28-29
John 14: 6-15

Here are the ways you can reach Father Craig:
Church Phone: 518 - 963 - 7775
Rectory Phone: 518 - 963 - 4657 
Cell Phone: 207 - 595 - 2697 
If you are unable to reach him at the Church, please call the Rectory and speak with someone there or leave a message.   
And please note, the Rectory is always open for emergencies.
Photo by Julie Garcia
We look forward to seeing you  
in church at 9:15 a.m.  
this Sunday, September 2nd