This week we are featuring

Hungers Prevention:
Or, The Whole Art of Fowling
by Water and Land
Markham, Gervase. Containing all the Secrets belonging to that Art, and brought into a true Forme or Method, by which the most Ignorant may know how to take any king of Fowle, either by Land or Water. Also, exceeding neccessary and profitable for all such as travell by Sea, and come into uninhabited places: Especially, all those that have any thing to doe with New Plantations. London: Francis Grove for Martha Harrison, 1655. Second Edition. [xvi] including the woodcut frontispiece 285 [1] pages. 14 x 9 cm. Profusely illustrated with charming woodcuts, this rare and pragmatic seventeenth century English treatise deals with every aspect of fowling and Falconry while including, in the title, a nod to the Americas and the need for a work devoted to self-sufficiency - (the first dedication mentions 'the blessed Plantation of Virginia'). Markham explores the various methods of bird-catching, including descriptions and illustrations of the use of nets, springs, decoys, guns, and hounds; with the training and grooming of hounds and 'water doggs'. Baiting with 'Beafe, Mutton, Veale, or any other kinde of Fleshe', along with Nux Vomica (Homeopathic preparation) is used in taking Land-Fowl. Bird calling is described while some of the fowl mentioned are Pheasants, Ravens, Partridges, Crows, Sparrows, Gray-Plover, Robins, Starlings, and Linnets. Chapter twelve is entirely devoted to Hawking. An unsophisticated contemporary binding that has stood the test of time as this would have been used in the field and most commonly found heavily restored or in modern bindings. Later spine label lettered 'Fowling', contemporary annotation, possible shelf mark, to title-page, slightly rubbed with some worm damage and rubbing to boards. Both pastedowns sprung but still present, with with early ownership inscription of 'J. Cooke Gaiborough' to the verso of the upper board. Contemporary sheep. Very good. Hardcover.

Trattato della Lodi et della
Coltivazione de gl'Ulivi.
Vettori, Pietro. Florence: Appresso i Giunti, 1569. First Edition. 89 pages. blank, [8] (last leaf blank except for printer's ornament on verso), 89, [4]. Woodcut printer's device on title page, large woodcut historiated initials. Important early discourse on the cultivation and preparation of olives with the discussion of their natural history, the olive's role in food and rural economy, the various regional varieties grown in Italy, Greece and Algeria, and the culture of the harvest. Also included are methods of preserving and preparation for consumption of both the flesh and the oil of the fruit. Pietro Vettori (1499-1585) hailed from Florence where he worked as the major editor at Giunti Press both in Florence and Venice. Best known for his prodigious editing and translating of Greek and Latin. Crisp, clean copy. All edges red. Old half vellum and marbled paper covered boards (c. 1800). Very good. Hardcover.

Women's Strike
Demonstration August 26
August 26 Strike Committee. New York: August 26 Strike Committee, 1970. 27.5 x 21 cm. Leaflet printed for the New York demonstration marking the 50th anniversary of the passage of woman suffrage - the Women's Strike for Equality March , led by the National Organization for Women (NOW), calling for new rights: free childcare, equal opportunities in education and employment, no forced sterilization, and a right to free abortion. The strike was called for by Betty Friedan, the Queens-based author of The Feminine Mystique and the first president of NOW. Friedan urged work stoppages for "everyone who is doing a job for which a man would be paid more," as well as women whose labor at home was unpaid. Sponsors included Rep. Shirley Chisholm, Robin Morgan, Kate Millett, Helen Southard (YWCA), Beulah Sanders (National Welfare Rights Organization), New York Radical Feminists, National Organization for Women, and Columbia Women's Liberation. Lower portion designed to be removed - for contribution and support. Printed on one side only, creased else good condition. White paper, black printing. Very good. Loose_leaf.
Why Women Complain
August 26 Strike Committee. Women's Strike Demonstration August 26. New York: August 26 Strike Committee, 1970. 27.5 x 21 cm. Leaflet printed for the New York demonstration marking the 50th anniversary of the passage of woman suffrage - the Women's Strike for Equality March , led by the National Organization for Women (NOW), calling for new rights: free childcare, equal opportunities in education and employment, no forced sterilization, and a right to free abortion. The strike was called for by Betty Friedan, the Queens-based author of The Feminine Mystique and the first president of NOW. Friedan urged work stoppages for "everyone who is doing a job for which a man would be paid more," as well as women whose labor at home was unpaid. Illustrated with graphs showing pay inequality between women and men. Lower portion designed to be removed. Printed on one side only, slightly browned in one margin, done using a copier at the time and done slightly off center, ink residue from the copier on the verso. White paper, black printing. Very good. Loose_leaf.

