When & Where

Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Hills Bank and Trust Company
590 W Forevergreen Rd, North Liberty, IA 52317
8:00 AM  - 5:00 PM


Tara Horesowsky 
Hills Bank and Trust Company 

Financial Management for 

the Closely Held Business 

Back by popular demand! Learn how to proactively control the finances of your company through business tested financial management techniques and maximize profits through more informed decision-making. 

Why You Should Attend

Businesses face tough challenges and unique opportunities. The financial success or failure of a business lies in its owner's ability to manage through the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities.

Mike Milan, Senior Vice President of Business Development at Finagraph, presents this one-day seminar in simple, clear language and shares what financial management is and why it can greatly improve your profitability. We guarantee that you will walk away with tangible tools that you can put to use immediately in your own company.

Seminar Outline

Various topics will be discussed including: business owner transition, when companies hit the wall, analysis of financial statements, ratio analysis, financial impact, financial cause and effect, projected income statement, understanding cash flow, redicting financial needs, sustainable growth rate, asset financing, structuring debt, valuation methods, increasing transferable value, preparing for sale and much more!


Classes are limited to 40 participants to allow for individual attention and discussion of specific cases.

Seminar Fee - Money Back Guarantee

The seminar fee for this program is $100.00 per person. This fee includes text, workbook, seminar materials, continental breakfast and lunch. If you feel you did not receive value from the seminar, we will refund your seminar fee.

Tax Deduction & Education Credits

All expenses for continuing education (including registration fees, travel and other related expenses) undertaken to maintain and improve professional skills are tax deductible. This seminar is eligible for 8 hours of continuing education credits.