Manitobans are Going to the Polls Early
Premier Brian Pallister announced that the provincial election will take place on Tuesday, September 10, 2019. To view full press release Click Here.

Stay tuned ... the Assiniboia Chamber will be hosting two provincial election forums at the end of August. Details are being finalized.
July 1, 2019 was Tax Decrease Day in Manitoba
As announced during the 2019 Manitoba Budget, Scott Fielding, the Honourable Minister of Finance announced that the provincial sales tax (PST) will decrease from 8% to 7%; effective July 1, 2019. For highlights of the 2019 Budget c li ck here .
Vote Prosperity
With parties beginning to announce their priorities ahead of the federal election, it is imperative that the voice of Canadian business is heard! To learn what we are advocating, visit our election platform, Vote Prosperity .

Stay tuned for an announcement from the Assiniboia Chamber regarding a Federal Election Forum luncheon event that we will be hosting jointly with the Headingley Chamber of Commerce.
Canadian Chamber News: Lessons in Reconciliation
(source: Canadian Chamber of Commerce ; the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce is a proud member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce)

We sat down with business and Indigenous leaders in Saskatoon to hear what they had to say regarding reconciliation and what it means to their communities and businesses. Click here to read what we heard in Saskatoon.

This is the first in a three-part series, our second roundtable discussion was held in Thunder Bay earlier this week and the publication will follow in July. Watch the below videos to see examples of how Canadian businesses are playing their part in reconciliation!
Vision 2015: Aerospace Industries Association of Canada Releases Its Report
(source: Manitoba Chambers of Commerce ; t he Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce is a proud member of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce)

On June 17, 2019 at the Paris Air Show, former Deputy Prime Minister and Quebec Premier Jean Charest unveiled Aerospace Industries Association of Canada's (AIAC) V ision 2025 report: Charting a New Course for the Future

While tremendous growth is predicted for the global industry over the next 20 years, global competition has increased, and Canada is at risk of losing its share of this growth to aerospace industries in countries with high levels of government support, planning, and investment. The report recommends concrete steps for the Canadian government and aerospace industry partners to ensure our leadership in an increasingly fierce competitive global economy.

As part of AIAC's industry-led initiative Vision 2025, Mr. Charest hosted open dialogues and engagement sessions in Ottawa, Halifax, Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg. Click here to read about this special luncheon that the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce is pleased to host in January 2020.
Canadian Chamber Concerned About Advisory council’s recommended approach to national pharmacare
(source: Canadian Chamber of Commerce ; the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce is a proud member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce)

Dr. Trevin Stratton, Chief Economist of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, issued the following statement today in response to the Final Report of the Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare.

“The Canadian Chamber is concerned about the advisory council’s recommendation that the federal government establish a single-payer system of prescription drug coverage in Canada. Canadians want governments to provide coverage to those who needs it – the uninsured and underinsured – not those who already have coverage. Click here to read the full article.
Getting to know our members!!

We want a chance to get to know you, your business, and
how we can better help your business!
If you are interested in a member visit, please  complete our member satisfaction survey , and we will schedule some time to stop by to learn more about YOU!
Our Chamber³ Coordinators, Matt and Alyssa, visited over a dozen member businesses in June! They’ve met West Winnipeg business owners in a variety of industries, including accountants and hotels.
Meeting face-to-face with our Chamber members helps us improve our current services and create better initiatives to assist your business and our community.
Thank you to the following Chamber members for their hospitality and kindness as you welcomed us at your location:

5361932 MB Ltd.
Community Spirit
The Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce team was thrilled to volunteer with Turning Leaf Services at the Turning Leaf Games on June 26. The Turning Leaf Games is an event that hosts track and field events for those with mental and physical disabilities. The Chamber team helped with running the 100-metre dash, long jump, and discus for the enthusiastic athletes. Volunteering at the games was a unique opportunity to get involved as a team to provide a positive experience for those dealing with disabilities and this day was evident that despite their differences, all of the participants demonstrated their athletic skills and great attitudes.

The Turning Leaf Games present an incredible opportunity for your business to get involved in the community at the beginning of July each year. Giving back to your community is a great way to build relationships with other businesses and is a great team building exercise for your staff. As well, Turning Leaf is a non-profit that does amazing work in our community to help those in need rebuild their lives and get back on their feet.

The Chamber was extremely grateful to have the chance to volunteer with the Turning Leaf Games and we are excited to be working with Turning Leaf going forward!
Canada's Trade Accelerator Program
October 29 & 30 | November 7 | December 12

A 4-day innovative program over 2 months that gives SMEs training, resources, and an expert-validated Export Plan.

Join Us on September 9th for the Inaugural Golf for Literacy Texas Scramble

More than 100 business leaders will gather for golf and comradery to celebrate and support literacy in West Winnipeg on Monday, September 9, 2019 at the Breezy Bend Golf & Country Club . On behalf of the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary Club of Winnipeg-Assiniboine and the Rotary Club of Winnipeg-Charleswood, we would like to invite you to participate and/or sponsor this golf event. 

Chamber Member Spotlight:
Summer Holiday Time

If your are hosting relatives or family members over the summer holidays and require extra space, look to our Hospitality members for that extra space or a day around a pool or spa.
The Chamber wishes all members, their families and friends a Happy Canada Day. If you are have a celebration, please send the chamber a picture or two of your event. We will feature them through out the month of July on our social media pages. Please have wonderful and safe celebrations.