Pickering FC
Weekly Update
January 22, 2021
Let’s talk!

Thursday January 28th will mark this years Bell Let’s Talk Day. Of course, this is just one day in the year and globally over 800,000 people die every year from suicide, that’s 1 person losing their life every 40 seconds. Further analysis shows that men are twice as likely to commit suicide and that rates of suicide are higher in areas of social deprivation. Suicide does not discriminate.   

As a community club our strength comes from the wonderful and diverse fabric of our membership. This may be as individuals (player, coach, referee, parent, supporter etc.) or in the form of groups (teams, match officials, staff, board, parents etc.) There are many ways that we connect with those around us and we’re encouraging our membership to find strength in numbers by reaching out if you need to talk.

Since March 13th, 2020 our virtual sessions for players AND coaches have become an important point of contact, a chance to check-in, to learn and to have some fun. Now more than ever these programs are really important so our players and coaches will keep connecting. To our parent group we encourage you to do the same. As always, the Bell Let’s Talk website has some fantastic resources and we encourage you to take a look. 

Additionally, the Sport Information Resource Centre (www.sirc.ca) based in Ottawa has some fantastic sport specific resources. Two of their most recent articles about mental health can be found here:

On a positive note, we strongly encourage everyone to connect with us through social media and hear about the good news stories coming from the Club. We’ve been busier than ever in this department and we’d love for you to like and share our stories. Tell your friends, neighbours and co-workers about the great things happening at Pickering FC!

Competitive and High-Performance programs continue training on our virtual platform through to the end of the State of Emergency. By then we hope to have a better picture of the coming weeks.  Any missed field sessions will be made up during the break between Indoor and Outdoor (usually April to mid May). We calculated a pro-rated amount per week for every level of play and that will be assessed in late April. At that point we will know exactly how much of our program has not been delivered and this will be refunded to the payee’s credit card.

Recreational programs including Indoor Rec (U3-U18), Women’s Rec are also in a holding pattern until we can safely return to the dome for games.   

All Abilities program continues their virtual training platform led by Coach T and Coach Zain. Anyone wanting to join the FREE virtual training can contact Tammy at allabilities@pickeringfc.ca

As we learn more you will be communicated to directly via email (program specific information) or through this Weekly Email and social media (general information).  
Please Complete and Share the Survey as soon and as much as possible
It is open to everyone regardless of location!
Opinions Needed
You have a unique opportunity to influence Ontario thinking on Business & Community Access for Service & Support Animals
Unique Opportunity
The Service & Support Animal Initiative (SSAI) has been charged with pooling stakeholder input on the challenges and barriers experienced with service and support animals in the community. Challenges continue to grow as more and more owners are accessing the community with their animals. As part of the broader community, we’d love to get your thoughts and would appreciate if you fill out our survey.
PFC Digital Rewards
PFC All Abilities
We would like to invite members of our All Abilities Community to join Virtual Yoga for All Abilities with Robynn at Imagine Wellness and Yoga. This FREE virtual session runs every Wednesday evening from 7:00 - 8:00 pm and is available for our All Abilities athletes, families, volunteers, coaches and staff. For more information or to register, please contact Tammy at allabilities@pickeringfc.ca
We Need Your Help and You Could WIN PRIZES!!!!!!!
Coach T and Tammy need your help! As you know - if you read our latest All Abilities Update, Coach T and Tammy are going to be launching a Virtual Speakers Series next month. We will be interviewing Canadian Amateur Sport Athletes about their life & sport experiences. The problem we are facing is that we cannot come up with a name. So, we decided to launch a contest!
Do you have any suggestions??? We started with the T & T Show (thanks to Coach Sarah) but we were wondering if anyone had any other ideas. Please send your ideas for cool program names to allabilities@pickeringfc.ca by January 31st. Winner will be announced on February 5th.

The person who submits the winning name will win:
1 - $50.00 National Sport Gift Card ( don't forget to donate to Jumpstart when you make a purchase at National Sport!)

1 - Adidas MLS Official Match Nativo XXV Soccer Ball, Size 5 (Value $200.00, donated by Coach T)

and the pride behind naming our upcoming Speaker Series

Good Luck!!
Governance and Operations
You will recall the Club had started planning for our first ever virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 18th. Unfortunately, the Club has been overly stretched as a result of the pandemic and preparing the audit in a timely manner has put undue stress on our Club staff and on our auditors.  As a result, the PFC Board approved a postponement of the AGM and the presentation of our audited financials until early 2021. This gives everyone a little more time to consider our positions up for election and to think about how you might want to volunteer. Club Secretary, Roz Lavoie is managing this area and can be contacted at secretary@pickeringfc.ca for more information. Board positions up for election:  

President - 2 year term and nominee must be a current Board member 
Treasurer - 1 year term and should possess accounting knowledge & experience 
Secretary - 2 year term 
Director at Large - Full Field Recreational Soccer - 2 year term 
Director at Large - Boys' Competitive Soccer - 2 year term 
Director at Large - Girls' Competitive Soccer - 1 year term 
Director at Large - Special Projects - 2 year term
Our website will continue to be the ‘go to’ place for all the information you need on program structure, costs and schedules. Compare us to others and you’ll see that professionalism, transparency and quality are important to us - after all this is YOUR Club!