1914 - 1919 Deptford Red Cross
Warcup, Kate Parry. Cotton Commemorative Embroidered Tablecloth. Deptford, England, 1920. 810 x 895 mm. A charming, hand crafted, W.W.I. souvenir made by Kate Parry Warcup (1867-1937). With over 200 signatures honoring her fellow VAD (Voluntary Aid Detachment 1909-1918) members from the South East London community of Deptford, who, we presume, either volunteered for, or were associated with the Red Cross between 1914-1919. The tablecloth has the embroidered signature - "A Wartime Souvenir, from Kate D. Warcup, June, 1920". A logical theory of how this memento was made - most likely, signatures were gathered and first made in pencil with Kate later hand stitching each name with precision. Notably, the central signatures are of the Mayor and Mayoress of Deptford at the time, 'W.A. Wayland', and 'Chas Wm Bowerman M.P.P.C.' Charles William Bowerman (1851-1947) was a life-long trade unionist and politician; the Labour MP for Deptford from 1906 to 1931. A remarkable, one of a kind item, in excellent condition. Some light spotting to a few areas, otherwise beautifully preserved. Cotton embroidered table cloth, hand stitched. Near fine. Cloth.

Mittens with Rifle Finger
The American Red Cross. (U.S. Army). Washington DC: The American Red Cross, July, 1943. 28 x 20 cm. Official Red Cross, two-sided typed knitting instructions. Call it "Knitting for Victory" - The question asked during World War II was "What can I do to help the war effort?" The answer: Knit. Knitting gave people, particularly women, a way to help. Like other material in short supply during the war, wool was scarce. This instructional pattern notes: "DO NOT START ANOTHER PAIR OF MITTENS WITH LEFT-OVER YARN. PLEASE RETURN ALL UNUSED YARN TO CHAPTER". Illustrated on verso. Fold lines, light foxing, with neat repairs to lower corners. White paper with red cross symbol, typeset. Good. Loose_leaf.

The Snoddy Hog Treatment
Snoddy, Dr. D.C. Co. For Hogs Only. Nashville, TN: Snoddy, Dr. D.C. Co., c. 1915. 15 x 9 cm. Folding pamphlet. Apparently Dr. Snoddy discovered and manufactured the treatment for hogs that prevented disease, cured worms, and generally made life better for all those who used his concoction. Unfortunately, it appears the government caught up to him in the early 1920's and sued him for "Adulteration and misbranding". An amusing look at early 20th century fraud on the farm. Paper toned with crease in the middle portion. Cream illustrated paper. Good. Loose_leaf.

Children's Educational Posters
National Child Welfare Association Inc. Nursery Rhymes for Healthy Habits. New York: National Child Welfare Association Inc.. Five - 38 x 28 cm. color illustrated posters. 1921-22. These five posters (No. 3,4,6,10 & 12) are part of a series by the National Child Welfare Association created to educate both children and adults about the importance of healthy habits and exercise. The focus on child welfare was part of the Progressivism effort to address social problems and strengthen the moral fiber of Americans using the new scientific principles recently discovered. A unified concept and plan to cope with the varying state laws governing child welfare such as working conditions, education, nutrition, and neglect were the driving forces behind these associations. The posters use known nursery rhymes to engage the audience along with cheerful graphics. Included rhymes: Little Boy Blue, Jack be Nimble, Jack and Jill, Little Bo-Peep, and Señorita Carmencita. Illustrations by Fanny L. Warren. Color illustrated card stock. Very good. Poster.

Children's Educational Posters
National Child Welfare Association Inc. Healthy Habits. New York: National Child Welfare Association Inc., 1923. Three - 38 x 28 cm. color illustrated posters. These three posters (No. 1,2 & 5) are part of a series by the National Child Welfare Association created to educate both children and adults about the importance of healthy eating habits. The focus on child welfare was part of the Progressivism effort to address social problems and strengthen the moral fiber of Americans using the new scientific principles recently discovered. A unified concept and plan to cope with the varying state laws governing child welfare such as working conditions, education, nutrition, and neglect were the driving forces behind these associations. Posters focus on colors associated with fruits and vegetables accompanied by rhymes. Illustrations by Fanny L. Warren. Color illustrated card stock. Very good. Poster.

