InfoSec Webinar: Practices
& Trends in Agile Enterprises

Information Security is hugely important to Enterprise IT Quality, but every year there are massive security breaches.

In this webinar on Tuesday, September 17, at 3-4 pm PDT, you’ll learn how to bring quality standards to security.

A panel of security experts includes John Cvetko, Dima Itkas, and Brian Myers, with Ying Ki Kwong moderating.
Managers: Work Smarter
by Investing in Your Team
Economists are predicting a coming recession — which often means lower budgets — and with that, a hiring freeze. Or, worse, reducing staff size.

Here are some things to consider while the economy is still working in your favor, to reduce the toll on your company and team.

It's Not Too Late for Early Bird Savings
Come to PNSQC this fall, Oct 14-16, to see what everyone's talking about.

The conference offers 2 days of technical talks, plus a third day of deeper diving hands-on workshops.

Early Bird pricing ends September 20. Plus, groups of 4 or more get further group discount rates.
I’m convinced it’s the volunteer mindset that makes PNSQC so successful. It can’t be replicated — it’s a singularity of an event. The challenge for me was what presentation do I have to cut from my schedule — there’s so much that I have to prioritize what I go to.”