7 and 9 Mott Street. New York, 1943. (8 pages) 25 x 16 cm. Handsome Chinese menu featuring both Americanized dishes and traditional Cantonese fare. Port Arthur opened in 1897 and operated until 1974. One of the earliest Chinatown eateries, this elegantly appointed restaurant was noted to have a lavish entrance featuring an ornate pagoda-style awning and balcony, teakwood furniture, windscreens, Chinese lanterns and a baby grand piano. Located on the 2nd and 3rd floor of 7-9 Mott street, Port Arthur utilized the 2nd floor for the general public while the 3rd floor was a labyrinth of dining rooms dedicated to private banquets. Menu highlights both a la carte dishes, family dinners, Table d'hôte Dinners, American Dinners, and De Luxe Chinese Dinner. Covers lightly stained with closed tear to head of spine. Interior clean, lightly toned. Color illustrated wraps. Very good. Staplebound.


The Man That Waters
the Workers' Beer
Ryan, Paddy (Words) & Alfred Roberts (Arranged). London: The Workers' Music Association, 1939. 31 x 24 cm. A chipper tune, from the viewpoint of THE MAN (or capitalist if you prefer). 
I am the man, the very fat man,
That waters the workers' beer
I am the man, the very fat man,
That waters the workers' beer
And what do I care if it makes them ill,
If it makes them terribly queer
I've a car, a yacht, and an aeroplane,
And I waters the workers' beer...
On March 1, 1936, the Workers' Music Association was set up by leading composer and radical, Alan Bush, at the Whitechapel Art Gallery. The WMA has been singing and playing music for peace and workers' rights for over 80 years. Some edge wear, with horizontal creasing, small closed tear to rear fold. Cream illustrated paper. Good. [2190] $125.00
*interior design (julia child), a manuscript,
and a cookbook*
Julia's Kitchen - A Design Anatomy
Design Quarterly 104

Stumpf, Bill & Nicholas Polites - with photography in Julia Child's kitchen by Dick Swift . Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 1977. First Edition. 28 x 22 cm. 39 pages, full page business reply, and poster. This was a first in a series of design anatomies; an environmental design study analyzing the tools and working methods of a profession. Bill Stumpf, an industrial designer and inventor of the highly popular Aeron ergonomic office chair, studied Julia's work space along with Nicholas Polites and Jean Beirise and assembled this extraordinary analysis of one of the most iconic kitchens in America. In fact, in 2001, Julia donated the kitchen to the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History - so if you would like to see this in person, go to Washington DC. This issue begins with a look at the American kitchen throughout history and then proceeds to illustrate, through black and white photos and text, the ingenious design Julia and her husband Paul created in their Cambridge, Massachusetts home. Laid in is an oversized, double-sided poster illustrating the kitchen layout on one side and spectacular black and white photos on the other. Magazine lightly rubbed with two pen marks not affecting text, otherwise clean. Poster in good shape, folded. Glossy color illustrated wraps. Very good, with poster, very good. Staplebound.

French Dishes for
 English Tables
de Pratz, Claire. London: Sands & Company, c. 1905. 189 pages. 19 x 13 cm. Born Zoé Clara Solange Cadiot, Claire de Pratz attended Queen's College and Sorbonne before becoming a writer and journalist. This cookbook, which was written later in her career, represented her ability to posses the two points of view - English and French - simultaneously; being both an insider and outsider. A lovely book filled with simple but elegant recipes. Brentano's Paris book label on inside back cover. Cover lightly rubbed, interior clean. Red illustrated boards. Very good. Hardcover.

Medicinal, Dyes, and Diary
Columbia County, NY , 1878. Unpaginated (22 pages). 12 x 8 cm. Styled in the dos-à-dos fashion, this charming pocket booklet from East Chatham, NY, brings together recipes, remedies, and a simple diary. Recipes include blue, yellow, and black dyes; hard soap; remedies for cough medicine; Cholera medicine utilizing rhubarb tincture, opium, camphor, peppermint, and capsicum. The dairy begins March 1st, 1878 and discusses tapping maple trees, boiling sap, splitting wood, and going to church in both the East Chatham community and Flatbrook community. Handwriting differs between recipes and diary. Two small newspaper recipes glued in. Scattered foxing and spotting, some wear to the exterior. Leather covered paper wraps, blue lined paper. Very good. Sewn binding.

*and ONE picture book*
Above and Below Stairs
Goodall, John S. London: Macmillan, 1983. 14.5 x 21.5 cm. An ingenious book capturing, in illustrations, life above and below stairs (remember 'Upstairs, Downstairs') from the Middle Ages to Contemporary times. With the aid of the 'half-page' Goodall contrasts the life of the lords and gentry with that of their servants indoors and out; fashioning for the audience a colorful and witty tableau of English life. Dust wrapper price-clipped but clean. Interior crisp. Red boards. Near fine, in near fine dust wrapper. Hardcover.
